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  1. M

    What do you wear?

    I won the genetic lottery in that I do not sweat from bicycling. It takes an extreme amount of exercise for me to perspire, and I never ever get to the point of dripping, never had wet armpits either. I like layers. I have a windbraker type cycle jacket I use most days, and I have a waterproof...
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    New Super Light Tongxin Motor Design/Kit

    Where would one buy these? they look great! love the 15kg weight.
  3. M

    Go Swissdrive + Trek 8.5

    Another update. So the bike with swissdrive motor, battery, fenders, lights and a heavy duty lock are 24 kilos/ 52 lbs. Not bad for a kit. I normally bike on +2 and this gets me to and from work with ease. I feel like my usage is heavier than most with the hills here, there are 3 distinct...
  4. M

    is this a good time to buy a new ebike......?

    It truly is silent. I cannot hear any noise over the sound of the wheels on the pavement. I had a Kalkhoff Pro Connect several years ago, and while I liked it, the power and silence of the SwissDrive is a definite upgrade imo.
  5. M

    is this a good time to buy a new ebike......?

    I just want to update with some info. If one buys a swissdrive kit, as apposed to the Cube Epo or others with built in swissdrive, this behavior is absent. I put a Go Swissdrive on my Trek 8.5, and I can happily pedal up to 45kmh with no regen kicking in, no brick wall. I am sure this behavior...
  6. M

    Go Swissdrive + Trek 8.5

    Thanks to advice from kemi in his Cube Epo thread, my Swissdrive does not have this regen function, which is what I suspected actually. When I get up to 30kmh+ turning the computer down to 0, or even off, has no effect. What I was thinking was resistance before, was just how difficult it feels...
  7. M

    Cube epo 2011 software update worth it ?

    Ok, test done, seems my wheel does not have this regen function, which is what I suspected actually. When I get up to 30kmh+ turning the computer down to 0, or even off, has no effect. What I was thinking was resistance before, was just how difficult it feels to pedal normally after the power...
  8. M

    Cube epo 2011 software update worth it ?

    I will try that test, good idea. The system cost 195,000 ISK, installation included. I am not sure if they have the software to upgrade the wheel. Keep in mind the battery I got is different, it is a 36v 12.4Ah, vs the OEM was only 10Ah. Also since it was so new, they gave me a 5Ah charger for...
  9. M

    Cube epo 2011 software update worth it ?

    I am trying to figure out if my swissdrive has this problem. I was able to get up to 44kmh this morning going downhill, and I can routinely get above 30kmh on flats. I have the computer shown on the Swissdrive website, and the settings go -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5. The minus settings being...
  10. M

    Go Swissdrive + Trek 8.5

    Thanks for the advice KirstinS. I am actually not so sure now there is regen kicking in. I was able to get up to 44 kmh this morning going downhill, and I seem to be in the same gearing I remember at the same spots before adding the kit (when above 30kmh). I think maybe I was feeling how much...
  11. M

    Go Swissdrive + Trek 8.5

    Messing around with it more, none of the settings other than ROFF can be changed. ROFF was at 600 by default, and can only go down to 60, but apparently can go up to infinity (stopped at 10,000 ish) Wondering if R stands for rotation somehow. Bikes do get stolen in Rvk, and people just use...
  12. M

    Go Swissdrive + Trek 8.5

    So, in the instruction manual: It shows how to set the wheel circumference, LCD brightness, and contrast, but if you keep clicking through, there are more options, Miles/Km, and then ROFF which is set to 600...
  13. M

    Go Swissdrive + Trek 8.5

    I read that thread actually, thanks for posting! I do not know if I quite feel like it is a brick wall. I do feel some resistance, but on flats or any kind of downhill I was able to clear 32kmh. I like bicycling for the workout, and I was actually worried about missing out on some of that with...
  14. M

    Go Swissdrive + Trek 8.5

    Several months ago I bought a Trek 8.5 bicycle which I have been using for my 12 km hilly commute here in windy Iceland. I have been very pleased, but the trip takes around 35 minutes, and if there is any wind, the trip can be miserable, especially to do 2x every day 5x a week. Just...
  15. M

    New Test For Immigrants.

    I find that it is more a problem of misplaced anger. Many first world people are finding their quality of life destroyed compared to that of their parents, or even their own of 10+ years ago. The reason for this is the crisis of capitalism. The capitalists have exploited nearly all they can...
  16. M

    New Test For Immigrants.

    Your first paragraph is not irrefutable. More population allows for more workers, more businesses, more customers, more income for government services. This is why a small country like Iceland (320,000), and a large country like Germany (80ish million), can still offer reasonably similar levels...
  17. M

    New Test For Immigrants.

    I'm sure both of you can provide actual statistics for your claims of abuse, rather than daily mail articles. One would hate to think you were so angry over imagined slights.
  18. M

    New Test For Immigrants.

    The truth is more nuanced than "support immigration". If you meant, support bringing in foreigners who have only the barest of legal (if any) and social support, so they can get ultra cheap labor, sure yes, but if you mean support reasonable immigration policies that allow for immigrants to...
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    New Test For Immigrants.

    Not to mention that far more of England´s problems (and the US, Germany, Spain, etc etc) are caused by the wealthy, than by poor immigrants. It is much easier for them to use their vast media control to point fingers at "others" to make the poor fight among themselves, when a poor white...
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    Kalkhoff Groove F8 or Neo Cross

    Actually that is exactly what I plan to do now. A combination of losing my job, and finding out that flying with an electric bike is problematic (battery needs to be sent by post, and since iceland is not part of the EU, a 27% VAT is applied, despite already owning the battery I mail myself) had...