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  1. B

    Handle Bar Bags???

    a good point Jerry, but I dont know of any stock bike with a bar bag mount as a factory option... Bosch bikes, with down tube batteries, tend not to have a bottle cage either.... the Carradice option looks good Alex, but its not the bag so much, as whether the mount is wide enough to clear...
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    Handle Bar Bags???

    does anybody have any ideas for handle bar bags for KTM Bosch bikes with the HTM unit right in the middle of the bars on the stem... the HMI is quite wide, and Altura fittings etc dont seem wide enough on the bars to work.. any ideas folks, or just use wobbly velcro straps??
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    Nose Weight and Tow Bar Mounted Cycle Racks

    I have just had 3 weeks in Spain with a Thule Euro 928 with a KTM machina Race, and a Machina Cross on the tow hitch of a Prius....a bit less than 40 kgs with no battery, + 12kg for the rack New Prius Bike Rack - Hybrid / Toyota Prius - Toyota Owners Club - Toyota Forum the pics are on this...
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    Juicy bike Rural or Volt Metro (folding)

    I can recommend Juicy for the same reason as d8ve does.....really well run shop, who deal with any problems very quickly... a good choice cheers barrycoll
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    best recommended camera/handlebar support

    thanks d8ve.... quality is very good in HD, and hopefully it is as waterproof as they claim, but maybe you get only what you pay for? but as it comes with its own mount, then it must be a better bet than my TZ7 Panasonic barrycoll
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    best recommended camera/handlebar support

    thanks folks... the Flymount looks the business, but needs a bit too much 'commitment' at this early stage, although your videos show just how good it is blew it the Hama mount at £12 with a screw fitting to tighten to the bars seems a good starter kit.....I am now wondering if anybody has...
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    best recommended camera/handlebar support

    I know that there has been a lot threads buzzing around this topic, but with a forthcoming holiday to Spain via some rides in the Pyrenees, I would like to record a few movie clips with a Panasonic TZ7 a small light-ish digicam I have put a Minoura Space Bar on the bars to free up some...
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    Motorist kills 2 cyclist on separate occasions

    just as well this bloke didn't make any uncalled for sexual advances, or he would have really had his collar felt barrycoll
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    Bosch Battery flew down the road

    just a quick check on my KTM Machina Race confirms that, like Artsu, my battery will never be flying down the road, as a key is needed to open the detente on the battery holder, to position the battery Finger pressure against the opening mechanism, without the battery in place, confirms that it...
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    KTM Macina dual hs - the eagle has landed!!

    just to add my 2p's worth to the mix, I have to say that my KTM Machina Race 26, with a simple 9 speed derailleur and just one Rapid fire shifter, works very well.... I keep having to remind myself that when faced with a head wind an increasing gradient, I have a choice of of either changing...
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    KTM dealers?

    if Dave from Kudos had been a KTM supplier last year, I certainly would have bought my Machina Race 26 from him rather than import it from rad-sport in Austria... meeting him at the Excel show confirmed that finding... but its a great bike wherever it comes from.....but maybe a sporty Kudos for...
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    Anyone successfully transported an ebike recently to Spain by courier etc?

    Guardian this morning has a new train to Barcalona form St Pancreas for £185 onward Spanish train from there, so why not go together with the bike.... we drive to Murcia with the bikes on the back in June
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    e-Brompton after thousand of miles

    the worrying thing is, that some people drive cars that are probably in a similar mechanical state to that no MOT and no insurance amazing! ....and I must say that the readership are very polite in their responses to those pics
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    Found myself answering the same old questions.

    I had a very enjoyable show,it was nice to put faces to names on the Pedelec site,I was surprised how many of the Pedelec members are younger than I would have thought. Dave Kudoscycles too polite to say that 'some' are a lot older too, Dave cheers barryc.
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    Came off my bike in the snow

    blimey Benjy, forget the Brompton, its your bodywork that counts when I came off my Brompton, it was a speed hump in Spain that took me out, as i wasn't gripping the bars tight enough.....end of the brake lever cracked a rib, and I broke 3 front teeth when my face hit the ground, plus broken...
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    Excel bike show

    there is no cheap clothing, or cheap anything(!) at the show......and the best value entrance ticket seems to be the ticket touts who are very low key, whispering something about £10 tickets, (or maybe dirty magazines)...but the very best value by far was the free protein bars there is a...
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    Excel bike show

    Just come back from a few hours at Excel, and its more tiring than a country ride... Had the pleasure of meeting Dave on the Kudos stand, and a charming bloke he is. All of his new kit was there, and I had a few laps of the test track on his new centre drive Ibex. Very impressive bike, and...
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    KTM Electric Bikes

    Hi David... i have had my Machina Race 26" for a month or 2 now, and am first thought were listed here This model fits my needs perfectly, especially after fitting guards and a pannier...
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    Car carriers

    this is what I use on the back of my Golf.....2 e-bikes to Spain and probs, but I do attach a line to a roof bar to negate hard acceleration Witter Towbars | Buy A Cycle Carrier » ZX88 Flange Towbar Mounted Cycle Carrier 3/4 bikes (includes retaining strap...
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    Any news on the AEG central drive?

    Eddie.... "2013 models just have new HMI which I dont like as it cant be removed (less security)E]" the 2013 Bosch HMI is removed as per any Cateye speedo, and is charged from the main battery, keeping all its info via a small internal battery..... even better, the power options are on a...