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  1. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Good luck. Yep, suspect we are all Guinea Pigs to some extent or other. I have wondered with mine that if somewhere in future they do find a cure, we'll lool back and say in mockery "they used to burn sections of heart away to try and cure AF"???
  2. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    No idea. When surgeon explains something I just take it as his "learned opinion", not cast in stone but the one I listen to. All the other stuff is just noise and opinion folk have gleaned from the infinite number of Internet sources some call research. Most of time I don't even understand...
  3. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Don't forget the blood thinners.
  4. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Don't think anyone can categorically state what causes AF in individual cases. Yes, certain things swing things in favour of you developing it but nobody will definitevely point finger at cause.. Surgeon suggests it's a combination of extended high heart rate (biking /running in younger days...
  5. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    And eat McDonalds.
  6. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Yep, exactly. Our bodies developed to our current form chasing and being chased for survival. They (we) are incredible machines and in some areas humans are absolute pinnacle of development. At our best, we could chase down anything, and over extreme distances not much can compete. Then take...
  7. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    And designed for a certain lifespan, beyond which there are bound to be problems. My arthritis developed in right knee as a result of severe injury/operation,but years of over use playing Rugby, windsurfing, skiing now mean left knee is problematic, but I wouldn't swap for a more sedate/careful...
  8. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Could be Flecc, I suspect old adage of "use it, or lose it" to be guide. (but don't abuse it) Going back years I do recall general concensus in medical profession was shock did increase bone density. They used to offer some bloke who had karate chopped bricks and stuff for years, bones in his...
  9. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    My emtb ing is anything but extreme. Gravel paths, wood land tracks and nice wide (dual use) national forest tracks. I have found emtb gives a much wider workout than mtb. With legs getting the electric help rides are longer /faster with arms, shoulders etc getting more exercise. I also enjoy it...
  10. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Bones need impact to offset osteoporosis. That's the dilemna we face growing older. Those impacts toughen and keep bone density up but damage joints with diminishing cartilage. There must be a happy medium somewhere? EMTB? I had quite extensive arthrtitus in knee, 10 years down line from...
  11. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Good Post Woosh.
  12. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Process has happened before.
  13. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Aren't we all?
  14. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Totatally agreed, but fact remains Tories could easily still be in power post 2024 GE. How many times have we seen it now. We write Tories off because of scandal, ineptitude, lack of ability or whatever. They lick their wounds, change policies, rewrite history. We need more than Starmer to...
  15. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It wouldnt surprise me to see Tories having rejoin in their next manifesto. If Tories think it would maintain power for them, they, d do it. Starmer /Labour will stick to their "ideals". Since Tories have none, they can adjust to the flavour next election. And Boris could lead it.
  16. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I wouldn't bet on it Woosh...
  17. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    You know why top football teams have 2 top players for every position? They tell us its to have a reserve, incase of injury, fatigue or illness. That's BS. It's to make every player compete for their place, without a better replacement a player knows the manager has nochoice but to play her/him...
  18. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Isn't that the case with so many constituencies? I think Eddy Izzard is a fantastic comic, very intelligent and has made unbelievable efforts for charity. Personally I, m afraid I just couldnt vote for him (sorry her) now she's an MP. Might be a dinosaur and I, ve no problem anyone identifying...
  19. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts. Another interesting one.
  20. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts. Interesting.