From the "Sun"
Boris does it again
Boris Johnson sparks mass panic by threatening to pull England out of the Russia 2018 World Cup if Kremlin’s behind ‘spy poisoning’ (but footie fans don’t need to worry)
The Foreign Secretary said 'no attempt to take innocent life on UK soil will go either unsanctioned or unpunished' after an ex-Russian spy and his daughter were left fighting for his life last night.
In a huge gaffe, the Foreign Secretary hinted we might not even take our team to complete - but embarrassed aides were forced to quickly confirm that he didn't mean it.
Emily Thornberry offered this comment
"It really would save a lot of time and hassle if Boris preceded every Commons appearance, media interview and memo by saying: 'Please take none of this seriously until my aides have confirmed if I meant to say it.'
Or better still Mrs May, please ask him not to speak at all!
It's rare to find amusing readers comments in the Sun, but there are always going to be exceptions to any rule, as here

M BAILEY 2 hours ago
Boris the Bullingdon Oaf failed to mention that Russia has been supplying our depleted Gas supplies - with Tankers arriving every week. Strange how we accept it but fail to publicise it. Hypocrites.

The Moon 1 hour ago
One of the main reasons they dont publicise it is because the company our government are buying the gas from just happens to be under sanctions
As if we would! the very idea! For Shame! to even think of our Government doing such a thing! etc, etc.