That's funny. I was going to write that I reckon I could get better information from Flecc than anybody on the TV or down the pub, but he needs to go shopping today. I didn't want his head to swell so much that he couldn't get through the door.
I'd never shop on a Saturday, it's a madhouse then. And the referendum outcome won't affect me at my age so I'm not deeply engaged with the issue.
Ultimately it's simply a question of whether we wish to be in a union or on our own.
My view is that in a playground of big bullies, it's better to be with one than be the little guy who gets regularly beaten up.
Then to accept that to build a union, a dictator is necessary, in this case the EU Commission, since democratic committees never agree anything, let alone something so complex.
If and when union is achieved, we can have democracy though the European Parliament since the EU Commission will be disbanded.