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  1. D

    Lead or Lithium?

    Lynda Imao you are the one for humour. Neptune the do or die technique appeals to me too. Which one should I go for?
  2. D

    Cycling furiously - Daily mail

    Good research and interesting anyway.
  3. D

    Lead or Lithium?

    I am now a member (rather than new member) just seen. Does that mean I am fully fledged:) and I can let my wings out now?
  4. D

    All this knowledge.

    I was brought up by my mum only so had to learn the hard way. Trial and error no internet. Wouldn't change it though. My lad is a vehicle technician now and although I hate it he shows me some things. Did teach him about bikes though
  5. D

    Lead or Lithium?

    And me too :)
  6. D

    Cycling furiously - Daily mail

    I read in the Daily Fail today, so it must be true? That during the Olympics in London that quote “rickshaw drivers are also being targeted with the latter facing prosecution under an archaic law from 1839 that prohibits cycling furiously”. Does that include me? Where the hell is this law...
  7. D

    Is your pedelec legal? From CTC's cycle magazine

    Scottyf. IMAO (Got to luv ya man). Quite new to this forum but in essence you are right. I'm going to start a thread Bring back Scotty before he goes the way of D8veh.
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    Is your pedelec legal? From CTC's cycle magazine

    Ditto to that, no wonder d8veh left after getting abuse by some members on this forum. Not going to say who because I will be next in line. Sometimes it's best to just shut up.
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    Is your pedelec legal? From CTC's cycle magazine

    You actually sound like a Priest preaching from that sugar mountain now. :)
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    Is your pedelec legal? From CTC's cycle magazine

    Indalo I have lost the will to live now too.
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    Is your pedelec legal? From CTC's cycle magazine

    It's as plain as a Priest on a Sugar Mountain to me
  12. D

    BEBA Survey

    Question 10 10. Have you modified your bike from original specification to increase the performance? Do they mean by performance Speed? I have modifield my bike by wiring two batterys in Parallel not to increase speed but to help up the hills and distance. So had to answer yes there.
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    Is your pedelec legal? From CTC's cycle magazine

    I am sure D8veh's not a "nasty people who drive motor vehicles" because he has a camera but I expect you have evidence that he is too.
  14. D

    Well, it's like this your honour........

    Nice, I need some extra power to get me up those hills (a bit pricey for me though):)
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    Is your pedelec legal? From CTC's cycle magazine

    I am sure you have evidence for this statement?
  16. D

    Todays - incident I have decided to calm down and try to enjoy cycling again as per my previous thread. I don't know if I will keep it up though with idiots like this around:(
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    Todays - incident

    This is precisely why I always am at the front all the time now. I got fed up looking at his Ass Crack.
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    Todays - incident

    I think you mean defensive cycling. The trouble with that though it can annoy motorists even more.
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    Todays - incident

    Just thought I would share with you this mornings clip. Car nearly takes Kev out - YouTube
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    Cycle rage - do you suffer

    meet you there then Bob :)