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  1. B

    thoughts on new KTM

    Buying an expensive bike, sight unseen, from a dealer 1000+ miles away, is a slightly traumatic business, with a great deal of trust involved. But alls well that ends well, as somebody once wrote. It is very easy to get seduced by the offers on the German Ebay website, especially if there...
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    we have been spending a fair bit of Feb i Goa for quite a few years now, and can't recommend it more highly .............far cheaper to live there than here, and the weather, of course, is a given... we rent cheaply, and nowadays buy bikes as soon as we get there, usually at one particular...
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    Car driver charged with manslaughter over London cyclist death

    a few years ago, I was knocked off my touring bike, by an opening door that caught my near side handle bars.....and down I went, but was very "lucky", as there were no other vehicles... the driver jumped out, and even while I was still lying in the road, accused me of not looking where I was...
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    2013 KTM finally arrived

    NO...I didnt get paid, but I got to use one of the cars for the weekend.... so we had long weekends in a Bentley Conti/Turbo 911/F430 Ferrari etc.....none of which my wife liked, as they were either noisy, uncomfortable , or too plutocratic some pics of Her Indoors, Not enjoying E25...
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    2013 KTM finally arrived

    thanks again Flecc says, sometimes you cant see what is quite obvious I have disconnected the Poplock, but the fork lockout seems to be the default setting Amiga, sprung loaded in the 'locked' direction, and needing a cable pull to 'open' and reposition it??? I have had an email...
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    2013 KTM finally arrived

    you folks are so right....!!! flipping heck, there I was worrying about the poplock, and hadn't noticed the fork and wheels.... back to Specsavers I suppose cheers barryc.
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    2013 KTM finally arrived

    your suggestion Eddie!
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    2013 KTM finally arrived

    its amazing that something as simple as uploading some pics to show off a new bike should cause such anguish.....the files are too big, but re sizing them was real rocket science...(for me!) anyway, the bike arrived today after a 5 day wait, and is very exciting...unfortunately DHL bust the...
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    New Haibike dealer?

    that is a very nice comment on justebikes Indalo, and I am sure that James will be greatful for it....and in the clear light of day, you make perfect sense for me, the time scale was just unfortunate, and as these sort of purchase decisions are both head and heart, for me, the latter ruled on...
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    New Haibike dealer?

    I thought that this thread was liable to rear its ugly head again... at the start of this tread I was trying out, and tempted by an Enduro RC from this supplier, but the bad taste I got when reading this put an end to it... ....its amazing how a thumbs up or thumbs down can influence the...
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    pedelecs are cheating

    sorry for sort of 'upsetting' a lot of forum folk with news from the 'other side' of the divide... although cheating and ebikes have always gone hand in hand from the perspective of the non-ebiker, where they are viewed almost as if it was Oscar Pistorius "found out" to have fitted electric...
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    pedelecs are cheating

    don't know whether anybody else subscribes to the CTC, but this month's mag, describes a C2C trip (Coasting Across England) taken on 2 hired Giant Twists, from a company called Saddle Skeddadle. They did the 140 miles in 3 days, but were constantly running out of battery power, until one bike...
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    Haibike's - What do you think?

    shame you didn't post a bit earlier would have saved me sending off to Austria for a KTM Machina race....for my 72nd birthday present (to myself!) due to arrive any time now (I hope), but much like Halfer, I would have preferred a local purchase with local backup.....although...
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    The Bosch

    d8ve....I knew I was walking on dodgy ice here, bandying stats like 300 or 400, but I am only repeating what my Austrian contact has written, and his English is only a bit better than my non existent German, (limited to achtung-achtung- shnell englander etc ), but the Bosch website does mention...
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    The Bosch

    my KTM Machina Race has finally been ordered from Austria, and it is the new 2013model, with 400ah battery instead of 2012 300ah...also has improved forks I believe, and the new Bosch HMI 'dashboard' will write it up when arrived/de=boxed/and ridden........early Xmas present
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    Gadget show testing e-bikes again

    the 'guts' were very prettily displayed from a front view.......nice and if flecc is anything to go by, my 72 years are early middle age
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    its not the size of your battery, but the size of your.....b++++++

    Kurt Sorge turns in winning second run for Red Bull Rampage 2012 some may have already seen this, but it is pretty staggering.... it is either a short trip into the next life ( bypassing Zurich/Dignitas), or a feeling of invinciblity
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    A bright light may save your life

    Flecc is so right about getting used to London cycling, and then just accepting it as the norm....for about 20 years I had about a 16 mile commute from central London to an outer suburb, and cycling home at night was a great pleasure, especially the bit through Hyde Park and Regents Park.. as...
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    any problems with Bosch centre drive

    thanks for the re-assurance Dave, but I imagine that any imported bike problems would be met by a stony stare....on the other hand, if Bosch pay the service folk for warranty work, then every body should be happy-ish I have considered the Alfine 11 speed Eddie, but it sort of adds potential...
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    any problems with Bosch centre drive

    KTM Macina Race 26” – 9 XT BOSCH anthrazit 2013 | Radsport Brucki