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  1. B

    Wheel Building - Tongxin in Brompton wheel

    Jerry, the thumb throttle is the same as the one fitted by EWC.... it works well enough, but because the thumb does not tend to fool the arc of the lever, but sort of push it sideways, there is a tendency for the lever to stick 'ON'...and the thumb has to nip underneath and 'pull' it up...I...
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    Riding on Icy Days

    may I just suggest to members NOT to come off on black ice if at all possible...this time last year I did just that, at the end of a 30\= mile run out in Herts,,,a fine day, but cold, with a lot of other ccylist seen....mate and I had had just fifnished a late lunch, and were pushing on back to...
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    Building a small A123 Battery Pack

    good luck I am watching with interest regarding my future with the EWC Nano B. all the best Barry C.
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    Expensive Bike Lubricants and cleaning products)

    when I was commuting with my bike on a daily basis (about 12 miles) I ended up binning every chain after 6 months....bought from Spa Cycles by the half dozen, they were good value and far cheaper than replacing expensive chain rings or/and cassette.. now I am 'at leisure', I use a Barbieri...
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    Freedom Ebike brompton

    cant quite agree with the horses for courses thingy, being 'pedalled' by Andy, Flecc and Pedalo... if my dear 68 year old wifey, can knock off 34 quickish miles on her EWC Brompton, then the need for a Cytronex becomes a bit shakey having said that, I wouldnt have minded a nano in the front...
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    Freedom Ebike brompton

    Jerry.....I think that you are more excited than Caroline, and if my current experiences of my EWC Nano are anything to go by...totally justified my only criticism would be that the battery (36v..10a/h), is too big, and too heavy to carry around after parking the bike (Arbus Granit D lock) I...
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    Don't be stupid... like me.

    not so freak, Straylight... whilst windsurfing down in Spain, and out on our Bromptons (unpowered!), I got a bit cocky, and tried to go over one of those sharp, almost square sided rubber speed humps, with one hand holding the bars lightly......oh dear! he bike didnt mount the rubber, but...
  8. B

    Frank From Germany/China Back Online ?

    does any body know as to whether Tongxin failures could be related not only using from standing start, but also weight of bike bags carried, plus I suppose the 'size' of the rider.... I am getting a little nervous about my recent EWC Bompton conversion, after reading the current thread...
  9. B

    Saddles again

    leaving your Powercycle with a Quick release, is a recipe for disaster....just replace the quick release fitting with an Allen key similar to clamp up the seat post...job done and Mussels (muscles??) is right..gel saddle dont support the boney bits, and so drop the sensitive 'mid-line' bits...
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    Freedom Ebike brompton

    Caroline, I feel for you... my posts were similar to yours, as I was (trying!!) to buy a conversion from the EWC for my wife's 6 speed Brompton, which was giving me the sweats + very cold feet... but my problems were just lack of communication from the EWC, and the fact that I had paid a £200...
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    Being saddle sore just isn't funny........

    flecc's right Pete, you do need 'running in ' time for your bum and particularly for a leather saddle.. for country rides I wear a pair of lycra shorts under a pair of cycling 'longs', and both have a chamois pad around the nether region, and the additional cushioning for my slimmish frame is...
  12. B

    DIY stage 1: received Bafang + Tongxin kits [photos]

    my 'new' Tongxin nano from the EWC is a 260rpm motor
  13. B

    A very sad tale

    for all you folks who are motorcyclists and/car drivers, why not take this amazing opportunity to increase your skills, and get rid of acquired bad habits, by doing the Advanced Motorcyclist or Advanced Driving test....join the IAM at and have half a dozen free country runs with an...
  14. B

    A very sad tale

    I appreciate that the majority of subscribers to this site are keen cyclists, assisted, or otherwise.... using national speed limit roads is a Must for some country folk, and my appeal again would be to make yourself as visible as possible...its when one sees the sort of driving errors made by...
  15. B

    A very sad tale

    as flecc says, if you are going to continue cycling, then ghastly events such as this, must be taken in context.... however, as a keen cyclist, and also as a Senior Observer for the Institute od Advanced Motorists (the IAM), I have to say that any one of us is quite capable of not "seeing" a...
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    DIY stage 7: first ride !! :)

    thanks for commenting on my pics Daniel, and apologies for no reply, as it ended up in Spam unfortunately.. my front rim is the same as the one you are lacing for the Brompton, so it will be interesting to hear if you had problems getting the last bit of the 'bead' onto the rim...and if not...
  17. B

    DIY stage 7: first ride !! :)

    Daniel your build up looks fabulous....I like your rear mounted pack, and the availablity of the front bag for proper 'kit'.. from the pics I cant quite see where the power thumb shifter is on the bars, and you are obviously going to dispense with the brake lever cut outs.. I used my wifes...
  18. B

    Cytronex tips

    could someone very kindly answer ('again') all the questions posed about NiMh batteries but Pedalo, into answers for lithium batteries... all these answers are about the website somewhere, but my brain goes into meltdown looking for them...I need to be re-charged even more often than my batteries!
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    Wisper 905se sport.......Brakes

    definitely change to hydraulic if possible...I have just bought a non powered Specialised with hydraulics, and the ability to lock the back wheel at any speed (dont plan to try the front!!), is friction in the levers takes some getting used to as well.. as for riding in the wet...
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    Marathon Plus disappointment

    thanks for the tip Flec in fact I did try this techn ique this morning, managing to get the tyre out on the one side, but probably managed to puncture it (again) in the process...the bead is just so tight on the American rim that the EWC fitted with the Tongxin, and although the rim has 36...