Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I believe that both TM and JC will support a soft brexit.
We'll end up in a sort of Norway solution with some concessions to mitigate UK immigration concerns. The UK has much to salvage and so does the EU. Both need each other.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I believe that both TM and JC will support a soft brexit.
We'll end up in a sort of Norway solution with some concessions to mitigate UK immigration concerns. The UK has much to salvage and so does the EU. Both need each other.
Why? The point of brexit disappeared long ago, if there ever was one

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May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
BTW, JC is against joining the EEA because we would become a rule taker.
That's good isn't it?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Bin the whole thing? I think the tories are flogging a dead horse now, trying to push through any kind of deal. It's time they came out with the truth about the whole fiasco and the prospects for the UK, before seeking to reverse their so-called mandate from the people by commissioning a third referendum.

It is only sheer tory dogma keeping 'Brexit' afloat now and the UK would be far better represented by dismissing it and returning to Brussels where we can play a full part in the great enterprise of creating a USofE. In so doing, we can stand a much better of chance of discouraging the Russians from interfering in both middle-east issues and in meddling with elections and whatever else this government has accused them of.

I'd like to see us detach ourselves from the 'special relationship' with the USA and put an end to our support for Israel - that would bring about a great change in how this nation is viewed by hundreds of other countries and would bring greater respect for both the UK and the EU if we took the necessary decisions.

As things stand.......




Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
BTW, JC is against joining the EEA because we would become a rule taker.
That's good isn't it?
No, I heard its because he wants to keep both Ukip voters happy...

I suspect its sort of as Flecc suggests...he might inherit no10 leading a disaster multi party council...then he will try and introduce a raft of massive nationalisation programmes...and successful or not will then go back to EU...Its the only scenario that makes sense for his stance...a lot of ifs tho...


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
then he will try and introduce a raft of massive nationalisation programmes.
it's easier to make promises than delivering them.
It will be like Nick Clegg and his no tuition fees promise.


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Oct 25, 2006
By that opinion he really is between a rock and a hard that token he cant support remain or leave...hang on a minute...
How on earth is that a strategy...its barmy.
No, it's sensible, hanging onto every vote.

Doing what you advise and plumping for remain prematurely would be barmy, certain to lose him lots of Brexiter votes.

You'd make a lousy politician! :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
No, it's sensible, hanging onto every vote.

Doing what you advise and plumping for remain prematurely would be barmy, certain to lose him lots of Brexiter votes.

You'd make a lousy politician! :D
Thanks flecc. A compliment..

A comment from Times reader..

"Watched David Miliband on Sky and he has some serious gravitas. He makes Corbyn and May look pretty stupid in comparison. The right will shout about the ‘2008 economic collapse’ and the left will shout ‘Iraq’ but for the many who want a politician to deal with today, he looks like a pretty serious option. A new party could steal a lot of Labour’s very good policies and add in a slice of aspiration to make a pretty compelling alternative.

The far left and the far right Brexiteers are between them, brewing up what could very soon be a ‘perfect storm’ that a new centrist party could flourish pretty well in.

Many Tory voters only continue voting for them because there is no alternative for them to vote for and the same goes for many Labour voters. Both parties should shape up because we live in very different times from the SDP days. The unexpected, politically speaking has been happening for a while now and I wouldn’t bet against a new ‘centrist’ party."

But seems to me Milliband and Clegg are just sounding out and off..
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
But seems to me Milliband and Clegg are just sounding out and off..
Clegg is yesterday's - David Milliband has no baggage as such.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Here is the UK's response to the violence in Palestine following the USA's official opening of their new embassy:

That'll really make them step back and think......not!

I couldn't detect any real condemnation of the atrocity carried out by the Israeli military on flag-waving, stone throwing protesters.

Hang on he did deplore the wasteful use of "live ammunition"
"But the large volume of live fire is extremely concerning. We continue to implore Israel to show greater restraint."

(Probably on cost per shot grounds due to poor training)
Reminiscent of the old adage

"When the English Bomb the German's Duck
When the Germans Bomb the English Duck
When the Americans bomb everyone ducks


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Independent

EU Withdrawal Bill set to be rejected by Scottish parliament, in fresh blow for Theresa May

MSPs will set themselves at odds with Westminster by backing a Scottish government motion that makes clear that Holyrood "does not consent to the EU Withdrawal Bill".

The move could trigger a constitutional crisis, as it would be the first time the UK government has pushed through laws against the will of Scotland, if Ms May decides to press ahead with the legislation.



Esteemed Pedelecer
'Hmm' indeed!

I can already see the headlines about the tail wagging the dog if this actually goes anywhere. That said, this government has previous for something bearing an incredible resemblance to that, arranged not too long ago at huge cost to the taxpayer.

May wanted the job, even though it is way above her skill level so who knows what will come next!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
The useless government has kept pretty quiet over the atrocity committed by Israeli military forces yesterday and the mainstream media has kept any criticism low-key.

AAV, a web blogger, not to be confused with mainstream media, comments like this on the issue:

'Remember how the Tories and Labour right-wingers were loudly braying for military strikes against Syria last month because they supposedly cared so much about the suffering of Arabic civilians?

Notice how the very same politicians are failing to condemn the Israeli massacre of Arabic civilians in Gaza yesterday, or calling for military strikes against the rogue state that slaughters unarmed civilians, journalists and children.

And they're not just failing to condemn the atrocities either, they're also not even supporting widespread calls for the UK government to stop providing export licences for British weapons manufactures to actually sell the Israelis sniper rifles and ammunition as well as hundreds of £millions worth of other military equipment.

They're still intent on supplying Israel with the weapons they're using to massacre civilians with!

Isn't it remarkable how they can claim to care so much about Arabic civilians under certain circumstances, but turn a complete and total blind eye to it just a few weeks later?

It's almost as if they don't actually care in the slightest, and all of their outrage and rhetoric over the plight of suffering civilians in Syria was just a handy excuse at the justify their own bloodthirst.'




Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
"They have created a "Dog with two tails" it seems!"

that's in itself the proof that this government can do magic.
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