Eggrider is not the upgrade. Controller is. Eggrider is just a display which you have there with new controller as a combo. It is sold to you because old LCD is not compatible with new controller.
If what this guy say is true and your motor is rated 500W then your bike is illegal.
If you have...
De gustibus non est disputandum.
To be honest with you I think most cyclists would classify your bike as a moped or a bike/moped hybrid for the reason Thelarkbox mentioned above. Did you try to ride your bike without assistance? If you didn't, then try.
Bikes like yours are very popular in USA...
Yes, I was writing about pavements too.
That is true, but when it comes to cyclists you can add also ignorance as there is no need to pass any test. With total lack of accountability there is no way to correct bad behavior.
Isn't it funny, when you can find on internet so many sponsored best buys reviews? You read about so many best bikes nobody ever heard of( best can be only one, but they usually list 10) and you end up totally confused. It is a new industry.
and I hope you will ride safely without accident till end of your days. I am only saying road signs are for all and you completely ignore them. One can't rely on everybody around to keep him safe.
Well... that is an individual choice, but even if you ride on pavement you will have to cross road sooner or later. My best advice for you is: buy a highway code, read it, learn it, make roads safer place for yourself and all of us.
I understand those lights keep you safe. They are like a huge flashing L telling drivers to watch out for you.
Cycle paths are part of transportation infrastructure and road signs apply to them as well. You just ignore them. Watch this video again. How many times did you made an error while...
There is nothing wrong with junctions. each junction has very clear road signs. It is Guernay who have no clue how to ride bike on road. I remember first time when I watched it I was like Oh god.... he is going to be hit in a minute.
...and it took around two minutes for near miss.
48V rear hub seems like an optimal solution for you. 48V is maximum legal voltage. It will give you extra omph.
Also keep in mind legal limit is on motor rated power, not on power provided by controller, so you can have very powerful legal bike if you want to.
It is not fair we make fun of you. We all have senior moments from time to time.
I started converting bike few days ago. I removed cranks, bottom bracket. All went smooth and with no problems. Then fight with single allen bolt started. One that holds plastic thing and cables under BB. In the...