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  1. B

    Another London cyclist killed

    If this situation happened in Europe, the onus of responsibility would always be primarily on the driver, and not on the vulnerable road user.
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    Battery problem - with background

    Actually James what I also did to my wife's Juicy conversion, was to roll up an old inner tube, and use a cable tie to keep that tight fold, and then push it between the Frog battery and the top of the Blackburn carrier, using another cable tie to keep it in position....the battery was then...
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    Battery problem - with background

    Just to say that the Frog battery in the Juicy bike conversion that Bob kindly fitted to my wife's Gary Fisher MTB has been absolutely fine.... I did have to modify the rear Blackburn pannier rack to give the seat post supported battery more clearance (my wife is 5' 2"), but the bike has been...
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    caught for speeding with radar gun

    The path that he pulled over on, I know very well, as I cycle there on occasional ride in to town from Nth runs parallel to the Serpentine lake, and is divided into pedestrians and cyclists....its usually clogged with Boris Bikes, riding on the wrong side of the path by UK standards...
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    caught for speeding with radar gun beware!
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    DON'T READ THIS if you dont like or want to moan about techy stuff

    this what I bought for £99 but it is £10 more now... does everything and at an amazing price for a Garmin
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    Crank drive info please

    You are very similar to myself Steve....I enjoy unpowered, as well as powered, and on a recent country ride with my wife, I was quite happy to ride my KTM Macina Race for 30+ miles without touching the power once....while my wife was happy with her KTM Macina Cross running her battery down... On...
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    Presta or Schrader valves on KTM

    To some extent, the new style of Smart pump make the choice of valve a bit irrelevant....and as has been said, pressures for both valves types can be substantial. Many times in the past, I have tried to rationalise the different valves in our 2 bikes, by putting Presta tubes in Schrader drilled...
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    Presta or Schrader valves on KTM

    Can random choice be the only 'reason'? The Schrader valve needs a larger hole within the constraints of a thinner rim, so it can't really be a random choice by the assembly guys. Why are 28" or 700c rims purchased with a S. fitting in the first place, and ditto, why are 26" low pressure rims...
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    Presta or Schrader valves on KTM

    I have a 2012 KTM Macina Race which has been great. My wife now has KTM Cross which she likes very much. The Race has 26" wheels and one would/might expect Schrader valves as max pressure is 55 psi, but it has Presta valves. The Cross, on the other hand, has 700c wheels and fairly high...
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    Where have all the KTMs gone? does this work?
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    Where have all the KTMs gone?

    Is this the bike?? good euro price......1,27 to the £
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    help with a new Go cycle

    the biggest issue for my friend, is being able to carry the bike into his place of work, rather than chain it up in all weathers in a busy street.... the weight, plus the rideability swing it for the GoBike over the the more mainstream competitors like Kalkoff etc the chances of losing it to a...
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    help with a new Go cycle

    Did you manage to try one flecc, and (forgetting the expense!!) what are the other impracticalities?? Has anybody out there, actually purchased and is using one, on a day to day basis....?
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    help with a new Go cycle

    thanks d8veh, I didn't realise that they should/could have been better received than they have been... I suppose that with that much bespoke design, the price is inevitably going to reflect that, but certainly the 16kg weight complete with battery, is not equaled by many bikes except Cytronex...
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    help with a new Go cycle

    A good friend is mesmerised with a new Gocycle I have pushed him towards a Kalkoff/KTM/Haibike as a reliable 8 mile commuter, but as he drives an electric Smart, he is overwhelmed with the 'coolness' rating of the Gocyle what would this...
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    seat height.

    try walking with bent knees, and see how long you can do that for
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    Bosch bearings

    my wife's 6 month old KTM Macina's speed sensor was replaced byThe Electric Transport Shop at a reasonable cost, as returning to the supplying dealer was not a good use of time. the part itself was supplied by the dealer, and the damaged part returned KTMs are great bikes as long as I can...
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    Bosch speed sensor fault code

    Finally my wife's the KTM Macina is back in action again. I was sent a new speed sensor by the country bike shop, and got The Electric Transport shop in Camden, to do the fitting ....easier than packaging the bike up, and couriering it across country There...
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    Thinking of doing a trip up to London

    I would recommend in York Way, Camden town great range of KTMs and nice guys they are fettling my wife's KTM Macina at the moment