If possible store your battery in the shed/garage for safety reasons, you can always put it in an insulated box if the temperature goes way below freezing.
That must explain the rubbish you posted earlier.
An outrageous sweeping generalization, there are many reasons that people end up homeless and poor that are not through their own choice, ie mental illness/unemployment/divorce.
Good point, I was stuck in hospital last year after a heart attack so being stuck in the garden feels a complete luxury as the thought of even going near a hospital at this time fills me with fear.
Just for information purposes there are parts of Poland at the moment where the police are checking people are at home 24/7 they knock on the door and the residents have to show themselves at the window also they are not even allowed out in their own gardens, so let us not get to hysterical...
The true figures won't be available until the pandemic is over then we will see the statistics and which were the best measures to be taken, even then it will probably be open to interpretation and spin.