Search results

  1. Jonah

    3 wheels?

    Have you come across Ice Trikes. I tried one of these years ago and it was great fun. £5-£6k though. Useful info on this site Also HP Velo Gekko here.
  2. Jonah

    Corratec LifeS AP5 - looking for opinions

    I’d be surprised if there was any difference in likelihood of theft between different Bosch motored bikes but I could be wrong. If theft is a major concern I’d definitely be looking more at the Woosh Rambletta.
  3. Jonah

    Corratec LifeS AP5 - looking for opinions

    Nice looking bike imho. Corratec are not a well known brand over here but specs seem fairly standard for German Bosch motored bikes. No reason to think it wouldn’t be reliable. After warranty expires some would argue cost of motor and battery related issues are very expensive for Bosch...
  4. Jonah

    Rear rack bag

    I have the exact one in the link although they do come in different sizes. This one gives 2 decent sized panniers when needed that can each carry a fair amount. I have toured with it with enough stuff for a week.
  5. Jonah

    Rear rack bag

    I have used these for the last 10 years.
  6. Jonah

    Help! Looking for a <£2k commuting ebike which will take a child seat

    But the page says Rambletta on it. Are these now in stock?
  7. Jonah

    Woosh Rio or Ezego Trail Destroyer?

    Sorry, must have been looking at the wrong spec sheet. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun on it. When do you expect it to arrive?
  8. Jonah

    Woosh Rio or Ezego Trail Destroyer?

    In case you are unaware the 350w motor is not legal to use in UK. Doesn’t concern lots of people and unlikely to ever be a problem but if something bad happened .....
  9. Jonah

    Spare parts for eco expedition bikes

    9 is unusual, normally 5, 8 or 12.
  10. Jonah

    battery charging

    Probably best to top up each time. Note it is best not to leave it fully charged and unused, ideally charge it up as close to when you are going to ride it as possible.
  11. Jonah

    Spare parts for eco expedition bikes

    The retailer you bought it from should have spares (unless you bought it second hand). PAS magnet discs are pretty generic and widely available on the web. You just need to count the magnets, measure the diameter and check the fitting (some can be fitted without removing the cranks).
  12. Jonah

    ..too many choices!!

    It’s a standard Bosch Powertube battery.
  13. Jonah

    Woosh Rio or Ezego Trail Destroyer?

    Looks like both would be decent bikes. Woosh are established company with excellent customer service history, Ezego are new company (2019) so little experience of them.
  14. Jonah

    Which type of conversion?

    Just less Ah. Most bottle batteries will be 7Ah but still 36v. Yose Power are ok I believe. There is a massive thread about them.
  15. Jonah

    E-Bike for Daily Commute

    Not many ebikes with belt drive and hub gears, but there are a few. I think there was another thread on the topic.
  16. Jonah

    Which type of conversion?

    No, this is the cheapest DIY total cost if you get a small cheap battery and buy direct from China. For a UK kit with better parts and a decent battery cost would be £500ish.
  17. Jonah

    e-bike for under £1000

    I’d second the above. Bianchi are best known for light weight road bikes assuming this is the case, a light weight rear hub conversion would likely be the best option. The Aikema motor from Woosh is a good candidate. If you provide details of the bike, Tony from Woosh will advise compatibility...
  18. Jonah

    Hello from the Lizard, Cornwall

    Re the Brompton - chalk and cheese. The Sparticle kit was really heavy and turbo charged. Great in someways but detracted from the good things about the Brompton. The Swytch kit is very light and a neat solution with enough power for me. However, the controller packed in a couple of weeks ago...
  19. Jonah

    Which type of conversion?

    Welcome to the forum. For road use I would go for a rear hub motor. Woosh sell a lot of kits and provide a good overview of the options. Your weight, fitness and terrain will determine which motor to go for.
  20. Jonah

    Hello from the Lizard, Cornwall

    The 3 bikes you list are of a similar ilk. Raleigh are part of the Dutch Accell Group but previously part of the same group as Kalkhoff and Gazelle (now owned by Dutch company Pon Holdings). All tend to use much the same components and are of similar quality. They are sold as separate brands and...