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  1. B

    Juicy Sport mods, advice please.

    obviously the start point must be a call to Bob Wales at Juicy Bikes......he is very obliging, and knows his 'electrics' ....for gearing and tyre size available, any local bke shop will will sell you a larger chainring than a 48 tooth....start at 52 tooth, and/or buy a different gear cluster at...
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    Unassisted Riding

    what you say is true Scotty, as a lightweight unpowered bike can be a delight........but only if your legs feel up to it, and not say, knackered from the day before (a la Tour de France) the weight size difference between my wife and myself is minimal, sort of plus or minus 1kg.....maybe we...
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    Unassisted Riding

    It seems that riding assisted, or unassisted, is a permanent debate on this site. Plus the problem of percieved motor drag, if the conversion back to unassisted is only partial. For the month of Feb. my wife any I head down to Spain, taking a week to drive down, and another to come back, and...
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    Crank drive v hub drive

    dear Micropilot, you should really try the Juicy-Bike, as I dont think that you will be disappointed......I tried both his folder and the Sport model, when Bob was doing a hub conversion for my wife's Garry Fisher 26", and was really surprised by both of them. at the price, you might expect a...
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    Folding electric bikes....which one ??

    I had the pleasure of a ridee on a a new Juicy Bike folder yesterday.........very nippy, very stable, and very comfortable, even in comparison to my Nano Brompton a slight whine under full power, but quite acceptable.........Bob at Juicy bikes was delivering the bike to his daughter to use...
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    25 electric bike reviews since july 2010

    the out-of the-box review has a lot of relevance to new buyers, as it brings them up to speed with what the dealer/seller is like, and how the whole experience worked out... the down side to this of course, is that once the sale has been made, interest from the dealer could evaporate...
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    newbie looking for a cheap e-bike for commuting. Any recommendation?

    that sort of confusion could lead to a super-injunction!
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    newbie looking for a cheap e-bike for commuting. Any recommendation?

    just remember what happened to Mr Ratner................although his downfall wasn't 'cheap, though was it, it was crap... .............on the other hand Evan Davies's BBC2 prog suggested that the quality wasn't bad at all
  9. B

    Any thoughts on Electric Transport Shop Sparticle conversion?

    thanks a lot Allen, that link seems to work..........I just don't know how you did it.. at this stage in my decision making of a kit for the Gary Fisher, I can see why other folk are having sleepless nights in their choice of kits.... the most helpful person so far is Bob at Juicy bikes who...
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    Any thoughts on Electric Transport Shop Sparticle conversion?

    My wife has been using a Electric Wheel Comp Nano Brompton for a year or so, and is very happy with the conversion, but now I am considering converting her Gary Fisher MTB using the ETC folk, but getting a reply from them seems impossible.... Does anybody know if they are still functioning...
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    that seems a tough one Steve... my conversion is stlill going well, and the only downside seems to be the difficulty in getting a reply to an email.........together with the cost of £750 of course! but Martin does a good job, once you manage to speak to him on the...
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    Brooks saddles.....

    Brooks saddles Brooks saddles takes me back a few years... my wife and I had them fitted to our Mercian touring bikes, as there were't may alternatives (in those days).. we bedded them in by applying Neatsfoot oil (from saddlery, but from the underneath to soak upwards, and...
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    Possible Stolen nano Brompton

    from the pics., this is definitely an ElectricWheelCompany Brompton, as it has the electrified luggage block, and nobody else does that as far as I know the seller doesn't seem to know anything about the bike, which really makes it suspicious, and possibly comes form a house burgalary...
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    Best Brompton for Electrification?

    hi Pedalo.. thanks flecc for filling in with the EWC website regarding the ' switched' brake levers that come with the Electricwheelcompany kit, its the inefficiency of the lever s that is the problem.. there is a long cable run on the Brompton which doesnt help, but the lever is...
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    Best Brompton for Electrification?

    hi Pedalo.. in the light of my wife's E Brompton which is a 6 speed 'lightweight ', I would say that nothing more than 2 speed is needed.. the bike was converted by the EWCompany, and its been pretty faultless cycling it into London on Wednesday, I had 2 steep hills to climb...
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    Which Alien Kit Shall I Buy & What Can I Expect?

    which alien kit without doubt, please do go over the top with lighting.. the most immediate car problems will come from the rear, so buy a 5-7 LED light and fit it to your right ankle with you peddle it will oscillate and be very visible from the rear... I also attach a white...
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    Depth of discharge?

    charge/discharge very interesting... thought I had picked up all the necessary info re lithium batteries by reading all posts avidly, and now we come to the importance of temperature to charging as well as storage.. I have been storing my wife's e Brompton 37v 10ah lithium in the fridge...
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    E-Brompton - First Ride/Tweaks

    CONGRATULATIONS Jerry... as an EWC e Brompton owner, I have been following your build with bated (baited??) breath... and its really great to hear that you have overcome all the difficulties, and now have a 'semi' finished product... please keep us informed on what you do with the...
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    Winter Tyres

    coming off on black ice is too painful for a repeat performance.... but I DO recommend golf shoes for walking...quite amazing what some studs do for your confidence, black ice, what black ice???? for some cheap ones go well everybody barry c.
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    Ahead Stem extender

    Pete... I have a height extender fitted to my unpowered Specialised Rockhopper....but I also have the shortest stem available, so not only are the bars the same height as the saddle, they are also closer to me, to give me an 'almost upright riding position, that I find very comfortable...