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  1. H

    Wire-cutting anyone?

    Thanks for the advice, food for thought indeed. It seems that there are just two wires exiting the hub via the spindle, would this suggest that the motor is brushed rather than hall-effect? (Excuse my electrical ignorance!).
  2. H

    Wire-cutting anyone?

    After a few delays (weather and time mainly) my Synergie Mistral is finally on the road and proving to be great fun. Is cycling really meant to be this easy? The Mistral seems to have plenty of grunt to get me up the 10 percents no problem. Next step: regular commute. On to my main question...
  3. H

    Best ladies bike ?

    I've just bought a Mistral and have succeeded in assembling it, but owing to weather conditions haven't ridden it yet, but will let you know what it's performance is like as soon as possible. I intend to use it to commute on. Feel free to ask any questions about it and I'll do my best to answer...
  4. H

    Ezee Liv

    Interesting point you make Mr Flecc that they'd have to put a "very fit" rider on the Torq for it to win the hill climb event at Presteigne. Defeats the object of having electric assistance to my mind, ie to help those of us lesser mortals. Hmm, if I could get Miguel Indurain to ride my Mistral...
  5. H

    what price is right

    Interesting point though the "you get what you pay for" rule undoubtedly holds true in most things, price-of-product often doesn't bear much relation to level-of-customer-service in my experience.
  6. H

    Which make of electric bike do you own?

    Managed to get the Mistral out of its box last night, it's all trussed up with heavy duty elastic bands and bubble wrap! Still they seem to have done their job, initial inspection reveals no damage to the frame or components. The paintwork looks splendid, a real deep burgundy colour. Now I've...
  7. H

    Which make of electric bike do you own?

    Thanks Flecc, I feel like a fully paid up member of the electric bike community now. The learning curve starts here! My commute is a twelve mile round trip, six miles of mostly downhill into the city centre, and conversely a groan-inducing six miles of mostly uphill on the return home. I...
  8. H

    Which make of electric bike do you own?

    I'm not exactly a newcomer to this site having posted a few things on it already (and asked a few questions, all answered) but I've now taken the plunge and bought an electric bike! I've decided to go for the Synergie Mistral after all (a standard rear hub job, no doubt manufactured in China). A...
  9. H

    DIY Battery for thought certainly, makes me wonder if the Li-ion battery is something of technological wrong turn. Doesn't seem to be much of an improvement over NiMH in terms of performance, and if they can't ever be re-celled then they're not particularly "eco" either. Hydrogen/oxygen fuel...
  10. H

    DIY Battery

    Interesting points Flecc as this all relates to NiMH, is it safe for me to assume that a Lithium ion battery can't be re-celled? Apologies if that is another daft question.
  11. H

    DIY Battery

    Hmm...I was just wondering why manufacturers use proprietary cells in custom designed battery packs (which are then expensive/difficult to replace or become unavailable in a few years time) when suitable off-the-shelf D-cells are on the market. Then, if they must be gathered in a battery pack...
  12. H

    DIY Battery

    I suspect such electrical wizardry is beyond me! In essence though I was really just wondering if there was any fundamental difference between the D-cells found in an e-bike battery and the high capacity D-cells made by the likes of Ansmann?
  13. H

    DIY Battery

    This question will probably highlight my general ignorance of all things electrical (no, I'm not proud of it) but reading through Flecc's article about recelling a Lafree battery got me thinking. Instead of dismembering a Powacycle battery, would it be possible to construct a battery from the...
  14. H

    Measuring your hill's percentage figure

    Regarding RSScott's post earlier in this thread: this got me thinking about how to compare the performance of bikes so that buyers could make informed decisions. Perhaps there should be a standard route based test in the manner of the Urban/Extra Urban thing used for cars which could involve a...
  15. H

    Off Topic - but fun.

    After such rocket related madness, here's a hub motor spinning rather quickly: YouTube - 80mph 80v Hub motor Test
  16. H

    The power to make cycling make sense

    Re. 400 watts plus etc as mentioned earlier in this thread: I think the only way you'd get Westminster to genuinely take an interest is by suggesting a "Wattage Tax" with various bands, say 250W, 500W and so on. If it gives 'em a chance to extract revenue (and pretend to be eco too) then they'd...
  17. H

    new Giant twist

    A quick look on the internet and it seems the Twist 1.0 is retailing for 1899 euros (approx £1245) and the Twist 2.0 is 1599 euros (approx £1045) over in Holland, but I wonder what they'll charge here...
  18. H

    Of interest to a potential Twist owner...

    Hi, more ebay stuff again! I don't know if you folks have spotted this item for sale but here's something for your consideration...(no, I do not know the vendor!). Giant Twist Comfort Electric Bike 2006 (item 170072843055 end time 27-Jan-07 13:19:27 GMT)
  19. H

    Of interest to Lafree/Twist owners...?

    Amazing what you can find on eBay! Hope the spare motor will come in useful Mr Flecc, sounds like you got a bargain. Nice to have been able to bring it to your attention.
  20. H

    Of interest to Lafree/Twist owners...?

    You may already be aware of this item offered on ebay... Panasonic Free Twist Power Unit Set for Giant Twist (item 150079629742 end time 17-Jan-07 13:05:13 GMT)