problem with ai it is man made and given a agenda if it was real ai we all be wiped off the face of the earth.
happy skynet day
and at least he has mostly done what he said he was going to do not like our lot of pathological psychopaths'
like wtf is the point of pmqs? they dont answer anything because they are corporate scum that only cares about 1 thing, money and power and lots of big buns to blow you up with
ask the ai this why are the government importing ppl or purpose giving them benefits free houses and hotels and free driving lesions and oh crumbs the benefit bill is going through the roof lets slash 5 billion of the disabled.
problem is at this rate doing nothing is going to cost 27 billion more.
oh no we can get them all in to work then woohoo
Vacancies for December 2024 to February 2025
Figure 1: The estimated number of vacancies is broadly unchanged on the quarter, at 816,000
Number of vacancies in the UK, seasonally adjusted, December 2005 to February 2006, to December 2024 to February 2025
there importing near 1 million a year so hows that going to work? it dont.
we need to just stop oil flood the sea with it and set fire to it and im sure all the black clouds will block out the sun so 2 for 1 baby.