wisper 905se


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Hi Pedelecers all and welcome to our clinic.

I'll try to get on to the Pedelecs site on a daily basis so would normally be able to answer questions within 24 hours. If I don't know the answer to your questions I will find it and get back to you but this may take a little longer so please be patient.

It would help if any new questions are posted on a new thread.

I would welcome any help from all the Pedelec Gurus out there.......... so feel free to add to any threads that you feel knowledgeable about.

Best regards David Miall

Wisper Electric Vehicle Co Ltd
01322 313650
Help Needed Please

I posted this here as well as in tecnical as was not sure whether I would recieve a response as quickly as I need it? Sorry but didn't know whereelse to put it as couldn't start new thread :confused:

I have recently been riding my SE to work and am happy with it but not altogether.
My problem is that when I am riding along the handlebars do not feel at one with the front of the bike, ie. wheel. They appear to move slightly from side to side in non pedal mode and more so when I pedal :eek: This feels very disconserting and I do not feel safe.
The nut is tight and in line with the front wheel but when I hold the front wheel still with my legs and pull on the handlebars there appears to be a little play when I pull the handle bars from side to side, but just a little. You may say that I am not holding the wheel in a static position and whilst this may be the case it does not explain the movement on the handle bars on riding and this is what I feel on the bike when travelling down a busy road in the rush hour, just doesn't feel as one as causes some wobble in the handle bars which leads to instability when cars are rushing past me!!! Yikes!!

I experienced this at first in a less obvious way but just put it down to the rear hub motor as opposed to the front hub motor on my Powabyke and just not getting used to it properly yet? Due to weight ratio etc.
I now don't feel this is the case and need some advice pretty please :confused: It just doesn't feel right?
Could it be the bearings or something?

Also off that subject and onto another one, when I went down to the work bike shed tonight I found a long, approx 2 inch (approx 54mm) brand new wood screw coarse thread (probably a self tapping screw?) with an approx 2mm diameter under the front end of my bike? Now okay, this almost certainly does not belong to my bike but I need some assurance that this type of screw is not used? There was no other bikes or cars in an anywhere near to close proximity to my bike at any time and just seems to be a little odd? I looked in the dark and cannot find if I have a screw loose (out) or not? LOL! I seem to remember a clinking like something had dropped off the bike on a bumpyish track on the weekend and stopped and looked but found nothing. Could have been a nut? I also have an outside light and when I got home I looked and still couldn't find anything obviously missing? I don't think the screw belongs as would not see this type of screw being used on a bike of any description, but I brought it home anyway, lol.

I am now getting a lift into work tomorrow as I know there is something wrong with the handle bars and hope someone can assist me?

I am going to copy paste this into another thread as am not sure I will receive the prompt response I require? As I haven't on my previous post.
The problem may be a basic one that someone on the forum can assist me with?

Sorry to burden this on you guys.

Kindest Regards



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 19, 2007

My Wisper is in the bike shop so can't go and look at it but I remember there is a screw at the top of the stem that you have to tighten with an Allen key. You get at the screw by lifting up the adjustment lever. I believe if that was not tight there might be some play in the handlebars.

Do you have the picture from Wisper Germany? If not send me your email address and I'll forward it on to you.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007

My Wisper is in the bike shop so can't go and look at it but I remember there is a screw at the top of the stem that you have to tighten with an Allen key. You get at the screw by lifting up the adjustment lever. I believe if that was not tight there might be some play in the handlebars.

Do you have the picture from Wisper Germany? If not send me your email address and I'll forward it on to you.

Hi Frank

Boy that was quick!! You star you!!!
I don't remember seeing that one but could well have missed it so am not saying not recieved it, but only remember receiving the wiring and the manual for the E.
Could you please froward this anyway if it is to hand as would need to locate this and just tried to open the attachments and they froze on me! Having a good week? Not, lol!
This would make perfect and logical sense to me if this were the case in this case so to speak, lol!
I love this forum!!!!
Kindest Regards and many Thanks


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007

My Wisper is in the bike shop so can't go and look at it but I remember there is a screw at the top of the stem that you have to tighten with an Allen key. You get at the screw by lifting up the adjustment lever. I believe if that was not tight there might be some play in the handlebars.

Do you have the picture from Wisper Germany? If not send me your email address and I'll forward it on to you.

Hi Frank

I PM'd you my email address although I did place it for all to see in a previous thread. But had a good response which I needed from one of the Guru's which I was grateful for so am not worried.
Just wanted to simplify my email address for you.
Mandy :0)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Are you all sorted now then, Mandy? I do hope so. Damn it we can't have the "leccy bike" out of action! :eek:
Oh Tony

You are the funniest person on here and I mean that in the nicest possible way :D

I managed to open my previous attachments after my computer freezed up on me. lol

Well it maybe so that it is sorted? (I hope?) I really don't know yet as my boss will be picking me up in the morning, (can't do without me lol! ) I do admit it was my fault by not taking note of one of the 3 attachments that were sent to me via email by the lovely Dominic/Frank and another lovely helpful person who will remain nameless on this site who provided me with the same attachments.
However, my concern at that time related to the wiring and that is what I concentrated on.
I would rather take my bike out for a spin after the adjustment to ensure it is satisfactory prior to taking it on the rather busy roads I have to travel on if that is okay with you Tony? lol!!

However, yes a moan coming here, lol!
I feel that the instructions should be provided within the box as some people that may not have the info and also may not have access to email would not have this info at there disposal? Why therefore is this not provided in the box? I would have actualy thought this would be a requirement under manufacturing requirements? Damn silly really as I certainly would have taken more notice of this in print rather than chasing around for an email :0(

I also do not have a copy of the warranty? Is this kept by my friends in Germany?

I dunno, but Tony I think you may feel that I am a simple non tool tinkering female. However, my friend, I do know my way around many tools and power tools and was an extremely competent setter of CNC lathes needing manual adjustment of .002 of a micron in my previous employment as a Section Leader. Do not underestimate the owner of a new "Leccy" Bike! PMSL!!!

No worries though, I take absolutely no offence to what anyone says as most woman don't tend to tinker with mechanical things but would like just a little respect as I have :p Maybe not so much with "Leccy" bikes though, lol!!!

Regards to Tony and all



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
was an extremely competent setter of CNC lathes needing manual adjustment of .002 of a micron in my previous employment as a Section Leader
That reminds me of the old plumber being shown round an ultra modern tool room.

"Well my man" says the snooty chap leading him, "here we can work to within a millionth of an inch.

"Coo", says the old plumber, "Can you really? In my trade we have to get things right or we get leaks."
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
That reminds me of the old plumber being shown round an ultra modern tool room.

"Well my man" says the snooty chap leading him, "here we can work to within a millionth of an inch.

"Coo", says the old plumber, "Can you really? In my trade we have to get things right or we get leaks."
Well Tony

I certainly am not "Snooty" Otherwise I wouldn't call my bike a "Leccy" bike and "one" would call "one's" electric bike an "Envoromentally friendly motorised bicycle" wouldn't one?

Also when you are actually making a contact lens which needs to be fitted to "one's" eye that vary in size and power and are very tiny this would require "one" to work within .002 of a micron, in order to avoid getting a point or rings during lathing which would distort the wearers vision, simple as that really Tony.

By the way, I have dabbled in a little plumbing too! :rolleyes:
The plumber was obviously applying for the wrong job?

Do not underestimate the owner of a "Leccy" bike LOL!!

Kindest Regards Always lol!



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007

My Wisper is in the bike shop so can't go and look at it but I remember there is a screw at the top of the stem that you have to tighten with an Allen key. You get at the screw by lifting up the adjustment lever. I believe if that was not tight there might be some play in the handlebars.

Do you have the picture from Wisper Germany? If not send me your email address and I'll forward it on to you.

Hi Frank

Many thanks for that and I have done this but still doesn't feel quite right?
It is probably me getting used to it after riding a powabyke for 3 years! lol!

But I did have a rather hairy experience on the way home tonight! The motor kept cutting out in really busy traffic on a main stretch of road but to cap it all on a busy motorway junction roundabout which was slightly up hill right in the middle of turning and had to pedal like hell! lol, but not at the time.

The roses that I was carrying in my bag on my bike rack, which were lovingly delivered on behalf of my fiance to my work, almost ended up where he suggested I put them after an argument the previous evening!! :D Plus a couple of cars! lol! Took me by complete surprise!!

Bit scary!! What can I do to stop this happening in the future? The battery was fully charged in the morning and had only gone 5 miles.
It also seems much slower than when I was first riding it?
My son Daniel suggested the battery was cold? Could that be the case?
Or am I just unlucky?
Regards and thanks for your previous reply

Mand :confused:


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 19, 2007

If the battery is cutting out after 5 miles there is something wrong.

Was it on pedelec only or was the battery cutting out with throttle too?



Jan 15, 2007
How cold was it and where was the battery stored.

2 days ago i set off for work in below freezing temperature and my bike stopped working after about 400 yards.
I tookit home curcing and swearing, but when i got home from work it was ok.

The following day i left the battery in the house insted of on the bike in the garage and it perfotrmed perfect.

I can only assume that the problem was due to the sub zero temperature that the battery was stored.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Really Mandy - as if one would call a leccy biker lady snooty! One would never dream of one such. One has been misunderstood by one's reader!

Are contact lenses really machined??? I always thought they must be cast. But perhaps it's the mould you used to machine?
Hi Tony

I was only jesting with you and no offence was taken honest, lol!
Yes contact lenses were and still are machined but on a much smaller scale than they used to be. I was in the industry for 19 years so back then cast and spun lenses were the future. Yes we started off with the material as what we called a button which was placed on a block with wax and then cut with a lathe with diamond tooling to shave the material into a sphere manually or automatically.
Unfortunately, the future caught up with me, lol and the majority of the lenses are now spun or cast and made abroad, no shock there!
I made toric lenses and disposables on the lathes but due to the more sophisticated and advanced robotic machinery I became redundant after 19 years! shame as loved it! However could have kept my job as they do still lathe the high powers even after being bought out by a bigger shark but a long way to travel!!
I did commute for six months to Southhampton from Farnborough Hants (couldn't do that on leccy bike) to help with the take over but that was enough and the staff turn over was rubbish, always training someone new!!! Good redundancy package though, lol!! All gone now :0(
Now I work in an office! I can diversify, even at my age, lol!
There you have it a short history of the contact lens, lol!
Well will get to my motor cut out problem now, lol!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007

If the battery is cutting out after 5 miles there is something wrong.

Was it on pedelec only or was the battery cutting out with throttle too?

No it was literally on power mode and just kept stopping and starting and wasn't even pedalling at the time apart from the roundabout.
I hadn't pressed the green button.
It would just launch and unlaunch on it's own.
It just kept cutting in and out and showing low light on monitor then shot up to high, weird!!
It appears to be very sluggish now too and no faster than my old bike?
My son mentioned the heat cold thing as didn't know about that but it wasn't that cold really?
Well I gotta go on it again tomorrow and battery on charge in the warm so will let you know how I go?
Regards and thank you


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
How cold was it and where was the battery stored.

2 days ago i set off for work in below freezing temperature and my bike stopped working after about 400 yards.
I tookit home curcing and swearing, but when i got home from work it was ok.

The following day i left the battery in the house insted of on the bike in the garage and it perfotrmed perfect.

I can only assume that the problem was due to the sub zero temperature that the battery was stored.
Hi Hawkwind
Well mine was stored outside in the bike shed for 9 hours but was not sub zero.
I guess although the lead acid battery was heavy and a pain to have it actually never EVER in 3 years let me down!
However, I prefer this battery llight weight so may have to take the damn thing into to office and wrap it in a blanky to keep warm as the office isn't lol!
Do you think you have sussed it with the warm?
My son definitely thinks it is down to temperature?
Anyone else with idea's? Tony? lol!

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Back in the sadle (or harness!)


I am at last back in the office in Sevenoaks full time after spending a lot of time away at the factory.

Sorry I have not been here to answer your queries but I am now so fire away.

Best regards David

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Private email

Hi again.

If anyone ever has a question that they need answering immediately, email me at miall@aol.com, I look at that address every day. I might not be able to answer all you technical questions by return but I guarantee they will always be answered within a few days.

Best regards David


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Hi again.

If anyone ever has a question that they need answering immediately, email me at miall@aol.com, I look at that address every day. I might not be able to answer all you technical questions by return but I guarantee they will always be answered within a few days.

Best regards David
Much Appreciated David

I am very happy with the bike and the cutting out which now I know was due to being cold and not charged after my ride the previous day and had no problems since. Touch wood :) I now charge it after every ride indoors in this cold weather and have no problems on my homeward journey after being stored in the bike shed in the cold.
I actually don't find it a problem with the quick release seat and simply place the seat through my rear rack. I then carry the battery indoors to charge at home. It is an extremely light battery and I can lift it so easily.
However, a handle on the battery would be good on future models although not a problem but a good suggestion.
Yes, I am still getting used to it as I had a front heavy powabyke with a heavy battery and a front wheel motor for 3 years and that I feel is what I misconstrued as a wobble, although the headset is now tightened and I feel is a little better (thanks to a very helpful member on this site) it is simply the weight at the front as far as I can tell which is minimal compared to the Powabyke which is not a bad thing with regards to Powabyke as served me well for 3 years!
It is basically like riding a scooter where there would be no wobble to a general push bike, I feel.

However, I luuurve this "Leccy" bike and the comments I get when I am out and about. I often find people admiring it when I come out of a shop and then have to fill them in on the benefits of an electric bike of which they have never heard of? Advertise more all of you guys as that is the key!!
I haven't quite got used to throwing it around corners on a sixpence like I did the Powabyke due to the larger wheels, lighter weight and larger frame that I was used to. The Powabyke model I had (which I cannot knock) had smaller wheels and a smaller frame but weighed a ton compared to this one, however, it was reliable and I would reccomend it for a first time buy.
I would however say of the Powabyke that you would rarely achieve 15 MPH on the flat with motor only even with me weighing jsut 8 stone, more like 12 MPH, but on this one it is a constant 15 MPH regardless of mode.
My confidence is now growing and I will review the bike shortly, but just wanted to get this bike under my belt so to speak before I placed a very favourable review as it stands at the moment.

I am currently shaving off 7 mins with this bike from my normal journey time to work of 20 mins on my Powabyke and that kind of says a lot, considering I pretty much take it easy because I am not quite used to it yet.
That is pretty much an hour and ten mins weekly spent off the road and in the warm! Kind of says a lot!
Nice one Wisper!! Not to mention Frank and Dom in Germany! I love it!

Kind Regards



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 19, 2007

Glad to hear your battery is working fine.

I was surprised by your comment about lack of handle as mine has a handle on it! At the top; it folds down flush when not in use, and can be a bit stiff. Are you sure there isn't one?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
No handle


Glad to hear your battery is working fine.

I was surprised by your comment about lack of handle as mine has a handle on it! At the top; it folds down flush when not in use, and can be a bit stiff. Are you sure there isn't one?

Hi Frank

No it definitely has not got one as far as I can see as just went and checked again as thought I had a blonde moment :D
There is a raised bit but certainly doesn't anywhere resemble a handle and appears to be sealed all of the way around with weld?
I will take a pic at the weekend and see if you can tell if there is a handle there?
I just lift it out with no real bother but would be easier if a hidden handle was there somewhere?
Thanks for replying though :confused: