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  1. Gavin

    Way of charging externally without power point

    This one has piqued my interest so I'm going to chuck a thought in.... 3 x deep-cycle mobility scooter batteries wired in series, and a dc-dc converter to connect to the bike? I'm intrigued by this because the issue of charging ebikes from vehicles seems to crop up regularly....
  2. Gavin

    Does this bike exist...

    Yes, you'd definitely have no problems keeping up- as long as the traffic wasn't going round corners too fast! Great bikes though, despite their handling flaws. Yes, £2k would be a bargain as well as a great financial investment. Not a very good investment in your life expectancy though!!
  3. Gavin

    Does this bike exist...

    Put away your mesh hood and bee-keeping suit George, it seems the wasps are refusing to sting! Totally agree with you regarding 50's. I bought myself a Puch Maxi a couple of years ago as a nostalgic 40th birthday pressie. Absolutely terrifying! Sadly the standard of driving has deteriorated...
  4. Gavin

    Another Bosch Motor with wrecked bearings

    Out of curiosity, do you have a spare car? A spare house?! Aside from the desire for an extra battery, and assuming your existing Haibike isn't already shagged, why not just wait for it to break then fix it. And save yourself £2249.00 in the process. You're right, it is a mad world. But it's...
  5. Gavin

    Old person. Needing advise on. Eleictirc bikes and how to search forums

    Comfortable cadence is such a variable that the manufacturers will never please everyone. The manufacturers clearly think that the 60-75 rpm cadence that most mid-drives seem to be most comfortable at is also the cadence that most riders are comfortable at.
  6. Gavin

    elife Royal with no life...

    They're just middle-man box-shifters. You won't get any support from them. The good news is that you're wife's bike is (almost certainly) made up of standard generic Chinese components. These are readily available from various internet sources at ridiculously low prices (although that may...
  7. Gavin

    Long bikes (2bikes joined together) where?

    It's called a waste of two perfectly good bikes! In all seriousness though, why would you bother? What purpose does a "long bike" serve?
  8. Gavin

    TSDZ2 chain ring size 52t

    Another one rolls off the @peter.c production line! How many TSDZ conversions is that now? The bike looks great. Did you make that rear seat support? Keep us posted regarding reliability- I've heard it suggested that raising the overall gearing sometimes hastens blue gear failure...
  9. Gavin

    Oxygen s-cross mk2 4 digit code

    It just makes it twice as tedious for anyone to research this subject in the future. Pick a thread and stick to it
  10. Gavin

    More TSDZ2 woes!

    I use Koyo bearings in all my engines- brilliant quality
  11. Gavin

    Paintwork protection ?

    It says it protects from precipitation- I wonder if it helps you ride your bike in the rain....
  12. Gavin

    More TSDZ2 woes!

    Mine's done approx 1100 miles. Like you, I was horrified when I felt it at first but you don't notice it when you ride. The TSDZ's are definitely built down to a price, but as there's nothing else like them on the market I've learned to live with the quirks...
  13. Gavin

    More TSDZ2 woes!

    The bearing play on these has been discussed on here and on ES before. My own TSDZ had some straight out of the box that hasn't got any worse....yet. I doubt it's difficult to split the case and replace the bearings with some decent ones....
  14. Gavin

    Paintwork protection ?

    It's an oil-based corrosion inhibitor. Dirt sticks to it and it makes a right old mess- probably not quite what you're after!
  15. Gavin

    Help! Bottom bracket nut loosening on Tongsheng TSDZ2

    I welded a tab to the underside of my chainstay and used an 8mm rose-jointed tie rod to bolt the motor torque-reaction lug to it. The tie rod works in tension to resist the motor's torque reaction. This means the M33 nut is only there to resist lateral and twisting forces. The sodding thing...
  16. Gavin

    Help! Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help?

    Martin, before you write the bike off and replace it consider two factors- your wallet and the environment. From a financial persective it's a no-brainer. You could replace every single electronic component on your bike, get the battery re-celled and still have change from 500 (ish) quid. You...
  17. Gavin

    your opinion please

    Welcome Sherry I've got no experience of your bike, so I'm going to keep my advice general. If you liked the bike before it started misbehaving then fix it and keep it. The most expensive single component is the battery. Even if it needs a new battery, that'll only cost you approx 300 quid for...
  18. Gavin

    Help! How to DIY an unstealable bike

    You've got this type of thing....but look at the price (and it's unavailable)
  19. Gavin

    Help! How to DIY an unstealable bike

    Sadly, your plan will only work for an opportunist. Professional thieves have started to realise how much ebikes are worth, how easy they are to steal and how untraceable they are once stolen. In the motorcycle world we've had to accept that we carry massive heavy chains, disc locks, bike...
  20. Gavin


    A Bosch diagnostic tool....