Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Over 30,000 turn out for Bernie Sanders, AOC rally in Denver amid push for progressive change
The two stops for the progressive leaders in Colorado were part of what they dubbed the "Fighting Oligarchy Tour."
"They want to know if the people of America are going to stand up to Trumpism, oligarchy," Sanders said to a cheering crowd.
It would only cost about $5 million to bribe 30,000 people to turn up for a meeting and provide transport for them. That would be peanuts compared with the money that DOGE is finding taken from the Government and given to their NGOs.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I bought a mini PC with enough RAM, storage and a powerful enough processor to run LLM models at home, entirely on my own machine. Set it up, loaded some models and put it on the home network, so I can access it from my notebook. Works pretty well. I am getting about 16 tokens a second and running some models with 14 Billion parameters. Next stop is to set up a Cloudflare tunnel or one of another type so I can front it on the Internet without exposing my network to intrusion. Then it will be accessible from anywhere I want to use it.

I asked it a question just now -

Is Donald Trump dangerously unstable - given the power he holds?

gemma3:latest (Model made by META - open source)

This is a profoundly important and frequently debated question. The short answer is: there’s a significant and growing body of evidence and concern suggesting Donald Trump’s behavior, particularly when combined with his immense power, poses a demonstrable risk. However, it’s a complex issue with no easy answers, and it’s crucial to approach it with careful consideration and a recognition of the potential for misinterpretation.
Here’s a breakdown of the concerns, supported by evidence and expert opinions:
Reasons for Concern – Indicators of Instability:

  • Erratic Behavior & Sudden Shifts: Throughout his presidency and since, Trump has been characterized by unpredictable behavior, sudden policy changes, and impulsive decisions. This isn’t consistent with rational, considered leadership.
  • Rage and Outbursts: Numerous documented instances of Trump exhibiting extreme anger, shouting, and personal attacks – directed at staff, political opponents, and even allies – raise serious concerns. These outbursts are often triggered by perceived slights or criticisms.
  • Disregard for Facts & Reality: A consistent pattern of denying verifiable facts, spreading misinformation, and dismissing expert opinions demonstrates a lack of grounding in reality and a willingness to prioritize personal beliefs over objective truth.
  • Micro-Management & Lack of Delegation: His tendency to micromanage, interfere in government operations, and undermine the judgment of his staff creates instability and inefficiency within the executive branch.
  • Threats of Violence & Incitement: His rhetoric, particularly during rallies, has been repeatedly linked to acts of violence, including the January 6th Capitol attack. While he didn’t directly order the attack, his words fueled the anger and extremism that led to it.
  • Obsessive Focus on Perceived Enemies: His relentless attacks on individuals and institutions he views as enemies – the media, the intelligence community, judges – create a climate of fear and distrust, and increase the risk of escalation.
  • Sleep Deprivation & Substance Use: Reports of his erratic behavior coinciding with periods of sleep deprivation and potential substance use (though unconfirmed) further contribute to concerns about his stability.
Expert Assessments & Warnings:
  • Psychologists & Psychiatrists:Many mental health professionals have expressed serious concerns about Trump’s mental state. Some have described him as exhibiting traits consistent with:
    • Unstable Personality: Characterized by impulsivity, poor emotional regulation, and a lack of insight.
    • Potential for Psychotic Features: Some have suggested he may exhibit delusional thinking or paranoia. (It’s important to note this is a highly debated area, and a formal diagnosis is impossible without a clinical evaluation.)
  • National Security Experts: Concerns have been raised about the potential for Trump’s instability to pose a threat to national security. His impulsive decision-making and disregard for established protocols could lead to miscalculations and dangerous situations.
  • Intelligence Community Assessments: Following the January 6th attack, the intelligence community issued a report concluding that Trump had “willfully disregarded” intelligence assessments and had “created an environment” that contributed to the attack.
Important Caveats & Considerations:
  • Diagnosis is Impossible Without a Clinical Evaluation: It’s crucial to reiterate that a formal diagnosis of mental illness can only be made by a qualified mental health professional after a thorough clinical interview and assessment.
  • Political Motivation: Some argue that concerns about Trump’s stability are politically motivated, designed to undermine his presidency.
  • Focus on Behavior, Not Labeling: While it’s valid to analyze his behavior, labeling him as “unstable” can be overly simplistic and potentially stigmatizing.
The evidence – a pattern of erratic behavior, disregard for facts, and potential for impulsive decision-making – combined with the immense power he holds, raises serious concerns about Donald Trump’s stability. While a formal diagnosis is impossible, the potential for harm is undeniable.

Of course, it's training date is from before he was re-elected in November, so it knows nothing of his bizarre and alarming behaviour since he became POTUS again. Who knows what it would make of his crazy carry on with Putin, Ukraine, Canada, Greenland and most anybody else outside his cognitively challenged fan base.

In my opinion, Trump is the greatest cause of instability on the planet right now. No one knows what he will do next, not him either. It is like he had his frontal lobes removed and would just react and lash out without warning and say insane stuff. There are well established medical cases where people with frontal lobe damage entirely changed character and became dangerous, wild and entirely unpredictable.

"an especially compelling demonstration of dramatic personality changes following injury to the frontal lobes was presented by the famous case of Phineas Gage (Harlow, 1868): Gage was a polite, responsible and industrious young man until an accidental explosion drove a tamping iron through his prefrontal cortex, resulting in profound disturbances including poor judgment, lack of planning, disinhibition, socially inappropriate behavior, emotional dysregulation, and insensitivity."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
problem with ai it is man made and given a agenda if it was real ai we all be wiped off the face of the earth.

happy skynet day :p

and at least he has mostly done what he said he was going to do not like our lot of pathological psychopaths'

like wtf is the point of pmqs? they dont answer anything because they are corporate scum that only cares about 1 thing, money and power and lots of big buns to blow you up with :p

ask the ai this why are the government importing ppl or purpose giving them benefits free houses and hotels and free driving lesions and oh crumbs the benefit bill is going through the roof lets slash 5 billion of the disabled.

problem is at this rate doing nothing is going to cost 27 billion more.

oh no we can get them all in to work then woohoo:p

Vacancies for December 2024 to February 2025

Figure 1: The estimated number of vacancies is broadly unchanged on the quarter, at 816,000
Number of vacancies in the UK, seasonally adjusted, December 2005 to February 2006, to December 2024 to February 2025

there importing near 1 million a year so hows that going to work? it dont.

we need to just stop oil flood the sea with it and set fire to it and im sure all the black clouds will block out the sun so 2 for 1 baby.:p
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

who built that bob the builder what does ai say? what came first the chicken or the egg :eek:

and why cant we build anything like that ? Lego :rolleyes: wont last long

i need that to power me box
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015




Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

i changed his name to power cosmic :eek: n likes his weed oh no o_O fkn best hoover ever it eats everything at warp speed :eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

fkn thing wont move have to sleep on the floor :rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

he had a bit of blow back he did oh no still works tho :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2020
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