Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
this is really what it gets back to for me, the rich arranging their lives and the poor paying for it, the next time anyone complains about the house of lords bear in mind what you said about the chairman, after all it is simply about "backhanders and charity" on a different scale isn't it?
If by that you mean people taking advantage then possibly - you find advantage-takers in all walks of life. No one, and I do mean no one, Likes to pay tax?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
no its not, the poor have lower life expectancy than the rich, as one would expect. I'm not really hung up with the specific case, more the general principle. But whether they felt hard done by has little bearing on the injustice.
Are you absolutely sure about that? Let me remind you that mongrel dogs are generally far healthier than pedigree ones. They all look different too and don't even bark the same either - still like a good quality bone though.
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Oct 25, 2006
Are you absolutely sure about that? Let me remind you that mongrel dogs are generally far healthier than pedigree ones. They all look different too and don't even bark the same either - still like a good quality bone though.
You've lost this one where humans are involved, there's overwhelming evidence that income is related to life expectancy, and the rich/poor gulf is currently growing. A quick glance and I just picked up this:

"But the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. Men in Blackpool can currently expect to live to just 75.2 years, the lowest life expectancy in the country, while those in the City of London – where life expectancy is highest – live an average of 83.4 years. The longest life expectancy for women is also in the City, at 87.3 years. Kensington and Chelsea, the richest borough in London, is close behind.

Based on the latest data available for England and Wales, from 2012, the study shows that the eight-year gap in men’s lifespan between more and less affluent districts yawns as large as the gap between England and Wales as a whole and Sri Lanka or Vietnam, say the researchers from Imperial College London. The seven-year gap for women is as large as that between the UK and Malaysia or Nicaragua."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
You've lost this one where humans are involved, there's overwhelming evidence that income is related to life expectancy, and the rich/poor gulf is currently growing. A quick glance and I just picked up this:

"But the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. Men in Blackpool can currently expect to live to just 75.2 years, the lowest life expectancy in the country, while those in the City of London – where life expectancy is highest – live an average of 83.4 years. The longest life expectancy for women is also in the City, at 87.3 years. Kensington and Chelsea, the richest borough in London, is close behind.

Based on the latest data available for England and Wales, from 2012, the study shows that the eight-year gap in men’s lifespan between more and less affluent districts yawns as large as the gap between England and Wales as a whole and Sri Lanka or Vietnam, say the researchers from Imperial College London. The seven-year gap for women is as large as that between the UK and Malaysia or Nicaragua."

On an allied , but different topic, the current edition of Nature magazine.. probably the most prestigious of all the peer reviewed science magazines, has a major editorial emphasis on women's health .
What country in the developed world has the worst outcomes, on average for peri natal deaths for women?
Clue it's not in western Europe.. where the average is 6 per 100,000. But is 4 times as much at 27 per 100,000...
Clue while the rates are higher for all racial types, it is worse for non white races, ., But seems more dependent on income..
Clue while this rate has been falling in virtually all countries, it has been rising here
Clue it's next door to Canada which shares the western Europe rate!
That and not the antics of an overpaid Hollywood magnate, is the real scandal....
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
You've lost this one where humans are involved, there's overwhelming evidence that income is related to life expectancy, and the rich/poor gulf is currently growing. A quick glance and I just picked up this:

"But the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. Men in Blackpool can currently expect to live to just 75.2 years, the lowest life expectancy in the country, while those in the City of London – where life expectancy is highest – live an average of 83.4 years. The longest life expectancy for women is also in the City, at 87.3 years. Kensington and Chelsea, the richest borough in London, is close behind.

Based on the latest data available for England and Wales, from 2012, the study shows that the eight-year gap in men’s lifespan between more and less affluent districts yawns as large as the gap between England and Wales as a whole and Sri Lanka or Vietnam, say the researchers from Imperial College London. The seven-year gap for women is as large as that between the UK and Malaysia or Nicaragua."

It was rather tongue-in-cheek and even I have to admit to being more likely to be considered a mongrel, certainly by anyone that knows me! I wasn't born that far from Blackpool, my father even closer and he died earlier this year at 97, Mother is still going strong, again from Lancashire. I totally accept that to be poor is both unfortunate and unlikely to be good for you and it's equally likely that if from a poor area your lifestyle won't be doing you much good either. However, to imagine that all the world's woes would be solved by making everyone pay their due taxes is a bit of a stretch? Blame Brexit and blame the Tories if that makes you feel better.
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Oct 25, 2006
On an allied , but different topic, the current edition of Nature magazine.. probably the most prestigious of all the peer reviewed science magazines, has a major editorial emphasis on women's health .
What country in the developed world has the worst outcomes, on average for peri natal deaths for women?
Clue it's not in western Europe.. where the average is 6 per 100,000. But is 4 times as much at 27 per 100,000...
Clue while the rates are higher for all racial types, it is worse for non white races, ., But seems more dependent on income..
Clue while this rate has been falling in virtually all countries, it has been rising here
Clue it's next door to Canada which shares the western Europe rate!
That and not the antics of an overpaid Hollywood magnate, is the real scandal....
Yes, but they still believe themselves an advanced nation and that others should follow their example.

I don't know about making that country "Great Again", making it great for the first time might be a good idea.
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Oct 25, 2006
it's equally likely that if from a poor area your lifestyle won't be doing you much good either.
Very true, but it's a vicious circle once again. An impoverished life is often compensated for by resorting to the reliefs of drink, drugs or tobacco, in turn bringing worse outcomes.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
Very true, but it's a vicious circle once again. Am impoverished life is often compensated for by resorting to the reliefs of drink, drugs or tobacco, in turn bringing worse outcomes.
Totally agree with you, but, the best way to break the vicious circle is rather more complicated than has been suggested so far. Most of the politicians make the right noises and I could always cite joining the Army. Going to University is not the panacea it was hoped for. To my mind it's all about Community.
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Oct 25, 2006
I could always cite joining the Army.
It used to be a good way out, I did six years myself, but I'm not so sure with today's population. Hearing a bang and then saying one can never work again due to PTSD isn't much of a solution.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
If by that you mean people taking advantage then possibly - you find advantage-takers in all walks of life. No one, and I do mean no one, Likes to pay tax?
In the Anglo saxon world where greed is good and runaway narcissism creates self serving freaks like trump or boris, yes, no one wants to pay and everyone wants everything. In Scandinavian countries paying tax is much more acceptable, and the happiness index much higher.


Oct 25, 2006
In Scandinavian countries paying tax is much more acceptable, and the happiness index much higher.
And some of us are happy to pay taxes here. As soon after April 6th that I have the data I self-certify online at HMRC and then immediately pay what's due, even though I could wait until the following January. I find that a pleasure compared to the cumbersome past ways of dealing with income tax.

It's also sad to me that HMRC and the Inland Revenue before it come in for so much unfair criticism, simply because people hate paying tax. I've always found them the best of all government departments to deal with and have more than once taking the trouble to tell them that.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
And some of us are happy to pay taxes here. As soon after April 6th that I have the data I self-certify online at HMRC and then immediately pay what's due, even though I could wait until the following January. I find that a pleasure compared to the cumbersome past ways of dealing with income tax.

It's also sad to me that HMRC and the Inland Revenue before it come in for so much unfair criticism, simply because people hate paying tax. I've always found them the best of all governemnmt departments to deal with and have more than once taking the trouble to tell them that.
yup, the social contract is desperately flawed in the uk, but still better than much that passes as states elsewhere or cons we pay for otherwise
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Channel 4 interviewed one, Wayne Kerr, oops - Kevin Wilshaw is his real name I am led to believe - I don't know where I got that from!

It's fascinating to read about one of the mainstays of a vociferous pro-'Brexit' hardline group now having second thoughts about his role in that fascist group which eagerly positioned itself behind the man they saw as the new führer, Nigel Farage.

What a terrible burden Wilshaw carried over all those years - I can't stop laughing!


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Channel 4 interviewed Wayne Kerr, oops - Kevin Wilshaw is his real name I am led to believe - I don't know where I got that from!

It's fascinating to read about one of the mainstays of a vociferous pro-'Brexit' hardline group now having second thoughts about his role in that fascist group which eagerly positioned itself behind the man they saw as the new führer, Nigel Farage.

What a terrible burden Wilshaw carried over all those years - I can't stop laughing!


As Oscar Wilde might have put it... to lose one prejudice might be viewed as a misfortune to lose two is careless


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017


Esteemed Pedelecer
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Oct 25, 2006
I think your comment is unfair. Germany is in an impossible situation with regard to Israel, their recent history meaning they now have to unequivocally support the defence of Israel against its annihilation. I'm sure Angela Merkel hates being placed in a situation that gives Israel a means to deliver their previously obtained nuclear weapons, but it's politically and even diplomatically impossible for her to do otherwise. To block defence arms sales to the Jewish state would play right into the hands of the German extreme right wing.
