Very easy for you to say in your situation, but only a miniscule number can and do live in such conditions and such a way.
Where I live is far more representative. A flat with vast areas of window glass losing heat, despite the gas filled double glazing. Electricity only for everything, heating, cooking, hot water, lighting, entertainment. That all ends up with an unavoidable huge fuel cost, despite the most energy efficient everything in my home.
Now add that I'm 86 with a failing heart and our ever growing older population. That means limited exercise so less muscle heat generated, and in turn less food consumption so less heat from combusting the food I consume. So I have difficulty maintaining body temperature and more clothing can't keep in heat which isn't there in the first place.
In other words the continuance of mine and many other lives depends on heat from external sources for much of the year.
And I get annoyed at politicians and others constantly saying don't leave anything on standby. Today's electrical equipment is very economical on standby but needs to be left on. My current OLED TV has to be on standby to receive software updates, but at only a miserly 1 Watt standby current, that costs just £2.54 a year on the new very high unit prices from this April.
Standby barely has any influence of fuel costs, nor does LED lighting. It's heating of any kind which is the villain, especially if directly electrical. The best solution to that is a heat pump, but a very high proportion of the homes we have, like mine, simply cannot be converted to that.
So to make any real headway on this subject, we need to start again and rebuild Britain to suit. Ultra low heat loss homes with heat pumps or benefitting from heat and power schemes. Scrapping out of town shopping in retail parks etc to cut the excess driving that people do. Localising work places and homes to drastically cut the immense total of current commuting travel. Plus anything else that can be thought of to stop people's addiction to being on the mechanised move all the time.
Alternatively, large scale euthanasia, for example people as well as motorways having a 70 limit!
