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    Bosch speed sensor fault code

    Thanks once again Martin for all your info.... So from your comments the fact that 0 mph is showing suggests that the sensor itself is still 'live' and talking, and that the 5-17mm gap and alignment needs to be checked, and that is 'it' The fractured casing of the sensor is a bit of a red...
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    Bosch speed sensor fault code

    Artsu, the head unit is always removed after a ride, so the original philips retaining screw has been discarded for the time. If the bike is stolen, at least the toe rag will have to pedal it
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    Bosch speed sensor fault code

    Thanks again Martin, will check for a rubber grommit covering the allen key fitting. Dare I be so bold as to ask you whether there is easy access though the motor casing to get to the 'live end'???
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    Bosch speed sensor fault code

    Sorry Martin, you mentioned the Intuvia head unit, and Yes, we have cleaned and replaced a few times, as sometimes a bad contact does cause a problem. And Zero does show on the unit, plus the Eco/Tour etc settings, but spinning the wheel shows no speed and the unit will turn itself off after a...
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    Bosch speed sensor fault code

    Thank you Martin for taking the time out to reply. The bike is an Active line, as you say, and when checking the unit, I did notice a small crack in the casing. When checking if the unit was loose on the chain stay, I made matters worse, as a large crack formed and the unit was almost in 2...
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    Bosch speed sensor fault code

    My wife,s KTM Macina 10 has started to show a fault code 503 This relates to the speed sensor on the back drop[ out, and after adjusting the spoke magnet was hoping for the best. But no. The bike still has Power, but has no speed or distance registering. The fault showed up after a heavy...
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    Carry a passenger on my bike

    here is a first hand account of just what happens with a rear carrier passenger...bit of a dope, really
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    Sorry Guys,this new format is not working for Kudos

    Maybe some of the more senior members will recall the book, "Zen, and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", the general thrust of which, was the whole concept of Quality. .... Pirsig explores the meaning and concept of quality, a term he deems to be undefinable. Pirsig's thesis is that to truly...
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    Haibike Trekking eBikes finally come to the UK for 2014!..

    this is KTM's version of the Macina 10 uprated to Trekking with bibs & bobs from the shed
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    how much faster by eBike.....???

    with a HR of 150/160 you must be pushing quite hard pretty continuously, are still in your early 20's???....220 minus your age, is the rule of thumb for max (maybe unfit) HR, in my memory with that many watts of personal power, you must be beyond the assist speed almost completely, so...
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    cheap answer to second battery?

    maybe this is the UK equivalent ...
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    cheap answer to second battery?

    could this little device be the answer to the long commute/recreational ride.....or flat battery in the car or the phone, or ipad??? microstartxp3 | Antigravity Batteries looks fascinating
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    Meeting with Bosch

    Hi Martin... could you ask mr bosch as to whether the gearing is the reason for the big difference in 'feel' to the delivery of power between the 'old motor system, and the new small chain ring style set up? ...or has the motor a different torque curve? ..or whether different bike makers have...
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    Datatag systems on KTM Bikes....

    I would be happier if KTM bought me one of these Kryptonite New York Standard NYL U Lock with Flexframe Bracket (3000) - Black/Yellow: Sports & Outdoors the data tag won't stop the theft, but it only 'may' inconvenience the thief
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    2014 KTM Macina 10

    problem is, that we have one of each Rob, so it is easy to compare and contrast if you just piled on to a new model, you would feel it silky smooth and well modulated....and not forgetting that the Cross has 28" rims (or are they 700C??), as opposed to the 26" wide tyred Macina Race in fact...
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    2014 KTM Macina 10

    With the help of David from electrifyingbicycles, and Col from KTM industries, the KTM Macina Cross 10, was found to be the best replacement for my wife’s (unfortunately) oversized Macina Cross Nexus 8...
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    Bickerton Portable Folding Bike

    I remember being at Beta Bikes, a West Hampstead bike shop that sold new Bickertons, in the late 70s I was buying a made to measure Mercian frame at the time, when a lady came into the shop who had just bought a Bickerton. The Boss was a good salesman, but his side kick, who was serving me...
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    Recommended Folding eBikes?

    a Jerry Simon Brompton...or failing that a Nano electricwheel converted light weight 2 speed
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    How to fit an electric bike in a Porsche..

    thats nothing (!!!) I had to fit my nano Brompton into a Lambo Murcielargo.....perfect fit