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  1. Az.

    Shock absorber seat post

    Are you serious? :oops:
  2. Az.

    Help! Advice on first E-Bike please

    3.5k is a total overkill for a commuter and 5 mile journey, but all depends on how much you can afford. Prices of commuters start around £500. 3.5k is significantly more. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to discourage you from spending money if you can afford it. Just be aware, expensive bikes...
  3. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    True. When I bought my first battery I knew almost nothing. Now I am hungry for all the information you can get. Surprisingly I find Chinese way of describing things quite helpful... but it takes time to get head around their bizarre way of thinking. Most likely. I still prefer to have it...
  4. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    Which is great, but is it written on your web page? You tell us it is best to buy batteries made out of A cells, but how customer is going to find it if information is not out there?
  5. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    Problem is we as customers have no way to verify what we buy. I find process of buying a battery extremely exhausting and frustrating. I am leaning towards importing battery from abroad (against my own advice).
  6. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    Smoke and mirrors. As customers we totally rely on what we are told. There is no way to tell what we buy, unless somebody is willing to compromise warranty, open battery and even then I have no clue how to tell if used cells are class A,B or C. Speaking of which... I keep looking at your web...
  7. Az.

    Wisper 806 Torque

    I like it.
  8. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    Question is - what is manufacturing defect? If consequence of this defect is capacity and/or continuous discharge rate reduced to 90% and price reduced to 50%, then I can live with that. Surely cells with increased risk of fire wouldn't be knowingly sold... or am I wrong to assume that? I...
  9. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    Thank you. ...but based on this explanation I still don't see why we should buy A grade cells only. Shouldn't we rather find right tool for the job or right battery for certain controller/motor combo? That is a major problem I guess. YouTube is full of rants like "I paid extra for Samsung...
  10. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    By all means please talk then. What are the differences between grades? How customer can determine what cell grade have been used?
  11. Az.

    New figures reveal 11 deaths from e-bike fires in UK last year, as MPs call for tighter regulations

    Who is afraid of what? We keep talking about battery problems for years. Do you have suggestions how to fix problem?
  12. Az.

    Help with my first conversion kit.

    OK... aren't you bored being right all the time? Found Swytch clone kit which looks legit and potentially TSDZ2B 250W... not sure why they advertise it for off-road only and with 40km/h speed.
  13. Az.

    Help! Advice on first E-Bike please

    How secure is it? 3.5k commuter is asking for trouble.
  14. Az.

    For Sale Bargains

    E-trailer ;)
  15. Az.

    Help with my first conversion kit.

    All kits sold by Kirby have cut out speeds above legal 25km/h limit and as such they are sold as illegal. It should not be up to customers to dive deep into legal requirements and learn how to change settings. It is up to seller to ensure customers receive product which they can just install and...
  16. Az.

    Help with my first conversion kit. £365 - not bad This should be OK for you. I have 28" kit like this. Just make sure dropout size is right for your fork. Eventually Email Woosh. Andy will make sure you get right kit for...
  17. Az.

    Help with my first conversion kit.

    Quick look - speed is not limited to 25m/h. Andy Kirby is a Youtuber, who teamed up with Chinese guy and started to sell kits. If you like to do research, check Youtube. Check how this guy is riding his moped. Legality is not high on his priority list. Good thing is, he is probably just a...
  18. Az.

    Help with my first conversion kit.

    Can I make it easier for you? Just to simplify things assume all kits (EDIT: almost all) sold by Kirby are illegal. Assume all its sold by Woosh are legal. Some of its sold by Yose are legal, some are illegal. You can get legal it from Yose for £360 that would perfectly meet your needs. It is...
  19. Az.

    Help with my first conversion kit.

    Just to let you now this kit is illegal. They write "PLEASE NOTE THIS KIT IS FOR OFF-ROAD USE ONLY" ... which is also untrue. This kit is illegal on road and off-road. I would stay away from Kirby if I were you.