Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Is this man right in the head?
no, he is an idiot.
after brexit, the NI border becomes the EU and UK external border.
It needs policing on top of customs posts.

No different in principle to this border post.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I mean the Commission cannot for example rescind their previous directives and various other regulations and targets to reduce the level of integration.
I give you the example of FOM. Reforms of the FOM system are possible but very difficult. For example: members cannot repatriate unsuccessful job seekers, even if the latter turn to illegal street begging or petty crimes.
Not true!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Not true!
yes, it is true. Their lawyer was on BBC1 explaining this point.
We cannot send them back because they have not found work after 6 months.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Perhaps someone should read the EU regulations that clearly state we can and other states do!
yes, it is true. Their lawyer was on BBC1 explaining this point.
We cannot send them back because they have not found work after 6 months.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
You might easily imagine that Mr Soros is hedging his bets!:confused:

he said up to 5 years to reverse brexit.

Demography supports this view.
roughly 600,000 die a year, most are leavers.
roughly 600,000 new young voters a year, most are remainers.
on 72% turnout, 2 out of 3 old voters voted for brexit, 2 out of 3 young voters voted remain, every year you have 600,000 * 72% * 0.67 = 290,000 fewer brexit votes and 290,000 more remain votes.
If a second refenrendum is called in 5 year time, there would be around 15.5 millions brexiters and 18.5 millions remainers, the ratio will be 55/45 for remain.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2012
he said up to 5 years to reverse brexit.

Demography supports this view.
roughly 600,000 die a year, most are leavers.
roughly 600,000 new young voters a year, most are remainers.
on 72% turnout, 2 out of 3 old voters voted for brexit, 2 out of 3 young voters voted remain, every year you have 600,000 * 72% * 0.67 = 290,000 fewer brexit votes and 290,000 more remain votes.
If a second refenrendum is called in 5 year time, there would be around 15.5 millions brexiters and 18.5 millions remainers, the ratio will be 55/45 for remain.
And if my Grandma had a set of testicles she would have been my Grandad.
The truth is nobody knows how people would vote.
What if Jeremy gets in and tells all the young voters to back leave ?
What if Italy have already left ?
What if my Grandma grows a pair.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
The truth is nobody knows how people would vote.
that's the point though.
I would only support a second referendum if polls after polls confirm that at least 55% want to reverse brexit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
And if my Grandma had a set of testicles she would have been my Grandad.
The truth is nobody knows how people would vote.
What if Jeremy gets in and tells all the young voters to back leave ?
What if Italy have already left ?
What if my Grandma grows a pair.
As if 'Brexit' hasn't raised enough difficult questions, you pop up with a few more that are way above my competence level.:confused:



Oct 25, 2006
And if my Grandma had a set of testicles she would have been my Grandad.
In these days of gender dysphoria that's by no means certain. ;)

The truth is nobody knows how people would vote.
I do, they'd mostly put a cross in a little box. :D

What if Jeremy gets in and tells all the young voters to back leave ?
He won't, he's got enough troubles already and knows the great majority of the young are Remainers

What if Italy have already left ?
The Italians have always been on the left, usually having Europe's largest communist party. :). And with their national debt they'll never leave the EU's support.

What if my Grandma grows a pair.
See 1 above.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
If only it had been that high in support of leave, they might have had a Mandate as "The Will of the people"
we shouldn't make the same mistake again and need a minimum winning threshold at the very least 55/45 but the default is hard brexit this time round.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
we shouldn't make the same mistake again and need a minimum winning threshold at the very least 55/45 but the default is hard brexit this time round.
No, just say that the Previous poll allowed facts to emerge that the consequences of Brexit required more than a marginal victory, a referendum to leave now that the full consequences are revealed will require the normal 2:1 ratio (as required by no less than Lord Nigel) to demonstrate the will of the people.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The recovery of the Skripals has been described as "Miraculous" but they have nothing on this guy!
Arkady Babchenko not dead: Kremlin critic reportedly killed in Kiev appears alive at press conference

(From the Independent)
And Putin was blamed for his killing ........right.....
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Oct 25, 2006
The recovery of the Skripals has been described as "Miraculous" but they have nothing on this guy!
Arkady Babchenko not dead: Kremlin critic reportedly killed in Kiev appears alive at press conference

(From the Independent)
And Putin was blamed for his killing ........right.....
Qute rightly the journalists are saying the Ukrainian story is unbelievable.

A likely more accurate account is that the Ukraine was staging either a killing or a fake killing like the Skripals one and botched it. The story now given has all the hallmarks of a hurriedly made up one to cover themselves.

Useful though, since it leaves no doubt that there's a sustained western campaign to stitch up Russia in every way possible since the Crimea transferred to them after a referendum.

Nobody with any intelligence is going to accept that Russia is rushing though these assassinations while the spotlight is on them. Their history shows they are far too smart to do that, and also when they carry out such actions they're concealed and they leave little trace.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Qute rightly the journalists are saying the Ukrainian story is unbelievable.

A likely more accurate account is that the Ukraine was staging either a killing or a fake killing like the Skripals one and botched it. The story now given has all the hallmarks of a hurriedly made up one to cover themselves.

Useful though, since it leaves no doubt that there's a sustained western campaign to stitch up Russia in every way possible since the Crimea transferred to them after a referendum.

Nobody with any intelligence is going to accept that Russia is rushing though these assassinations while the spotlight is on them. Their history shows they are far too smart to do that, and also when they carry out such actions they're concealed and they leave little trace.
But Flecc, fake news isn't usually aimed at anyone with any intelligence, they know their audience all too well to bother doing that, then repeat it ad nauseum till it takes on the appearance of established fact.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
The reason so many voted to leave in the referendum was an expression of years of brainwashing from every mainstream media source in the country.

John Pilger describes the situation that continues to prevail because millions of citizens cannot grasp the fact that they have been lied to on TV, radio, newspapers and in all sorts of soundbites from a variety of sources. It isn't some brainwashing programme that was launched just before the referendum - it has been going on since WW2 and the deposited beliefs have been handed down through the generations since.

This is Pilger's take on it:


"Many journalists now are no more than channelers and echoers of what George Orwell called the 'official truth'. They simply cipher and transmit lies. It really grieves me that so many of my fellow journalists can be so manipulated that they become really what the French describe as 'functionaires', functionaries, not journalists. Many journalists become very defensive when you suggest to them that they are anything but impartial and objective. The problem with those words 'impartiality' and 'objectivity' is that they have lost their dictionary meaning. They've been taken over... [they] now mean the establishment point of view... Journalists don't sit down and think, 'I'm now going to speak for the establishment.' Of course not. But they internalise a whole set of assumptions, and one of the most potent assumptions is that the world should be seen in terms of its usefulness to the West, not humanity."

- John Pilger

Sadly, so many in the UK believe that we can somehow be a successful trading nation outside of the EU, imagining that we were good at that before the EU came along and stifled all our ambition and success in the major industries of the latter half of the 20th century. Those who believe that need lessons in history! The UK was pretty well a basket case in the early 1970s and our government knew it. That is why Ted Heath had to beg the original 6 members to let us into their club.

They refused to have us for a long time as De Gaulle and others knew that the UK would never be team player and would want to take charge as if it were an extension of empire. The behaviour exhibited by May and her severely untalented inner circle of negotiators has served to demonstrate just how percipient the general and the other CM leaders were.

