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    New bike - AVE MH7

    Has anybody considered having a short break in Stuttgart, and getting an AVE / Bosch there?? The Eu price is virtually the same as the £ price, which makes an £1800 bike cost £1450??? may be getting like the motor trade some years ago, when importing a car from Europe was all the...
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    AVE XH 3...any thoughts??

    excellent...........thanks for all that info flecc, as you certainly have managed to dot the I's and cross the T's for me at £1799, the XH 3 does seem to be the "cheapest"way into the Bosch equipped bike... to pick your brains (or anyone else for that matter) how would this dedicated e-bike...
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    AVE XH 3...any thoughts??

    thanks for the link flecc, and Eddi0 seems like a satisfied customer....although replacement batteries are running at £450 but apart from the Bosch set up, any ideas about the provenance of the bike itself?? who are AVE, and are they new to the scene???.... on the XH 3 the Bosch motor/drive...
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    AVE XH 3...any thoughts??

    It was great fun being at Blenheim palace last Sunday for the Brompton World Championships.....pure madness, but fun.. my wife and I parked up about 10 miles away from Woodstock, and and she on her Tongxin Brompton and me on a leg powered 6 speed used NSN 51 to get us there, which was...
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    I need to decide between a mtb & a road bike

    Just to add by 2 pennies worth, I would advocate suggest one of Juicy Bikes's front wheel wife and I have just come back from driving down to Spain through France, with her with my Rockhopper, and her Juicy bike converted Garry Fisher, on the tow bar rack... ...we rode every...
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    motor/battery size less important than cojones

    I dont know whether others have seen this link from CTC e-newsletter, but be prepared to put hands over eyes! whether front wheel, rear wheel or bottom bracket drive would lower the stress level, I leave it for others to judge World's most technical trail? » Bike Magic watch BEFORE...
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    I have the same Juicy Bike conversion on my wifes' Garry Fisher, and when used in pedeled mode it is pretty "Whisper " quiet.........which means that the amount of motor input is modest, but in accordance with the amount of pedal cadence.........using full throttle (on the throttle) makes the...
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    long brake cables

    .......and when you cut them to shorten them, make sure you have a good pair of cable snippers (worth the expense) or you will fray the cable end even before using it cheers barryc.
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    what is 40% charge??

    thanks a lot flecc would the battery be better off, if charged up to 2 LEDs and then refridgerated?? .....or leave it at one LED, refirdgerated .....or given one hour on charge, at room temp, every 2 months???? when you say measure the charge progressively while charging, I take it...
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    what is 40% charge??

    a question for The Wise Ones 40% of a full battery charge is suggested as the possible level to leave a battery that wont be used for a few months... my wife is off to Oz for a time to see family, and her Nano Brompton 36v battery is showing 39.9 volts on the digital multi...
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    35 stone cyclist

    Before & After Photo’s « The Cyclist who FORMERLY Weighed 39 Stone (559 Pounds) is the link to the CTC's article on this amazing guy.... it looks like e-bikes may be a a very first step, to doing what this chap has done..........although maybe going 'cold turkey' straight to toe clips, and...
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    Compromise! It all seemed so simple until......

    apropos of bike racks, Auto Manor of Upminster, charged me £199 to fit a Witter tow bar and electrics to my new Golf Estate, and I am still using my old Witter 2 bike rack with the Juicy ebike, and my Rockhopper....stable and hassle free down to Spain, and no back troubles lifting the bikes on...
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    Compromise! It all seemed so simple until......

    Hi Mike... I can thoroughly recommend Juicy Bike as a freely available, relatively low cost kit. My wife's 26" MTB has been a 100% success, with Juicy themselves fitting the kit. The motor is quiet in pedelec mode, and the thumb throttle is available when the going gets tough, but the...
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    Why do people think 25km/h speed limitation is safe?

    As I suggest to my Institute of Advanced Motorist pupils, "can you stop safely in the distance you can see to be clear, on your side of the road"??? if the answer is Yes, then speed is not an issue, but the Yes must be based on the fullest Observation. this answer is a also govern by another...
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    Thinking of buying my first e bike, Wisper or Juicybike, any advice please?

    Hi Sarah... just to offer a quick 'thumbs up' for Juicy Bikes in Buxton.... as you live so close, the convenience of having someone on your doorstep that can get you up-and-running after any problems, is an enormous Plus...and Bob is just a nice bloke too! I have just had my wifes' bike...
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    charging info for 36v battery

    thanks again for that further advice flecc... after studying the male plug, I managed to find the terminals in the socket, and the 2009 battery is still showing 41v.... so now I suppose I should finally follow NRG's advice and top up both batteries to allow the BMS to do their stuff...
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    charging info for 36v battery

    Mnay thanks to Dr NRG and Prof Flecc, as the basic explanation finally has made sense to me.. its a pity you had to spoil it all with talk of charge pumps and cap switching.! as another rather simple aside, the 37v battery that came with the Electric Wheel Nano Brompton, is obviously a 'behind...
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    charging info for 36v battery

    as an e-idiot when it comes to understanding the wonders of electricity, could some MSc or PhD out there explain why a 36v battery shows 40-41volts on the Multi tester after charging , and 39 volts after a 30 mile run....what would it show if it was really run down?? I have only ever charged...
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    Which conversion kit

    Congrats Gog, that looks like a very neat end result. And seems like a simpler fitting than Ian's one, using Dr Ding. .....but a better description of your pedelec sensor bracket would be interesting For pedelec readers who don't want to do the conversion themselves (for one reason or...
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    2nd attempt at obtaining advice

    Hi Patrick you seem to be of a similar vintage, plus a similar outlook to my self on the ebike situation.... I too like to 'keep up with' my wife when she is powered and I am not........but I am not sure as to whether this new bike is for you in the first instance, and your lady as a...