Search results

  1. H

    Giant Twist Express

    There's no mention of the voltage in the article. If I could figure out how to paste an image into a message, I could scan the photo and post it on here. How do I do that? When I click the insert image icon all I get is a message asking for a URL...
  2. H

    Giant Twist Express

    I guess it's an easy option for Giant, in that they don't have to make any frame/geometry modifications and can use one of their standard frames. The frame on the Express looks like one of their sporty hybrid models (CRS?), than the previous Twists (1.0 etc), which have/had a more 'sit...
  3. H

    Giant Twist Express

    Not sure if this machine has been been mentioned on the Forum already, but it's due out next month apparently. Don't know too much about it unfortunately, other than it looks like a standard Giant front hub job with 'panier' style batteries.
  4. H

    Wheel build

    Thanks for the advice, seems like the theory and the reality wouldn't necessarily be the same. I am considering upgrading to a more expensive machine and was considering scavenging the motor etc from the Mistral for another project, but now perhaps I might just sell the complete Mistral instead.
  5. H

    Wheel build

    If I were to take the motor from my Mistral (26in wheel) and have it built into a 700c wheel (on a different bike), what would that do to the performance of the motor? According to electricbikesales website, the Mistral motor is 200W nominal, 720W peak. Am I right in thinking it'll have the...
  6. H

    Electric Transport Shop - Cashing In

    When I bought my Mistral back in Jan 2007, the price was £499 eBay back then, however I was fortunate to get it for £399 during a January sale/promotion. January is a good time to buy a bike I think! Not that that is any consolation to you. However, what may be of interest is that I didn't...
  7. H

    In Gear

    More bike than ebike this one: Does anyone know of the relative merits of the various Shimano derailleurs? I mean, given the price differences, what benefits does, for example, a Deore offer over an Alivio? Or, maybe more pertinently, an Alivio over an Acera?
  8. H

    Suzhou Bafang

    Are the motors fitted on the Synergies Mistral/Vivace etc Suzhou Bafang? They look very similar. Is there a way to tell?
  9. H

    * * * Tour de Presteigne 2008 Details * * *

    Glad Presteigne '08 was success, applause for the organisers. Judging by the photos, it seemed much more fun than the rain soaked event of 2007 (which I attended). Having looked at the Google map of ebike owners elsewhere on this website, a similar event in somewhere like Nottingham or...
  10. H

    Sizing The Mistral

    I had the same problem, Birmingham being very poorly served for electric bike shops, so had no way of comparing machines. The Mistral was therefore a bit of a gamble at the time (no reviews for instance, indeed A to B still seem oblivious to its existence) but it has paid for itself in...
  11. H

    Sizing The Mistral

    Hi, I've been riding a Mistral (Mk 1, pedelec only) for about eighteen months now and have found it to be a trusty machine, if lacking the sophistication of higher priced bikes. As for the riding position, I would describe it as 'mountain bike' like - in other words ones shoulders are more...
  12. H

    Watt difference does it make?

    Nice to see that old threads never die, they just get recharged!
  13. H

    Hi ! And is there a tour de Presteign this year?

    I went to Presteigne II (and got a soaking for my trouble) and it did strike me how 'out of the way' the place was (and I live in nearby Birmingham!) so resorted to going by car. Not terribly eco. So I'd be interested in how you'd get there easily by public transport. Having said that it's a...
  14. H

    I Can Hardly Believe It*****

    Another 'puncture resistant' tyre that might be worth considering is the Vittoria Randonneur Pro which I believe has a good reputation amongst courier riders. Don't think there's much in it terms of price beteween them and the Conti's though.
  15. H

    Help for parts?

    Unfortunately I've seen cyclists on pavements behave as badly towards pedestrians as car drivers towards cyclists. Seems to be something in human nature that fuels antagonism. It's all about risk ultimately, which is the greater, being yelled at by a copper (not many of them around) or being...
  16. H

    Help for parts?

    I too live in Birmingham and have absolutely no compunction in riding (with due care) on the pavements, and have often followed behind police cyclists doing the very same!
  17. H

    Being "green" is not the best way forward.

    Again I would suggest that the complexity of the systems necessary for such measures would preclude us from actually being able to manage global population reduction. As ever 'the devil is in the detail'. How would you actually achieve a reduction on that scale? Such measures would require...
  18. H

    Being "green" is not the best way forward.

    The proposition and the subsequent discussion, as I understand it, revolves around the question of sustainability, and whether it is possible. The factors and their relationship and how they affect sustainability have been succinctly expressed as P x C x T. Where P=population, C=Consumption...
  19. H

    E-bikes will not exist in 10 years time

    Hi Flecc, good to see you posting again. Interesting question. I think your analysis is convincing, furthermore the problem with 'electric bikes' ever catching on isn't just down to 'electrics' (ie the battery issue as you described) but also to the fact that they are 'bikes'. I reckon that...
  20. H

    MAN's or GIRLY bike?

    Didn't the Dahon Ciao win Dutch Bike of the Year 2006, the first folder to do so?