Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
the only way to cancel brexit is for Vince Cable to become PM.
It's not likely though.
It's very simple, we just get TM to announce that since the EU will not agree to accept us on second rate terms, we have decided to stay and dominate them from the inside and quash the very idea of them forming a United States of Europe!
Serves them right! I can just see the headlines in the SUN

"Europe capitulates to our threat of leaving as it misses our leadership and clear Superiority.
We have decided to put out best interests aside to save Europe once again from itself
Europe will become part of a GUK
"Greater United Kingdom"
And they will all have to do what we tell them
So there!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Our politicians really do seem to lack imagination and the guile necessary to succeed. Take the Brexit problems that the EU isn't being very compliant and the USA doesn't look like it will be taking lots more imports from us.

The simple answer is to do like NATO Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is doing, change sides.

In other words start cosying up to Russia and open talks about potential trade co-operation and them having a naval base here on the edge of the Atlantic. That's something they'd dearly love, their fleets stuck either in icy northern waters or cooped up in the Black Sea.

Of course the EU and USA would be very alarmed at that move, as they are with Turkey's, so we could expect quite a change in how co-operative they'd both become with us in our Brexit and trade discussions.
To maintain strict Neutrality and still maintain the balance of power we could rent half the missile tubes on the Trident submarines to the Americans and the other half to the Russians on "A provide your own missiles" arrangement
After all it's not as if we are ever going to use them, is it?:cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That's not the only way, by any means. Its one way... but its not the only way.

Don't forget government is a popularity contest and they know lots of people voted in referendum for first and therefore in many cases the last time, those voters won't turn out for an election. All it takes if for parliament, not even government to start to realise their jobs and place in history depend on doing the right thing.

There are many ways this can be stopped, and many of them are already in motion.
Doing the right thing?
What manner of Beast is that?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
How is she going to do that, when no one knows what Brexit is? What assumptions is she making about what Brexit is that means she can predict its effects?
she will assume that after the transition finishes, we'll have to fill in customs forms like we do for customers in Norway.
That will affect our ability to continue selling to and support our customers in the EU27.
she will assume that after the transition finishes, we'll have to fill in customs forms like we do for customers in Norway.
That will affect our ability to continue selling to and support our customers in the EU27.
anything about the fact that we'll no longer be part of the EU wide block that set the standard for eBikes? Bearing in mind how long it to for the UK to "catch up" lets say the EU changes its rules and the motor power increases. Will you make your bikes for the UK market alone, or go with bigger market on our doorstep?

What about issues like the EN standards, (European standard EN 50604-1:2016 for instance..... It defines a unified, Europe-wide safety standard for lithium-ion batteries used in e-bikes) Will she be assuming we'll be outside that whole system, and how will that impact what standard you build your bikes to?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
A "Funny " from the independent

John McDonnell MP ✔ @johnmcdonnellMP

Good to see Grayling implementing first stage of Labour’s Manifesto promise to renationalise the railways. I think I’m right in saying that he’s now nationalised more railways than any Labour minister in 6 decades. Come on Chris, East Coast line today, the whole system tomorrow.

1:13 PM - May 16, 2018

It's going to be a Tad difficult for the Tory party to attack Labour over Nationalisation with that track record!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
anything about the fact that we'll no longer be part of the EU wide block that set the standard for eBikes? Bearing in mind how long it to for the UK to "catch up" lets say the EU changes its rules and the motor power increases. Will you make your bikes for the UK market alone, or go with bigger market on our doorstep?

What about issues like the EN standards, (European standard EN 50604-1:2016 for instance..... It defines a unified, Europe-wide safety standard for lithium-ion batteries used in e-bikes) Will she be assuming we'll be outside that whole system, and how will that impact what standard you build your bikes to?
I will be back to France by the time the transition is over. I'll be Andy's problem. I can always sell Woosh stuff from France.
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I will be back to France by the time the transition is over. I'll be Andy's problem. I can always sell Woosh stuff from France.
Assuming you'll pass the visa requirements....

And selling in France might not be that easy if Woosh are building to a UK standard that is different to the approved standard in France. It'd be like trying to sell sPedelecs here... a nightmare.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Or, judging from the last test, know where the US ones will end up if we do fire them!
I think you are missing an essential part of the programming of these missiles.
If anyone other than an American Authorised officer fires them, the lease is deemed to be cancelled and they go home
It's either that or the systems are so poor when you light the Blue touch paper
it's equivalent to a new updated version of "Russian Roulette"
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Assuming you'll pass the visa requirements....

And selling in France might not be that easy if Woosh are building to a UK standard that is different to the approved standard in France. It'd be like trying to sell sPedelecs here... a nightmare.
it's not a problem for me.
I am already a pensioner, waiting for my wife to retire together.
Ok, so you don't think Brexit will have any impact on that... really?

No impact on you at all.

So you already have another passport from an EU27 nation, that will allow you freedom to retire there? How are you going to move your pension money from UK into €... ? No family ever planning to visit you, you're never planning on coming back? Planning on buying or renting a house in France?
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Oct 25, 2006
Ok, so you don't think Brexit will have any impact on that... really?

No impact on you at all.

So you already have another passport from an EU27 nation, that will allow you freedom to retire there? How are you going to move your pension money from UK into €... ? No family ever planning to visit you, you're never planning on coming back? Planning on buying or renting a house in France?
Tony at Woosh is French Col, so he's returning to home.

He'll only suffer problems with the UK, but we all suffer those!
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