Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
But those are internal matters, so all voters are subject due to our internal democracy.

Leaving the EU is a matter of our external relationship, not subject to our national internal democracy. Ergo all voters should not be subject to it, and I for one refuse to co-operate in any way with Brexit and will take any opportunity to sabotage it.
Are you Revolting?:rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
We lost the second world war and would have been overrun if the Americans and Russians hadn't rescued us from that fate.
Remember it was not England, it was the British empire, there were contributions from let's see India, Africa, Australia and NZ , Canada, NI and a significant contribution from a nominally neutral " Eire "

And that's before you factor in the "Allies"


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Remember it was not England, it was the British empire, there were contributions from let's see India, Africa, Australia and NZ , Canada, NI and a significant contribution from a nominally neutral " Eire "

And that's before you factor in the "Allies"
And we got a lot of help from a fella with a little square mustache who was about as good at being a leader and strategist as our PM:confused:
His supporting band were about as good as May's too!
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Oct 25, 2006
Remember it was not England, it was the British empire, there were contributions from let's see India, Africa, Australia and NZ , Canada, NI and a significant contribution from a nominally neutral " Eire "

And that's before you factor in the "Allies"
The UK declared the war and lost it at Dunkirk. That would have been the end, but for the scale of US and Russian assistance. Yes there was much appreciated help from many others, but they alone wouldn't have been enough.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Express
May to be ‘ousted by Brexit dream team of Boris, Mogg and Gove’ if she fails Brexit test
THERESA May could face a coup that will lead to Brexit “dream team” taking her place if she plans to keep Britain in a customs union with the EU, it has been reported."

I can't wait! this is Karma! to make Boris and gollum responsible for the mess they have made by making an even bigger one?

Ho Ho Ho ho

Since we are heading at flank speed into disaster, nice of these Clown to crawl out of the Woodwork and accept the Blame!

Poor Moggy, sidelined just as he was hoping to cover himself in Glory.
Astonishing that these Clowns can't see the Iceberg that the ship of state is coming up on fast.
If they had half a brain they would be heading over the channel claiming sanctuary, not heading for Number 10!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Guardian
Brexit attacks on civil service ‘are worthy of 1930s Germany’
Ex-cabinet secretary attacks tactics of leading Brexiters who have accused Whitehall of sabotaging UK’s exit from EU
Leading Brexiters who accuse civil servants of sabotaging Britain’s exit from the EU are adopting dangerous tactics similar to those of rightwing German nationalists between the two world wars, a former head of the civil service has warned.

Well what do you expect? this is the same process repeating itself after all!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Independent
If Donald Trump ever runs out of advisers, he could always recruit some of our hardline Tory Brexiteers
Despite Steve Baker’s embarrassing retreat over the leaked draft analysis, the Brexiteers are still at it

Baker, who described David Cameron’s attempts to sell his renegotiation of the UK’s EU membership terms as “polishing poo”, soon had to clear up a mess of his own making. In the Commons on Thursday, he claimed Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think tank, told him at a private Tory conference event last October that Treasury officials had developed an economic model to show that all options for leaving the EU’s customs union were bad. Baker was forced to apologise when an audiotape of Grant’s comments proved he said no such thing. If the tape hadn’t emerged, I doubt Baker would have said sorry.

But hey, what's another lie and attempt to use Fake News to the Brexiteers.
It Happens every Day.......Just make up a story and publish it.....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
if we crash out without a deal, we just hurt ourselves economically a little more. More companies will decamp to the EU27 and take a lot of assets out of the country.
That is exactly what some of the EU27 members would like to see.
With the weak value of the pound v euro the costs of decamping to EU land have increased considerably.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
At least Brexit is focusing on the split between Leavers and Remainers,that split is still in the cabinet,electorate and parliament. That split has a name.....the Customs Union....Theresa May is sitting on the fence by saying we are going to have our own Customs Union with the EU and we are also going to be allowed to go round the world doing FTA deals with anyone we can....Cake and Eat it.
Our arrogance as Brits assume that the EU is going to allow us Cake and Eat it....the EU are not stupid there is no way they are going to give us a tariff free access to the EU unless they have a high degree of control of what other rest of world deals we achieve.
That last statement would seem to be the possible political fudge that May will achieve,we will leave the EU,we will have a free trade deal with the EU and hidden in political speak and text will be the EU retaining a high degree of control of what other deals we can make but May will package it as a success....she is already claiming that phase 1 of the negotiations was a success but we all know that in reality nothing was achieved.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
no tariff access for goods is the easy part. Most FTAs are about lowering non-tariff barriers. There is no incompatibility between having a form of customs union with the EU27 and keeping the ability to do trade deals, it all comes down to what has been negotiated/agreed. EFTA membership is a case in point. EFTA countries can do deals with China separately if they so wish. There are safeguards built into the export/import declarations so that shortcircuiting communal external tariffs is not possible.
The war with the hard brexiters is a bit of smoke and mirror. They (hard brexiters) seem to be losing the argument for no deal brexit because we'll sign up to the exit plan (£40 billion bill) and they need to see some of their demands (immigration control) in the transition deal before the end of the year.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
they need to see some of their demands (immigration control) in the transition deal before the end of the year.
That's just a fop for the simple minded among the Brexit Voters,
What they really want is
  1. Protection of their Tax Havens
  2. To be able to treat UK workers as Peons by denying their rights.
The Shame of it is that the knuckle draggers among the Bexit voters fail to perceive what is coming their way , at light speed.

They are going to get what they Deserve, but alas we don't , and no one in the HOC seems to care enough to represent us.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Please can you take your Farage back please, he is making a pest of himself here. Telling lies to our gullible students,. Any polls taken in Ireland have put a 78% pro European majority and he is claiming it's down at 60% , without any evidence.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
A clear case of idiocy from the Daily Mail
Are some Lefties consumed by the politics of envy because they're no oil paintings, asks DOMINIC LAWSON

Apparently, there is an ugly truth about socialism. Literally. Last week, the American journal Politics and the Life Sciences published a paper claiming to have established a clear link between how good-looking we are and our political outlook.

According to its lead author, Professor Rolfe Peterson, the more attractive you are, the more you are likely to be on the Right. The unfortunate corollary is that the ... er ... plainer you are, the more likely you are to be on the Left."

Now I ask you , where have we seen this completely Fascist demonising of the opposition before?

I'll give you a clue: they referred to anyone who opposed them as
"Unter Mensch"

Apparently there is in fact an "Ugly truth" about people litle this moron
The faction among right wingers that believe this rot are dangerous nutters, with Bigoted ideas.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Expect the French people to ask their leaders to move the UK border to Dover any day soon now:

We want you to take back control...

Oh dear, these weapon wielding, fake refugee, men children look as though they need a liberal application of CS Gas, Water Cannon and a peppering of Baton Round.

It’s no more than anyone would expect from the French than to weasel out of their Schengen Zone obligations. No surprises here, it is after all the French we are dealing with.

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