This is only the tip of the fundamentals of a decaying system. If you liked that then the "economic debt cycle" and the "cycles of history" by Ray Dalio, I know he's American and one of the biggest hedge fund dudes this world has ever seen, but he knows his stuff... Even though I take information from an American stand point, it is hard to deny that what happens over there is exported 9 out 10 times to the UK, not mentioning that little baby Boris was actually born in New York. Google his full name
There is far too much money from the likes of QE, something like 30 Trillion has been created since 2020 from central banks around the world include the UK. When they first did in 2008 it went to the banks, although unfair it helped prevent it overloading the system and limited inflation, now it's monetizing Gov debt, inflation is always a monetary phenomenon, a small amount of inflation from supply and demand is normal that would be the 2% they target but these 9%^ rates are surplus cash. And looking at a basket of goods in 1980 to measure our inflation rate now it would be 19+% - Things can only get worse and, tin foil hats people, I think it's to pave a way to the CBDC, end the banks and reinforce the Central banks power.
I see this more and more encroaching into our society. Every time I reach a stable financial footing something, in this case Energy bills halts my progress, I am glad I ditched debt a few years ago, debt free since 2011.
It's trickle up! This is what tends to happen towards the end of a debt base system.