How the windings are connected. There are 3 phases, or sets of coils . Lets call them A, B , And C . So a third of the coils belong to each phase . Suppose we trace one input wire, and trace which coil it enters . Call That coil 1 and suppose it is the first coil of phaseA . current then exits this coil 1, misses two coils and enters coil 4 , misses two more coils and enters coil 7 . Suppose , during winding that only phase A has been completed. So we get a wound coil, two bare coil cores , a coil;, 2 bare cores and so on, until we get back around the motor to near where we started, We wind the first coil of phase B next door to coil1 and wind every third coil, back around to the start point . Phase c , we just fill in the remaining gaps.
So now every phase has a beginning wire and an end wire. The beginning wires all go to the controller . The end wires are all connected together . This method of interconnecting the phase is called"Y" connection . We can represent it diagramatically , by drawing each set of phase
s coils as just one long coil . So draw a letter Y with coils instead of lines.
A less common way to interconnect the phases is called Delta. Draw an equilateral triangle, but use coils instead of lines . Connect the wires from the controller to the points of the triangle. So each flexible input wire connects to TWO phase wires .
Whether Y or Delta an ohms reading between any 2 input wires should be the same . Draw the diagrams . Hope this helps.