Just thought I'd flag this in case it hadn't been spotted already: Cycle Heaven in York have a 2007 Easyglider in their Spring sale for £1199.99, the price includes a spare battery too.
Click on this link and scroll down the web page:
Cycle Heaven - York, England - independent bike shop...
Personally, I don't have a problem riding either frame types, though step-thrus win on convenience. Riding one certainly doesn't affect my self-image. But I do think it behoves any gentleman not to wear lycra...
Any thoughts/experience on the new Shimano Alfine hub, Flecc? What advantages does it offer over the Nexaves? Incidentally, I wonder why the Shimano Capreo groupset hasn't really caught on.
I think your "ball and ramp" suggestion sounds the most feasible Flecc, as the change between retarded and non-retarded is instant and noticeably jerky, a bit like a poor gear change in a car. Whereas if it were a flywheel effect I'd expect a smoother transition as the momentum built up? It does...
With regard to the motor retardation when going downhill, I've noticed that if you can get the bike up to around 25mph (assuming my speedo is accurate), the retardation magically cuts out. However, to get to 20+mph with the Mistral's low gearing does mean pedalling furiously though!
Looks very similar to the equipment used on the Sustain Halley...
Sustain Cycles - E-bikes, Electric Bikes, Folding electric bicycles, Sustainable transport, Environmental transport, cycles, in Harrow, London, Middlesex, UK, HA1 3TP
Hi Lee, glad you got the new tyres on, you should really notice a difference in handling and decreased rolling resistance. When I had the back wheel off I also removed the sturdy but weighty kickstand.
I rode the bike through most of last 'summer' and didn't have any problems with water...
I too have a Mistral and all I can say is be very careful when removing the back wheel, there isn't much slack in those wires going to the motor. In fact I ended up cutting the wires (on purpose) and inserting 'chocolate block' connectors to facilitate easier tyre changing/puncture repair...
I was just wondering whether there is anything I should look out for when waking my Li-ion battery from hibernation? It's been kept in the shed over winter, so it has been cold and possibly a bit damp too. Any procedures that might worth observing?
Thought I'd bring this to everyone's attention in case it hasn't been spotted already:
Specialized Holiday Greetings
Looks like 10 speed cassettes are de rigeur over at Specialized!
Happy Christmas everyone, and thanks for all the advice/debate over the year.
After having read this article (see link below) the thought occurred to me that ebikes in the UK are generally demonstrated at 'eco' fairs which inevitably only attract a certain type of customer. Perhaps the Italians are leading the way by showing them at motorcycle fairs too, appealing to a...
Simple question: What are the best conditions for storing a li-ion battery for a prolonged amount of time (whilst my e-bike overwinters in the shed)? Is it to charge it up fully, keep it as cool as possible whilst it is not being used, and top-up the charge once in a while?
Not sure if this has been flagged already, but it seems that Team Hybrid are launching Tidalforce bikes in this country:
TidalForce Electric Bikes - TidalForce Electric Bikes from Team Hybrid.
I live in what I reckon to be the least bike friendly city in the country (Birmingham) where a 'cycle lane' can be just be a blue sign on a lamp-post, and have no option but to go on the pavement sometimes. However, having followed many police cyclists doing exactly the same I regard it as...
I was under the impression that 250W was legal for Europe and 200W was British spec, but if it ever came to a court case then European law would have precedence. Though you'd have to get proper legal advice to be certain.
Actually, I think I may have been talking 'diamant' rubbish earlier (no surprise there) - it seems that unassisted Agattus (Agatti?) come in three frame styles: 1) Herren - Trekking (with a straight cross-bar); 2) Damen - Trapez (with a lowered crossbar) and 3) Wave (the step-thru frame as seen...
Hi John, I came across this website when researching bike lights, thought you might be interested:
Custom LED bike lights. Bright, light & long lasting...
Think I've just found the answer to my own question on 50cycles website: the 'gents' version isn't available until 2008. Gives me some time to start saving!
Also interesting to note that they seemingly used the step-thru model. Would that provide any performance advantages over a 'diamant' (kalkhoff-speak for 'gents' frame) frame, or are these latter just harder to procure? I haven't been able to find a picture of a cross-bar version anywhere...