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  1. RobF

    1st weekend with Bergamont Trailster C 9.0

    We haven't got the same bike, but we do have the same kitchen cabinets. I'm guessing mine will be close to 30 years old, although they were here when I moved in so can't say for sure.
  2. RobF

    eMTB buying advice

    This is why: The OP wants full sus for comfort, fair enough, but under 100mm would do that.
  3. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I met Prescott on the hustings years ago. Quite aggressive, he was jabbing his finger towards my chest as he attempted to realign my political compass. No problem with that, I like to see a bit of spirit and commitment.
  4. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Absolutely. The Tories grievously underestimated Blair, thinking it almost comical to see Labour men in suits that fitted - apart from Prescott, but he was still in a suit. That underestimation led to many years in opposition.
  5. RobF

    Back on a bike!

    Adding the bike to your home insurance is often the most cost effective. Before you do that, it's worth thinking about the likelihood of theft and how much you paid for it. On the face of it, your bike is unlikely to be stolen because you will always be with it, even when it's not in use...
  6. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Neither. It's my view of May's time as PM so far, and my prediction of what will likely happen. If I thought it would go another way I would say so - no point in joining the discussion otherwise. Seems obvious to me Farage, thinking post-MEP and Brexit - decided to see if he could make his...
  7. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Not rose tinted specs, just clear ones. The visit to America went better than could be expected, and May seems to me to be making a reasonable fist of the Brexit remit, although it's early days. The by-election victory suggests voters, at least in Cumbria, seem to agree, given the electorate...
  8. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Another example of Farage's cleverness. He was cosying up to Trump before the US election. You won't go far wrong in any walk of life if you can pick - and back - winners.
  9. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It doesn't matter if she's a lukewarm Brexit or anything else supporter. She took the PM job on the simple basis of making the best of Brexit. There is no rabbit away here, it's all an open book. Looks to me as if Mrs May has hit the ground running. She's making a good fist of Brexit, and...
  10. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    All old hat with no point. Common knowledge May was a lukewarm Remainer - hence the publicity pic. Cameron leaving was a bit of a surprise, May stood for the Tory leadership on a ticket of honouring the referendum vote. Where's the beef?
  11. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    That may also be true. But I do think Brexit cannot be judged quickly or in isolation which makes fairly assessing its impact very difficult.
  12. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    A tip for you - take a step back. Your posts are hysterical in their tone and volume. You are in no position to judge that. Kid yourself all you like, but anyone bored enough to read this thread will put 'oldgroaner' down as a sad, single issue obsessed loony. And that's just those who...
  13. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It will take five years to judge the impact of Brexit, by which time it will be impossible to do so in isolation. Many other factors will come into play. Thus if we are in a mess, Remainers will say told you so, Brexiteers will say it would have been worse if we stayed in. If we are doing...
  14. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Groaner, Calm down. Hysterical post after post after post. If you have any points, they are lost amongst the bluster. All we are doing is leaving a bloated treaty organisation which has an inflated sense of its own importance. In five years' time it won't make a lot of difference one way or...
  15. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    UKIP is far from dead, it's thriving. The Stoke vote was remarkably high, given that the candidate was, on any view, a numpty. I suspect some of the party's current support stems from a fear among some voters there will be some backsliding over Brexit. That looks less and less likely, so the...
  16. RobF

    eMTB buying advice

    You won't go wrong with a KTM, Cube or Scott - all good quality bikes. Cubes look more keenly priced to me. There's no doubt a full-sus is the comfort option, better in that respect than a suspension seat post. What you don't need just for comfort is particularly long travel, which means you...
  17. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Presumably, in the twisted, sour world of Remain it was expected Farage would predict his party would get whooped in Stoke.
  18. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The point is Farage has influence out of proportion to UKIP's electoral representation. By rights, he and UKIP should, like the Greens, be an irrelevance. They aren't because of Farage's clever manipulation of the right people.
  19. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It's self-evident. On your account, Cameron only called the EU referendum by 'over reacting' to Farage. That's why he's so clever, UKIP has a tiny constituency and very little real power. Yet Farage is able to exert great influence. If the Greens had someone of his calibre we'd all be eating...
  20. RobF

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I'm not sure what point you are trying to make, other than to further demonise Farage. Something which few people could take and remain sane - he has enormous strength of character. He has also cleverly gained massive traction for his minority party and its views. Something which other...