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  1. Jonah

    Conversion kit for my Brompton

    The fact you can fold it without removing the battery is a plus point however.
  2. Jonah

    Conversion kit for my Brompton

    Do please show some pictures of the setup with the frog battery on the luggage block once the new controllers arrive. The above looks like a tidy, practical solution but aesthetically it doesn’t work for me. Sorry.
  3. Jonah

    Lightest Electric Bike

    Depends on price. Lots of light bikes in the premium price sector. At a mix of price points: Full size wise, Woosh Faro is quite light. Orbea Gain series are pretty light. Bikes with Fazua drive system like the Boardman Hybrid. Juicy Ticket. Lightish folders include Brompton, Gocycle or at...
  4. Jonah

    Conversion kit for my Brompton

    I have a Swytch kit. Good design, easy install and smooth operation. But, my controller packed in over 2 months ago and I’m still waiting for a replacement. Previously I’ve had a Sparticle kit. Massive power, but very heavy and requires widened forks. Great for speed and going up hills but not...
  5. Jonah


    If it’s 2010 it’s probably a Panasonic. I don’t think the Impulse motor came in grey. So, good news is it’s probably not the motor with all the problems, not so good news is its limited power output is not so great on hills. There is currently another thread about the Panasonic motor which gives...
  6. Jonah

    Kalkhoff initially dissapointing; advice please.

    I had a Raleigh with this motor traded in with me some years ago which I used for a bit. It was a delight to ride on flat trails, smooth and quiet. But, as you have found, lacking in oomph up the hills without a lot of user input. Suited to flattish areas. Nice bike in the right circumstances.
  7. Jonah

    Dead battery

    Kalkhoff batteries go into sleep mode when not in use that works pretty well generally. Might well be ok. Plug it into the charger base station and it should charge. If there is a problem, the base station will show some flashing lights to indicate a problem.
  8. Jonah

    Kalkhoff initially dissapointing; advice please.

    I’m guessing it’s an old Kalkhoff with the 26v Panasonic motor / battery since this would read 29v if fully charged. If this is not the case, then the battery is the problem. If Panasonic, that’s a good thing since the replacement Impulse motor was problematic. Perhaps you can send a photo of...
  9. Jonah

    Introducing the Woosh Faro

    On a bike like this tyres make a huge difference. For comfort, grip and low rolling resistance I use these ... Schwalbe G-One AllRound RaceGuard Dual Performance Folding Gravel Road Tyre 700x38c If puncture resistance is main priority Marathon Plus will be better but they aren’t as good in...
  10. Jonah

    Introducing the Woosh Faro

    Ergon are the best known grips / bar ends, I’ve got these ones They also do...
  11. Jonah

    Good afternoon Pedelecs.

    Cycled that trail a couple of years ago on our electrified Bromptons. I remember it being a bit bumpy in places. Welcome to the forum. What bike are you going to get?
  12. Jonah

    Dolf, old but new

    Noemouv who are partners with Juicy Bike have retailers in Belgium. Perhaps take a look at their website.
  13. Jonah

    Advice about buying an electric bike to transport two children in a trailer

    Looks like a nice bike. Because of the trailer hitch needed on the rear axle, it would probably be best to fit a front hub motor like the Swytch one you have seen or the XF07 from Woosh Both are decent products. In my experience Swytch product...
  14. Jonah

    Help! Aerobike x-ride

    Is it this one?
  15. Jonah

    Advice about buying an electric bike to transport two children in a trailer

    In terms of practicalities (short journey, all weather, Inexperienced cyclist) a trailer is probably most suitable. Unless you can get one used, they are quite costly, decent ones can cost getting on for £1000 (Halfords do a basic model for £99). A kit should be fine for this purpose, Woosh...
  16. Jonah

    Aikema 85SX

    Did 3 commutes this week (15 miles round trips). All working well and a real pleasure to ride in the sunshine. I have removed the throttle to make a bit more room on the bars since not used it with the new motor. Battery and controller are in the frame bag. New bar bag ready for tent when...
  17. Jonah

    Are there any kits that fit a 110mm rear hub drop out?

    The Aikema 85SX is listed as 100mm, not sure if that’s the same measure since it was a snug fit in my 140mm dropouts.
  18. Jonah

    First time e-bike chooser needing some guidance.

    Do you have a non-electric bike currently and / or are you a regular bike rider? How heavy are you, how hilly is it, how much effort do you want / can you put in? Do you have a view on suspension (for some it’s a must have, personally I would just look for wider tyres for comfort)? There are...
  19. Jonah

    Aikema 85SX

    I have just replaced my front hub motor Xiongda YTW-06 with a rear wheel AKM supplied by Woosh. I’d done a bit over a 1000 miles on the Xiongda but it had always been less than perfect mainly due to vibration through the bars. It also made some very unpleasant noises at times and recently the...