Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
This is not accurate.

The forecast of very heavy rainfall preceded the event by as much as a week. The technique of cloud seeding is used in the UAE because it is a very arid region, but the outcomes of cloud seeding operations are utterly incapable of producing that amount of rainfall. The storms were being tracked long before they came to land and there were no cloud seeding operations even though there were meteorological flights. There is nothing surprising in a meteorological service operating flights to measure a well foreseen spectacular rain event. They run such flights here in the UK too, flying planes into thunder storms and such like events.

What caused the famous THunder Thursday that dumped a massive amount of rainfall on the north of England a few years back in the summer of 2012. I have never seen anything like that in my life. My car was stuck on a dual carriageway for several hours before I abandoned it and walked home, sometimes through four foot deep floods up to my chest. It was only 2 inches of rain, but it fell in about 20 minutes.

In 2015, Storm Desmond dumped 13 inches of rain in one day on parts of Cumbria. No seeding needed. That is 3 inches more than the UAE incident which was ten inches of rainfall.




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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
This is not accurate.

The forecast of very heavy rainfall preceded the event by as much as a week. The technique of cloud seeding is used in the UAE because it is a very arid region, but the outcomes of cloud seeding operations are utterly incapable of producing that amount of rainfall. The storms were being tracked long before they came to land and there were no cloud seeding operations even though there were meteorological flights. There is nothing surprising in a meteorological service operating flights to measure a well foreseen spectacular rain event. They run such flights here in the UK too, flying planes into thunder storms and such like events.

If they knew it was going to rain, why did they do the cloud seeding? They could have all had a day off and spent the money on drinks in the beach bar instead. There is a link to the admittance of the cloud seeding operation in a post last time we discussed it. Have a look at the posts just after the floods. It's there somewhere.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
If they knew it was going to rain, why did they do the cloud seeding? They could have all had a day off and spent the money on drinks in the beach bar instead. There is a link to the admittance of the cloud seeding operation in a post last time we discussed it. Have a look at the posts just after the floods. It's there somewhere.
It is not true. They didn't.

They flew meteorological flights but not seeding.

Cloud seeding is done on individual clouds. It works a bit, but not that well.

The Dubai flood was caused by a storm system the size of France.

It is all on record.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Right. I managed to track down the weather satellite imagery for the event in Dubai in April. This should finally put to bed the idea that it was done from an aeroplane by cloud seeding.

This image is about 1600 miles side to side. Roughly estimated, that puts the storm system as being about 500 miles across. Some seeding operation....

Source of video material:

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Right. I managed to track down the weather satellite imagery for the event in Dubai in April. This should finally put to bed the idea that it was done from an aeroplane by cloud seeding.

This image is about 1600 miles side to side. Roughly estimated, that puts the storm system as being about 500 miles across. Some seeding operation....

Source of video material:

Definitely caused by cloud seeding then. You can tell by the amount of pseudo science they bring out to try and cover it up.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
So let me get this straight.
On one hand the air quality improves by *Reducing* particulates.
And on the other, many are actively *Increasing* the particulates by deliberately "seeding" clouds (sounds better than polluting, eh? hehe :) ) .
While the east of the world is building dirty coal power stations at a rate of knots, which makes the whole debate merely academic.

And "sand" is coming over from the Sahara, sure it is.
With tea from China and sugar from Ceylon too I expect, ha.

Shows every cloud has a Silver (iodide) lining.
Keep wearing those rose-tinted specs, haha. ;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
As we thought, EV = economus veritas (economical with the truth) :cool:
Do we all get a free top of the range electric BMW that in no way affects our impartial reportage? I thought not! :confused:


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
Earlier in January this year, my car was covered in yellow dust.
Sometime millions of tons of sand are whipped up into the air and carried by high altitude wind all the way to the UK.
07-September 2023: Saharan dust cloud sweeps over UK covering cars in an orange powder - CBBC Newsround
Are we sure it's not Pollen? (Another version of the 'story')
Pine pollen is said to have aphrodisiac properties. Though I wouldn't advise anyone to test that 'theorey', hehe. ;)

Point being that if particulates are arriving from around the globe then LEZ and particularly ;-) ULEZ are utterly pointless.

Won't be a problem forever as Sahara is turning "green".


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Quite funny.
Alexa is very biased. When I was last down at my sister's we were testing it with all sorts of questions about chemtrails, covid vaccines, race, gender or anything like that. You ask it the same question but the other way round, and you get two different answers, like, is there such a thing as chemtrails? "No. It's a conspiracy theory". Does cloud seeding make chemtrails? "Yes".
  • :D
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Alexa is very biased. When I was last down at my sister's we were testing it with all sorts of questions about chemtrails, covid vaccines, race, gender or anything like that. You ask it the same question but the other way round, and you get two different answers, like, is there such a thing as chemtrails? "No. It's a conspiracy theory". Does cloud seeding make chemtrails? "Yes".
Amazon ai is a bit behind atm. Test it again next year.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Chat gpt 4o is so much ahead of that useless Amazon Alexa thing that it is in a different Universe.

If you ask your questions carefully you get VERY good answers. It's free. If you pay a moderate fee, you can get a very much faster response time and more power applied to your questions and also you get pretty much no usage restriction.

That said, The free one is normally blisteringly fast.

The other thing is ALL of these AI systems can go off on a hallucinating bender. You just have to be prepared for it when it happens.

Anyone who is interested should register for an account (free - I think it just needs an email address) and get stuck in to test it.

If you haven't tried it - don't knock it, because you're talking out of your backside - and using Alexa to talk down AI in general is like saying Ebikes are cr @p coz I rode a lead acid one in 1990 and it was heavy.

Go here, register and try it out:

Of course , there are some people who will shout bias just because a person, a news organisation, or an AI chat machine disagrees with them that the world is being run by a satanic paedophile cult, or that cloud seeding caused a massive flood in the UAE.

The problem is there are people - lots of them who don't want to hear anything that does not accord with what they already think. Personally, I am happy to change my mind when better evidence comes along. Not everybody is. This is especially true of people in cults of all kinds, or people whose outlook is religious.

In my view - cults and religion will ALWAYS mislead you. I spent the first few years of my life being taught that it was a sinful thing to doubt what I got told in church. When I got to about 17, or 18, I realised what a trap that was.

People trained in science are taught to ALWAYS doubt their data and to re-test it and have other people re-test it. This has been the thing that moved humanity out of the Dark Ages. It is far too easy to just look for evidence that supports what you already think. Where would we be if people hadn't challenged the beliefs of the past?
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