Absolutely not!

If you had read what He had said you would know that. But instead you make a fool of yourself by comparing Jesus, someone you obviously know nothing about to someone who is clearly a nasty piece of work.
I have never met Andrew Tate, but I have seen enough of the kind of toxic nonsense he has published of himself in videos on social media etc. He has not apologised for any of this, or even said "it was all fake, that wasn't me, I'm not like that, I don't believe people should act that way". So I can only conclude that that is the kind of person he wants to be seen as and a form of behaviour he believes to be appropriate in the 21st century.
By the nonsense you have posted in this thread you have completely undermined your credibility.
Again, you're adjusting facts to suit your own false perception of reality. Of course you don't need to study facts because in your false reality, you already have the picture.
I didn't say Andrew Tate was Jesus, nor the son of God or anything like that. I drew comparisons between their situations. The main point being that both had many followers, who liked what they said and were unpopular with the ruling classes, so they were both persecuted.
I expect you'll be watching the BBC cut and shut version of the interview to reinforce your unreality.
The interview was quite interesting. In a normal one, I would have expected questions from the BBC like:
How is it inside a Romanian jail?
Are they treating it well?
How long do you expect to be under house arrest?
Will you be able to prove your innocence?
Have they said whether or when they're going to charge you?
Are you able to communicate with your family and friends?
Instead, from beginning to end, the BBC were extremely aggressive, like they hated him or they were the prosecuting police representative trying to trick him into saying something they could use as evidence of guilt. What does that tell you? The BBC are supposed to be independent to present normal people true facts, not prosecute people.
You should compare that interview with the Philip Shofield one, the guy who was kicked off TV under the aspersions of having groomed and had an affair with an underage boy. They were extremely sympathetic and calm, asking him questions as if they were his best friend, and they completely avoided the obvious questions, which I can't mention here, but I'm sure that you know what they are.