Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
I agree,exports are good because of the strength of the Euro but the home market is pretty soft.
Yes, some while ago a big fall in bike sales was forecast and it's looking like being a full third down in 2017 according to Bike-eu.

It's a double whammee for IBDs, since they also can't compete on prices with the multiples.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
When is a deal not a deal.....

David Davis has clashed with the Irish government after claiming that the Brexit divorce agreement between Britain and the EU was a “statement of intent” rather than something legally enforceable.

The Brexit secretary’s comments came after it was reported that Downing Street advisers had told cabinet ministers who campaigned to leave the EU that promises around full regulatory alignment were “meaningless”.

So it wasn't something we had agreed to,it was a 'statement of intent',similar to they werent 'impact reports' they were 'sector analysis'.
He does seem to engage mouth before brain and wriggle afterwards,dangerous trait in a politician who is negotiating with our country!!!!
He has elements of Trump about him,he says what each audience wants to hear but dismisses that the world is listening.
What the Cretin has done is utterly destroy any trust that might somehow remain in the minds of the EU negotiators, and the irony is he did the one thing no one expects from a Tory, he told the appalling truth about our intentions in dealing with the EU
We are going to be dishonest and cannot be trusted to honour any agreement

Really when you think this Pillock rabbited on and on about "Not wanting to damage our negotiating position by revealing sensitive data" it beggars belief.
Tell me what could be more damaging to that position by lying about what has been agreed and revealing we spoke with a "Forked Tongue" at the Negotiating Table.?
He should be tried for TREASON for working against the interests of the State he is charged to represent, by stating in public that the Government lied to secure advantage in negotiations.
You no longer can "insult the Good Name of the UK"
As this imbecile has ruined it!


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Which is exactly why Ireland/EU wont easily give us a free trade deal....they are worried that the UK/NI becomes the open entry into the EU.
If we take bicycles(not e-bikes),they already have a 48%ADT plus 6% duty...54% total tariff. If Theresa May scraps all import duties into the UK,then the bike shop in the UK/NI can import bicycles 54% cheaper than the shop in the 27 EU countries. Similarly textiles from India,Lamb from New Zealand....this is why Rees-Mogg is saying that clothes and food could be so much cheaper.
But,I think the EU will insist that we continue with these tariffs if we want a trade deal and May may agree...she could pocket all the duties and reason that she is protecting our textile producers,cycle assemblers,sheep farmers etc....the border problem goes away.
We may be free to go off and do trade deals with the rest of the world but only if we have 'alignment with the EU'....I dont think that is what Liam Fox intended.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
He should be tried for TREASON for working against the interests of the State he is charged to represent, by stating in public that the Government lied to secure advantage in negotiations.
he did retract some of the earlier comments he made on Marr's program. In his defense, he wasn't hired for his IQ.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
he did retract some of the earlier comments he made on Marr's program. In his defense, he wasn't hired for his IQ.
Dont you have to be bright to negotiate Brexit?
We are told its the most complex of negotiations,he did at one point say it was going to be a cinch.
I didnt realise that being thick was a form of defense....
HB...'So Mr Davis these 52 impact assessments that have been prepared in excruciating detail' DD...'yep',chewing.
HB...Have you done an impact assessment on the auto industry.DD...'nope'
HB...Have you done an impact assessment on the banking industry.DD...'nope'
HB....Have you done an impact assessment on the pharma industry,DD...'the answer is going to be no on all of those'.
.....enough said.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Dont you have to be bright to negotiate Brexit?
We are told its the most complex of negotiations,he did at one point say it was going to be a cinch.
I didnt realise that being thick was a form of defense....
HB...'So Mr Davis these 52 impact assessments that have been prepared in excruciating detail' DD...'yep',chewing.
HB...Have you done an impact assessment on the auto industry.DD...'nope'
HB...Have you done an impact assessment on the banking industry.DD...'nope'
HB....Have you done an impact assessment on the pharma industry,DD...'the answer is going to be no on all of those'.
.....enough said.
By comparison he makes Farage seem industrious ,no mean achievement!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dont you have to be bright to negotiate Brexit?
We are told its the most complex of negotiations,he did at one point say it was going to be a cinch.
I didnt realise that being thick was a form of defense....
HB...'So Mr Davis these 52 impact assessments that have been prepared in excruciating detail' DD...'yep',chewing.
HB...Have you done an impact assessment on the auto industry.DD...'nope'
HB...Have you done an impact assessment on the banking industry.DD...'nope'
HB....Have you done an impact assessment on the pharma industry,DD...'the answer is going to be no on all of those'.
.....enough said.
The British public deserves better. His constituents ought to get rid of him.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
And now May has completed the destruction of any credibility this country might have left
From the Telegraph.
Britain will not pay its agreed £39 billion bill to leave the European Union if a trade deal cannot be agreed, Theresa May has told her MPs.

The Prime Minister said ina letter to her parliamentary party: “The Government has said that we are a country that honours its obligations, and that is what we will do.

“We have agreed a fair settlement of commitments we have made while a member of the EU, in the spirit of our future partnership.

“It depends upon a broader agreement being reached – as I have said, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed – so if there is no agreement then our offer also falls away.”

Mrs May also made clear that the final estimate – currently £35bn to £39bn – was far below the £50bn bill agreed with the European Commission.

Is she even thicker than Davis? talk about saying the very worst imaginable thing that will come back to haunt you
"The Prime Minister said ina letter to her parliamentary party: “The Government has said that we are a country that honours its obligations, and that is what we will do."
And then said the absolute opposite, using none payment as a Threat just to pander to the loonies in her Party.
"“It depends upon a broader agreement being reached – as I have said, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed – so if there is no agreement then our offer also falls away.”

Doesn't she know that Paying a Debt is not a case of making an offer that you can withdraw?
The Money won't buy you a Trade Deal now will it?

Be warned TM if you don't pay our obvious debts no country in the World will trust us enough to make trade deals with us!
Worse still the IMF won't bail us out either!
If I was the EU negotiators I would at this point say "Close the Door after you and shove your £39 Billion, see how any countries want to make trade deals with a Country that refuses to pay it's Debts."
And breathe a sigh of relief to be rid of this rabid pack of liars and swindlers.

We must be getting close to that point now where our Bluff is finally called, and the EU walk away.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Britain will not pay its agreed £39 billion bill to leave the European Union if a trade deal cannot be agreed, Theresa May has told her MPs.
The world is watching and the people of the UK are being humiliated by a totally inept and incompetent PM, in charge of a government of liars, cheats and charlatans.

I really feel ashamed to be known as British when I meet people in my travels around Europe and the USA.

Once upon a time, a handshake on a deal meant something. It said, 'My word is my bond' but that somehow doesn't apply to tories - these people really are sewer rats.

The EU would be entirely within their right to seek definitive assurances from the UK before progressing discussions further and if their representatives are not satisfied that UK commitments are in good faith, they should rescind all that has gone before, calling the bluff of the UK and letting us head towards economic and diplomatic suicide.

An ashamed Tom.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The world is watching and the people of the UK are being humiliated by a totally inept and incompetent PM, in charge of a government of liars, cheats and charlatans.

I really feel ashamed to be known as British when I meet people in my travels around Europe and the USA.

Once upon a time, a handshake on a deal meant something. It said, 'My word is my bond' but that somehow doesn't apply to tories - these people really are sewer rats.

The EU would be entirely within their right to seek definitive assurances from the UK before progressing discussions further and if their representatives are not satisfied that UK commitments are in good faith, they should rescind all that has gone before, calling the bluff of the UK and letting us head towards economic and diplomatic suicide.

An ashamed Tom.
In their place I would require a signed Contract and Bond of the £39 Billion.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Truly we have fallen to the state where

Brittania Waives the Rules

But there is a sort of Perverese Justice at work here , the people who voted for Brexit will no doubt still vote to be further abused by this Government they applaud after the act of leaving the EU takes place.

But none alas for the other half who have to suffer the consequences too
To assume they will accept their fate will prove to have been a great mistake when looked back on from a future time.

How odd that no thought seems to have been given to what is after all the "Elephant in the Room".
Despite Press Claims to the contrary the Remain section of the population has maintained a "Deafening Silence" compared the the Trumpeting and Roaring from the leave press and Public
But to assume that equates with acceptance of the situation will prove a grave error,
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Esteemed Pedelecer


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I watched Newsnight last night. Peter Lilly seemed quiet about WTO prospects. Evan Davis did a good job pointing out issues with CETA, with or without the plus plus plus. CETA requires a physical border.
It is now clear that the BBC is swinging toward remain. Do we sense the wind turning?
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Despite Press Claims to the contrary the Remain section of the population has maintained a "Deafening Silence" compared the the Trumpeting and Roaring from the leave press and Public
But to assume that equates with acceptance of the situation will prove a grave error,
This is also not totally true, just because its not reported doesn't mean its not happening. Its certainly not a deafening silence. There is a growing swell, and it has to be managed correctly, Brexit has to be allowed to pan out for its negative impacts to be felt. If its reversed too early it won't work.

I'm sure I read this on here, but I'll quote it again, because it is VERY relevant.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Napoleon Bonaparte

"project fear" didn't work, so we have to rely on "project reality" now, and it will be far more effective.
