Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
and have to pay a fkn solicitor 2k just to put in the right to buy is fkn extortion!:mad:
In case you don't know, you can do your own conveyancing as long as you're not taking out a mortgage. I've done that when I bought a house from the council via an auction. The only thing that you have to look out for is that yo'ure obliged to do the land registry stuff within quite a tight timescale or you can face penalties. I found out about that just in time. The cost for doing it youself is insignificant.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
our country is a corporation now and has been since the 70s.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
In case you don't know, you can do your own conveyancing as long as you're not taking out a mortgage. I've done that when I bought a house from the council via an auction. The only thing that you have to look out for is that yo'ure obliged to do the land registry stuff within quite a tight timescale or you can face penalties. I found out about that just in time. The cost for doing it youself is insignificant.
council wont have any of it but rather someone do it that knows what there doing as this thing is on housing defect act 1985.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
That's complete ball cocks. It looks like misdirection to me. The Great Reset and their infamous poster " You'll own nothing and be happy" waere around long before covid.

Here's the BBC talking about it in 2011. Don't forget that the BBC will try to make it sound sort of warm and cosy rather than the sinister thing it actually is. When guys like me painted a picture of 2024 back then, you'd have all called me nuts, just like you do now, and it's only just getting started.
But that poster is a political distortion put out by people promoting the idea that government is plotting to take everyone's money and freedom.

It is BLATANTLY a distortion since they have invented the poster and then put the logo of the WEF on it and a line saying it is based on the input of the WEF, which it isn't - it is THEIR interpretation of the positions of the WEF. This is exactly like that propaganda poster the Conservatives did of Blair with the demon eyes.


I have no interest in the WEF, but that poster is NOT their poster it is a political skit like the Conservatives one of Blair. It is propaganda.


Besides - the WEF is just like any political think tank there are probably hundreds of them world wide. They are the places that people who are fanatics about politics find a paying job pushing out shyte about their personal obsessions. Some of them get clowns like Prince Charles - now 'King' to speak at them and gormlessly drone on about their own obsessions - Charles apparently said something about Covid being an opportunity to reset the economy to take note of the 'green' agenda.

I find many of them quite annoying - especially one called 'The Inter Generational Foundation' which is run by an ex Conservative politican called Willets. They are just prattling gobsh ytes who love teh sound of their own voices and never got over being a student.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I don't know if you are playing a game here, but that's ridiculous. The ENTIRE leadership of Hamas and Hezbollah have been eliminated. Four thousand senior ranks in the Hezbollah were maimed beyond service in two attacks over two days when their personal communicators blew up in their face, or blew off their boll ocks.

You must be joking - you can NOT be serious. Their organisations are in total ruins. I will be surprised if something of the same sort doesn't happen in Iran in the coming days.

By the way - Iran will do VERY VERY badly against Israel. Their airforce was all bought by the Shah before 1979. Whereas Israel has the most modern stuff available and in shed loads. There are a lot of things about Israel's position under the most recent governments which I don't agree with and don't like, but there is no way they could or should put up with the provocations and outrages that Iran has conspired to create. Neither Hamas or Hezbollah would exist but for Iran's poisonous meddling. Same with the Houthis in Yemen. Iran needs to have its regime smashed and let those people have government elected by the people rather than a so called 'Supreme Leader', whose mind is set in the sixth century.

We already know that most of the people in Iran hate their government. They were rioting until the regime started killing them and hanged a load of them from cranes for 'Crimes against God'.
There was a professor of some American University ( I didn't catch the name because I left the TV on without really watching while i got on with my work) invited by bbc news tonight to comment on the event. He said more or less the same like I said.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
There was a professor of some American University ( I didn't catch the name because I left the TV on without really watching while i got on with my work) invited by bbc news tonight to comment on the event. He said more or less the same like I said.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

bail ins are the new bail outs so if you have savings in the bank its not your money every quid you pay in they lend out because they own it.

if a bank uses all its customers savings with bail ins you get a share for that amount if it goes bust you get nothing.

the bankers are the bank robbers go ask them for 50k cash and see what happens.

it wont come out a cash point unless you blow it up :eek:

who pays that :p
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
But that poster is a political distortion put out by people promoting the idea that government is plotting to take everyone's money and freedom.

It is BLATANTLY a distortion since they have invented the poster and then put the logo of the WEF on it and a line saying it is based on the input of the WEF, which it isn't - it is THEIR interpretation of the positions of the WEF. This is exactly like that propaganda poster the Conservatives did of Blair with the demon eyes.

View attachment 60240

I have no interest in the WEF, but that poster is NOT their poster it is a political skit like the Conservatives one of Blair. It is propaganda.


Besides - the WEF is just like any political think tank there are probably hundreds of them world wide. They are the places that people who are fanatics about politics find a paying job pushing out shyte about their personal obsessions. Some of them get clowns like Prince Charles - now 'King' to speak at them and gormlessly drone on about their own obsessions - Charles apparently said something about Covid being an opportunity to reset the economy to take note of the 'green' agenda.

I find many of them quite annoying - especially one called 'The Inter Generational Foundation' which is run by an ex Conservative politican called Willets. They are just prattling gobsh ytes who love teh sound of their own voices and never got over being a student.
You need to get your facts right, my friend. The poster was the front of about 8 slides published on the WEF website as part of a their presentation about how the Great Reset would affect us. It went viral pretty quickly on social media, which was probably it's purpose, then it was removed soon after. I can't remember all the other slides, but I think the last one was that you would no longer have to go and get stuff because it would be delivered by drone. Some of the others were about living in a city.

The WEF is a serious organisation. They have their Young Global Leaders training programme, which must be pretty good because, mysteriously, many of those trained go on to become global leaders, like David Cameron, Justin Trudeau, Leo Varadkar, Mark Rutte, Jacinda Ahern, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Ed Miliband and many more.

Watch what happens with Ed Miliband. He's been primed, so we can expect him to replace Starmer pretty soon.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
That guy explained that Israel has assassinated Hamas leaders before, in the last 20 years. That hasn't stopped anything. Same with Hezbollah.
As far as Iran is concerned, nobody wants to shut the strait of hormuz


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
You need to get your facts right, my friend. The poster was the front of about 8 slides published on the WEF website as part of a their presentation about how the Great Reset would affect us. It went viral pretty quickly on social media, which was probably it's purpose, then it was removed soon after. I can't remember all the other slides, but I think the last one was that you would no longer have to go and get stuff because it would be delivered by drone. Some of the others were about living in a city.

The WEF is a serious organisation. They have their Young Global Leaders training programme, which must be pretty good because, mysteriously, many of those trained go on to become global leaders, like David Cameron, Justin Trudeau, Leo Varadkar, Mark Rutte, Jacinda Ahern, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Ed Miliband and many more.

Watch what happens with Ed Miliband. He's been primed, so we can expect him to replace Starmer pretty soon.
First of all - as I said before I have no connection and no interest in the WEF. I do not support it, or any of the ideas of its members. I am against exaggeration, distortion and conspiracy theories - TOTALLY AGAINST - because they are lies.

That said - you are mistaken in what you say above. That slogan - 'You will own nothing, and you will be happy', comes from presentations and an essay by the radical Green Danish MP Ida Auken.

She has given a presentation which I have just watched in which she expounds her views on waste and waste management and tells of her enthusiasm for hiring rather than owning. It is not a view I would like much, but she is a half mad green woman who thinks it would be better to have a car rented to you when you want to go somewhere rather than to own one and have it stand outside your house for 98% of the time. For her - this is a better use of resources, and she thinks it will make you happy, because it is much cheaper to have the car only when you use it rather than all the time. She actually says, do you want to own a drill, or do you just want to have a hole in the wall when you want one. THAT is where the slogan 'You will own nothing, and you will be happy comes from.' It is nobodies policy but hers.

The WEF actually publishes a caveat on its stuff saying that these views are the views of contributors and not the organisation.

Now to me, this is just Green nonsense, but this is her view and the WEF is what it says on the tin - a FORUM - a forum where people express their ideas. There is nothing bad in hearing ideas - even when you don't agree with them.

This woman Auken has no power other than that ten years ago she was a Danish MP. I don't know where she is now, but there is not the slightest possibility that anyone is going to prevent you owning a drill rather than having one brought to your house when you need to drill holes.

So the way the meme has been publicised and interpreted is an ENTIRE FABRICATION.

Look here for the original talk by Ida Auken:

and here for a better description than mine of why the social media fuss is a distortion.

I am quite sure that Miliband (the loon) is primed. There are plenty on the left and in the green movement with radical views. I think Miliband would certainly shut down all the gas powered electricity generators if he could, but he will never be able to for reasons that I have written about here several times. He WILL cost us money though by wasting it on crazy schemes. If only the Conservative Party had not made such a shambles over the last few years because it is so full of wet behind the ears liberal fools and arrogant lawyers. In 2019 I had the hope that they might be really radical and throw out the ECHR and actually do what they promised. Sabotaged by a dithering half wit with too much hair and trembling ninnies, and now we have MiliBrain running around talking about closing gas fired power stations. He won't be able to, but he will cause problems in his efforts to do it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Woosh said:
That guy explained that Israel has assassinated Hamas leaders before, in the last 20 years. That hasn't stopped anything. Same with Hezbollah.
As far as Iran is concerned, nobody wants to shut the strait of hormuz.
I keep saying - they haven't assassinated 'A LEADER' They have taken out the entire command structure of Iran's most powerful proxy army in Lebanon and wiped out most of Hamas - especially the leadership. What can the rabble that are left do other than run around with small arms and RPGs? They are up against probably the most formidable intelligence machine on the planet (must be so - because they know exactly where most of the enemy leadership is and keep whacking them one by one) and they have a very formidable, high tech arsenal capable of wiping out a top commander IN the capital of Iran by blowing up the very room he was in and nothing else.

As for the Straights of Hormuz - Israel will respond to the Iranian's firing 200 missiles into their territory - just wait and watch. They are not interested in what Biden wants just before the election - though they might wait until after that point. This is an existential matter for them. If they wait until Iran has atomic weapons they will never be able to smash the poisonous cult in Tehran and they will always be fighting people who want to exterminate them. They WILL do for that regime. Just wait and see.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Just wait and see.
I can agree with that. Not with the rest of your argument though.
If they wait until Iran has atomic weapons they will never be able to smash the poisonous cult in Tehran and they will always be fighting people who want to exterminate them.
Iran may have already got enough plutonium (4kgs) to make a bomb if not many more. Iran is not much technologically behind North Korea. When I was at uni, Iran (then the Shah Reza Palawi) sent more students to my uni in science and engineering than all African countries combined, beating even Iraq and China. North Korea was then mainly agricultural.