Two boys die in "ebike" accident: Cardiff riot broke out after 'police prevented parents seeing fatal crash victims', close relative says


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2020
There we go again with the labels. That's what people do when they've lost the arguement. You managed three in one short post. It looks like a terminal case - better get some treatment quick.
Looking at the posts sequentially, I think you'll find that you lost the argument first. The only issue around sexuality that might just possibly be relevant to cycling, is that of trans men competing in female racing. Otherwise, live and let live.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021



Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 20, 2020
There we go again with the labels. That's what people do when they've lost the arguement. You managed three in one short post. It looks like a terminal case - better get some treatment quick.

:D Well you know the saying, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck...

However, if you don't like the "labels" (which you have chosen to give yourself) let's unpack the shorthand. A lot of it just makes you appear foolish, so I'll leave that to you to carry on with until Darwin catches up with you. The key parts which take you beyond the realms of foolish are:

your issues with homosexual people,
your issues with women
your issues with the trans community.

I suspect you also have issues with various other groups in society too.

Anyway, by inciting hatred against such groups you indicate your lack of judgement, lack of wisdom and generally the kind of person you are. It is also against the rules of the forum.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 20, 2020

I don't think we can stop AI, too much hubris, greed, hatred etc in the world. Someone, somewhere will do it for all kinds of reasons, good and bad.

I think our only hope is to make lots of different AIs and let them fight it out amongst themselves and hope that a wise and benevolent AI wins out.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Anyway, by inciting hatred against such groups you indicate your lack of judgement, lack of wisdom and generally the kind of person you are. It is also against the rules of the forum.
he is a libertarian. I reckon he does not mind winning or losing an argument. He's just taken up the defense of the weak, in this case, Andrew Tate against the BBC interviewer. Tate isn't liked by you and me, but he's free to spread his version of blokeism or worse. How Tate is making a living is up to him, his girls and google who pays him for clicks.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 20, 2020
he is a libertarian. I reckon he does not mind winning or losing an argument. He's just taken up the defense of the weak, in this case, Andrew Tate against the BBC interviewer. Tate isn't liked by you and me, but he's free to spread his version of blokeism or worse. How Tate is making a living is up to him, his girls and google who pays him for clicks.
That's not the issue. Andrew Tate can say whatever crap he likes, I'm not interested. Although, if someone stands up here and says they support his views, they can expect some push back. But most of all, it's the foolishness of trying to compare people like Andrew Tate to Jesus and then using this forum for promoting views which are against the rules of the forum - that is the main issue here.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I don't think we can stop AI, too much hubris, greed, hatred etc in the world. Someone, somewhere will do it for all kinds of reasons, good and bad.

I think our only hope is to make lots of different AIs and let them fight it out amongst themselves and hope that a wise and benevolent AI wins out.
The Times article started with this 'AI systems are powerful enough to kill many humans'. Hello? where have you been in the last decade or two? Machine learning is the previous name for AI. Just look at our various weapon systems and drones, which ones don't have machine learning components in them?
The issue we have is the speed of advancement in AI. OpenAI, Google and FB spent hundreds of millions dollars each year in recent times, now they are spending billions and Apple, Amazon and Nvidia have also joined the race with zillions of open source developers. The danger is in the increase in funding and manpower . When you see so much money is piling in, investors expect a quick return, we'll see AI manipulating stock prices very soon.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
That's not the issue. Andrew Tate can say whatever crap he likes, I'm not interested. Although, if someone stands up here and says they support his views, they can expect some push back. But most of all, it's the foolishness of trying to compare people like Andrew Tate to Jesus and then using this forum for promoting views which are against the rules of the forum - that is the main issue here.
I don't think saneagle supports Tate's view litterally. He tends to use the third person in his narrative so not to mix his true thoughts with Tate's.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Mars declared unsafe for humans to live as no one can survive for longer than four years
we will have invented magnetic shields powered by fusion rectors before we have long term missions there.


Oct 25, 2006
we will have invented magnetic shields powered by fusion reactors before we have long term missions there.

But we still won't be able to get our crops picked and into the supermarkets.

'tis a wondrous thing, human progress.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
We already have nuclear fusion and essentially unlimited energy. It exists today, 93 million miles away and right now (14.58 on 5th June, the UK is getting 27.5% of its electrical power from it. Solar energy.

In fact we are getting 100% of our energy from it in the form of fossilised solar energy from ancient plants and animals that was laid down in the past under the ground and under shallow seas.

We also get all of our own animal energy from it in our food.

There are readily available technologies to extract and store solar energy on a huge scale if we had the gumption to do it. A tiny fraction of the Sahara desert set up with either photovoltaic or concentrated solar thermal power plant would supply the entire planet with more energy than it could feasibly use. We already have mature technologies for doing this, but we lack the will to do it at scale.

New Satellite Successfully Beams Power From Space

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
I have been following space missions for decades and am well aware of all the difficulties, to the point that I could believe that the first moon landing was a hoax (flag fluttering on the surface of the moon and all that...).
Still, I believe that space mining is possible and perhaps we could colonise one of the six moons (Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune's).
70 years ago, we just discovered the double helix structure of DNA.
Now we can breakdown the whole genome for under £1,000.
I think you underestimate the ability of the human brain.
I think you are overestimating my human brain.
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
Are you guys saying that real men actually landed on the moon?
They had to black out the face area of their helmets because they could not stop laughing.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Was The Shining Stanley Kubrick admitting he faked the moon landing?

The Wildest Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories, Debunked
Claims the Apollo 11 mission was staged began soon after astronauts first set foot on the moon in 1969.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
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Oct 25, 2006
New Satellite Successfully Beams Power From Space
"The inside of the space-based Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment which emits collected energy across empty space using an array of transmitters (right) to two receivers (right) to illuminate an LED."

One LED.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Looking at the posts sequentially, I think you'll find that you lost the argument first. The only issue around sexuality that might just possibly be relevant to cycling, is that of trans men competing in female racing. Otherwise, live and let live.
Transsexualism is a big thing at the moment. It's often mentioned in parliament and it's featured on many mainstream TV channels. It wasn't like that many years ago. That's a statement of fact. There's no phobia there. When I say that there are a lot of electric bikes around now, it doesn't mean that I have a phobia of them. The other statement was also a statement of fact that many years ago there were stories published in the mainstream media about the effects of female hormones on men and that they believed that the source was chickens. I didn't say that I believed or agreed with the story. It's just a story.

You guys are using your own paradigms to alter reality in the way that you want to see it, like some sort of psychosis or religious programming - looking for your chance to shout out your religious chants, most of which feature ism or obia at some point - a bit like when a Christian preacher says, "Praise the Lord" and all the audience are programmed to shout, "Amen". Its a way of showing your belonging to the cult.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2020
Transsexualism is a big thing at the moment. It's often mentioned in parliament and it's featured on many mainstream TV channels. It wasn't like that many years ago. That's a statement of fact. There's no phobia there. When I say that there are a lot of electric bikes around now, it doesn't mean that I have a phobia of them. The other statement was also a statement of fact that many years ago there were stories published in the mainstream media about the effects of female hormones on men and that they believed that the source was chickens. I didn't say that I believed or agreed with the story. It's just a story.

You guys are using your own paradigms to alter reality in the way that you want to see it, like some sort of psychosis or religious programming - looking for your chance to shout out your religious chants, most of which feature ism or obia at some point - a bit like when a Christian preacher says, "Praise the Lord" and all the audience are programmed to shout, "Amen". Its a way of showing your belonging to the cult.
How does a cult of 1 work then? Perhaps I'm just misspelt.