It's been a bit of a marathon but I've finally got the 201 36v Q128C fitted to my MTB - paired with PSWPowers 20s controller and a 48v 14.5ah battery from Jimmy at Insat.
I've gone to spin it up today and take it for its first test run and I have to say - it feels pretty gutless for want of a better word. So I'm wondering if something isn't quite right?
Only got it on the thumb throttle at the moment but spinning it up with full throttle, it max's out at about 29kmh/18mph. And that's without me sat on it. WIth me on it - I'd say 15mph was about it. I'm 13.5st so not particularly lardy!
So - is that all I can expect? I have a 1000w Cyclotricity motor laced into a much heavier beach cruiser bike and using the same battery - that flies.
Are there any LCD P settings that might be wrong? I was just expecting more. Again, I tried it out alongside another heavier beach cruiser that had a 250w Panada front drive motor on, and again, that easily outpaced the Q128C.
Any thoughts, much appreciated. I'll try and upload a video somewhere of it spinning up too.
Many thanks
It's been a bit of a marathon but I've finally got the 201 36v Q128C fitted to my MTB - paired with PSWPowers 20s controller and a 48v 14.5ah battery from Jimmy at Insat.
I've gone to spin it up today and take it for its first test run and I have to say - it feels pretty gutless for want of a better word. So I'm wondering if something isn't quite right?
Only got it on the thumb throttle at the moment but spinning it up with full throttle, it max's out at about 29kmh/18mph. And that's without me sat on it. WIth me on it - I'd say 15mph was about it. I'm 13.5st so not particularly lardy!
So - is that all I can expect? I have a 1000w Cyclotricity motor laced into a much heavier beach cruiser bike and using the same battery - that flies.
Are there any LCD P settings that might be wrong? I was just expecting more. Again, I tried it out alongside another heavier beach cruiser that had a 250w Panada front drive motor on, and again, that easily outpaced the Q128C.
Any thoughts, much appreciated. I'll try and upload a video somewhere of it spinning up too.
Many thanks