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  1. A

    And you thought our e-bike laws are tough!!

    You've nailed my sentiments exactly :-) I also think there is an increasing element of our Police service that is adopting a similar approach - or that's at least that's the conclusion I came to when I rode away from two cyclist mounted policemen on Blackpool prom on Thursday ;-)
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    And you thought our e-bike laws are tough!!

    For what it's worth I support mandatory training for cyclists - I'd like to see something akin to the CBT. I think it should be free for those at school or in further education and for others at a token cost. I don't agree with registration - completing the course could simply be demonstrated...
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    And you thought our e-bike laws are tough!!

    It's not arrogance - it's called personal responsibilty. I don't need leglistlation to tell me what's safe and what isn't - I have a brain to help me with that. I'm perfectly prepared to have that argument if the time comes. Part of participating in civil disobedience means having the...
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    And you thought our e-bike laws are tough!!

    I ride a bike that assist upto 25mph and a peak motor power of 750watts. By your definition, I'm an idiot simply because I don't adhere to an arbritary, poorly implemented badly worded and stupidly reasoned draconian law. The fact that I'm a responsible rider who adheres to the highway code...
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    And you thought our e-bike laws are tough!!

    +1 - which is why I think it's important daft laws are ignored - it's a form of civil disobediance which can be very effective in challenging the legislators/government/state etc.
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    And you thought our e-bike laws are tough!!

    If you can call me an idiot with impunity can I call you a moron? And again with the insults - it's all getting a bit personal isn't it? Personally I think you're just jealous because you haven't got the balls to challenge a daft law. Oh, and for the record I do have insurance ;-)
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    Battery Voltage Display

    Are you sure your multimeter is correct? I've just had to re-calibrate mine as it was 3% out which is nearly 2v @ 63v. I have one of these to calibrate my meters. DMMCheck
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    Battery Voltage Display

    I can't remember but you'll know which one it is when you turn one :-) T0hey are very sensitive btw.
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    New build.

    Pics of the battery enclosure as requested:-
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    Battery Voltage Display

    That's what I use on my Meanwell psu that I bulk charge my lipo with:- Did you notice the trim pot to fine tune the accuracy?
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    Do Fords only run on Esso petrol?

    You're looking at it the wrong way. The energy in the battery is the same as petrol in the fuel tank, so in that respect, any bike can run on the energy the battery contains. Now think of the actual physical battery as being the same as the fuel tank on a car. Would you expect to be able...
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    Pedelecs reported as an attack site

    It'll be a dodgy url someone has in their sig or on a post. Nothing to worry about (unless you click on that url ofc :-) Happens with a lot of forums.
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    New build.

    Just did the commute home - 23 mins but this time only 160wh used and 2.9Ah so that's 17.4wh/mile :-) 18.4mile round trip commute avg speed of 23.5mph and 7Ah used :-) I can live with that ;)
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    New build.

    Hehe - no problem with not know the watts/amps your motor is pulling - it's all controlled by the controller, not the motor. I have one of these HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Turnigy 130A Watt Meter and Power Analyzer between the battery and controller that logs the max current drawn and peak...
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    New build.

    That's really encouraging :-) What were/are your amp/watt limits? I assume you've treated it gently by not using it from a standstill and avoiding clutch slip? I did have a bit of a panic on the way in this morning. Just after I throttled up after a junction and approaching max speed I...
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    New build.

    Yeah, the headwind was quite strong this morning - Blackpool does get some pretty high winds - no hills but plenty of wind - my reason for going electric assist in the first place :-) Regards heat - I felt the hub as soon as I pulled up at work and it was only slighly warm. A bit hard to see...
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    New build.

    New batterries arrived yesterdaY :-) Two 3s 5000mah Zippys. Both came charged at 3.85v and balanced to within 10mv (4mv on the second) so did a quick charge to 4.16v and let them rest for a few hours. Still both within 10mv balance so looks like good packs (a few discharge cycles will...
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    Article in Sunday Times, ingear, cycledguy

    Fine with me as obscurity leads to less regulation, policing and enforcement - which suits my ebiking use down to the ground :cool:
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    Cyclist assaulted by bus

    Yes, because all of those would have stopped this incident happening :rolleyes: