Stupidity of other road users


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
wasnt it "..there is no such thing as society, just a collection of individuals.." that Mrs T used, and here we are now, a collection of individuals scared of our children because of the 'individuality' they have been taught to display as a result of our own laws.

Stupid is as stupid does.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2008
Got to agree with most of the previous comments but if I can get back on the initial topic of Stupidity on the roads;-

I finished work at 2.00pm on Friday and set-off on my bike heading for home which is about 7 miles. I knew there was going to be a Cycle 'Tour of Britain' stage passing along the route at about that time as some posters had been put up on the route previously.

When I got onto the main road there were a handful of spectators waiting there but nothing much else was happening. A bit furthur along the road I was suddenly aware of flashing lights and several police motorcyclists drove past on the other side of the road going in the other direction. It seemed the race was imminent.

I wasn't prepared for what followed next. Dozens of motorcyclists went by followed by the main pack of racing cyclists who were followed very closely by dozens of their support vehicles. The max speed limit on this road is 40mph but they must have been going well over this. They went through like an express train. Some of them were even driving on my side of the road. What amazed me was that the road hadn't even been closed but traffic was still attempting to go in the same direction as I was.

Once they had passed the traffic started off in my direction again but within a couple of minutes there were more sirens and flashing lights as another group came into view and we hastily pulled over out of their way.

Yet again we set-off and came to temporary road works and lights. Just as some vehicles were about to go through on green another group of cyclists and motorbikes came hurtling through with the lead race car in front blasting his horn at the surprised drivers. There was almost a massive pile-up and people would most likely have been killed at the speeds they were doing.

Allowing this event to take place in this way was sheer madness. It was akin to driving the wrong way round a race track on a race day.

I still can't believe that this was allowed by the authorities. Any unsuspecting person crossing the road wouldn't have stood a chance.

I think this was another form of 'Stupidity on our roads', using it as a race track and sending a very bad message to youngsters and others as to what the roads are for.


Oct 25, 2006
The ToB problem you experiences Walkerman, was that our police just don't seem to be able to handle this event in the way the French police do with the Tour de France.

Our police are absolutely supposed to close and empty each road section in the same way as the French do, but year after year we have this sort of failure through ineptitude, and I remember a similar mess in South East London one year when not only was traffic allowed into a stage but many of the Tour riders were misdirected the wrong way by some flustered police officers and ended up on a network of tram-like on road railway tracks on the edge of the docks. Disastrous on their narrow tyres.

I didn't watch all of the Tour of Britain highlights programs and didn't see the episode you report, but no doubt they would have wanted to keep it quiet anyway. I doubt if our police regard the ToB as important anyway, as the French police would regard their Tour which is a national institution.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
The keyword in all teenage behavior is "destroy".

Well, I've re-read this before posting, and it looks like a load of eyewash, perhaps somebody can see the point I'm trying to make, if not, then just write it off as another rant.

'night all

Not at all sent me to sleep Bob and I can see the point you are trying to make. :)
I'm sure my previous posts sent members to sleep for a week! :D
I just simply despair about the way the youngsters in Britain are going and as Flecc says it is probably only 20% but those 20% are sure doing a damn good job of upsetting the remaining 80% of us :eek:
Children need to have boudaries and guidence, sadly lacking in todays society. I was going to go round to the parents house of one of the boys that destroyed my hedge as I knew where he lived, but I heard she was a bit of a hard case so didn't go as thought it may make matters worse :eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Hmmm, I'm inclined to believe it's the way we've all changed with greater awareness since Tony Blair jumped the gun and had this country needlessly rush into the Human Rights Act without any thought of the way it's well meaning objectives can be twisted by those with ill intent.

In fact, so fearful of being accidentally being seen in the wrong, a recent report said more Britons than at any other time in our history were more likely to NOT get involved if they saw someone being attacked, and instead walk on by. And social commentators wonder why it's reached this state of affairs. Just look to The Human Rights Act - it all got out of hand from there on in.
I've known of children threatening their parents with child abuse with a slap on the leg!
some youngters have no respect for their parents or any adults and just stay out all hours and who knows what they are up to? Gone are the days when you wanted to know as parents where your child was?
They watch violent movies, play violent games on consoles and they just do their own thing and even the good one's can fall into a bad crowd.
It just upsets me to see what is happening and wish there was a way to cure it :(
And as for the naughty step? what a load of twaddle!! :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2008

Not at all sent me to sleep Bob and I can see the point you are trying to make. :)
I'm sure my previous posts sent members to sleep for a week! :D
I just simply despair about the way the youngsters in Britain are going and as Flecc says it is probably only 20% but those 20% are sure doing a damn good job of upsetting the remaining 80% of us :eek:
Children need to have boudaries and guidence, sadly lacking in todays society. I was going to go round to the parents house of one of the boys that destroyed my hedge as I knew where he lived, but I heard she was a bit of a hard case so didn't go as thought it may make matters worse :eek:
Many people are experiencing what you have had happen to you Mandy. It is probably best to leave it as they can become more troublesome if you go to their parents. I've seen similar situations around our doors in the last couple of years. We shouldn't have to put up with this sort of behaviour but I don't know any answers. At 60 years of age now I am a bit concerned about what it will be like in another ten years. It is only a minority causing the problems but there appears to be no deterent nowadays.


Aug 4, 2008

I was cycling past a parked car today, whilst being overtaken by a car, who was being overtaken, in a 30mph zone, with a right hand bend approaching, with a removals lorry parked on the apex of the bend.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 16, 2007
Cornwall. PL27
On the way to Tesco's today committed myself to the roundabout (40mph speed limit) because the silver car coming across (from the far side) not indicating - must be going straight on right? No - asswipe swings right nearly shunting me up the ass (would have hit the trailer first) :eek:
Coming back to the same roundabout car coming in from the right, slowing (nothing on the roundabout). I slow and have to stop (dismount) give way to right. Car stops (give way signs on road) - nothing on roundabout. I am now stopped, dismounted with elbows on handlebars and chin in hands in total disbelief - woman driver (I shall say no more) ;)


Oct 25, 2006
Coming back to the same roundabout car coming in from the right, slowing (nothing on the roundabout). I slow and have to stop (dismount) give way to right. Car stops (give way signs on road) - nothing on roundabout. I am now stopped, dismounted with elbows on handlebars and chin in hands in total disbelief - woman driver (I shall say no more) ;)
Just a thought, could she have been French? We have very large numbers from France living in the South East now, and the roundabout rules in France are the opposite to ours. There it's give way to the person entering.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 16, 2007
Cornwall. PL27
Flecc posted
.... Just a thought, could she have been French? ....

Possible. In the end I just went and by the time I had gone round the roundabout (back to the place where she was) she was gone.
I didn't hear any screeching of tyres or crunching of metal so she must have stayed on the correct side of the road :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 16, 2007
Cornwall. PL27
I am seriously thinking about getting one of those action cameras, then should something happen again and I crash, I would have recorded evidence of what happened and who caused it. However, at £100 each they are not cheap, so it needs some more serious thought.
Finally taken the plunge and ordered a Sports Camera from Maplin. Should allow me to record the stupidity of other road users for prosperity (YouTube) or use in legal action.

Mini Multi-Function Pocket DV with Sporty Cam > Maplin


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 16, 2007
Cornwall. PL27
JohnInStockie posted:
.... Are you going to have it looking forwards or backwards, or on your head? ....

Not sure. Details says it comes with head and arm bands so I will have to try out both to see which one works best on the bike.
It's not only for use on the bike. Being an on-site Caretaker means I get called out at night to respond to the school burglar alarm. It will be useful for recording evidence, etc. I've had two face-to-face incidents with burglars so far (separate incidents) and both ran off in the opposite direction when they saw me.
So a very justifiable purchase :)
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