We can do anything we like if we put our mind to it, including batteries.
Remember where the Industrial Revolution started and remember what most of the rest of the world was like 150 years ago.
Forty years ago,the Chinese were making crude hammers and crude everything. Most of them lived in a peasant economy. Now they make everything - no matter how high tech and they can make it well.
The only reason is that they worked together to make something happen and the rest of the world got suckered into the idea that exporting our own work to them and buying stuff on the cheap was a clever ruse.
It wasn't. Our own wealth and productivity has been squandered by this, ' buy cheap and export jobs' approach. You don't need to go to them as surfs and supplicants to beg a partnership. We should stop them dumping product at ridiculous prices, by imposing massive tariffs and we should make our own stuff.
Remember where the Industrial Revolution started and remember what most of the rest of the world was like 150 years ago.
Forty years ago,the Chinese were making crude hammers and crude everything. Most of them lived in a peasant economy. Now they make everything - no matter how high tech and they can make it well.
The only reason is that they worked together to make something happen and the rest of the world got suckered into the idea that exporting our own work to them and buying stuff on the cheap was a clever ruse.
It wasn't. Our own wealth and productivity has been squandered by this, ' buy cheap and export jobs' approach. You don't need to go to them as surfs and supplicants to beg a partnership. We should stop them dumping product at ridiculous prices, by imposing massive tariffs and we should make our own stuff.