Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
Geoengineering Could Alter Global Climate. Should It?
Scientists and companies increasingly support blocking some sunlight to avoid the worst impacts of global warming.

Good Clickbait, y. Reckless Pollution of the Air we breathe. Better to investigate who is Funding this ? 'Follow the Money'.
In any case the Eastern countries are producing enough sulphur dioxide from UN-scrubbed coal fired power plants to "dim" the sun quite a bit. Then there's all the UN-intentional coal fires around the world!
Don't NASA show this with all their "shatellites"? :cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2020
I like the witty way he delivers, hehe, "Unicorn Energy" :)
Just another snake oil salesman. His doctorate is in American history, not climate/meteorology or anything like that.

Playing a tune to the conspiracy thinking masses and making an income out of it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Geo-engineering works like this Natural phenomenon:
"While a 1.2°C change in temperature might seem minor, it was enough to disrupt weather systems across the planet, leading to 1816 being remembered as the “Year Without a Summer.” "

1.5°C: what it means and why it matters

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Are there hidden oceans inside the moons of Uranus? Their wobbles could tell us

"The chance of liquid oceans hiding beneath the surface of moons orbiting Uranus has enticed NASA to begin planning a new mission that will send a spacecraft to the ice giant.

The mission is still in the conceptual planning stage. If the mission moves forward, it would be only the second in history to visit Uranus, after Voyager 2 flew by in 1986. And if it finds liquid water oceans inside Uranus's moons, we might have the answer to a profound question to aid our search for life among the stars."

  • :D
Reactions: MikelBikel


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
'Sky-high' UK train fares most expensive in Europe and driving passengers away
T&E has cautioned against assuming that sky-high ticket prices equate to top-notch train performance, noting there's "no correlation" between expensive fares and factors such as punctuality and passenger satisfaction


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
Is everybody without power enjoying the "Back to Basics" of the 'Climate Alarmists'?
No, why not? Getting warmer isn't it?, -2degC is nothing.
Wait until they've blotted out the sky with SO2 and you've no fuel to cook your bug burgers with soy milk, oops! :) Screenshot_20241210-112718_Chrome.jpg
Anyone noticed the Clear Skies we've been having since the Storm grounded the chem-trailers, mm?
Just real condensation trails, evaporating behind the planes .. but don't look up, hehe :cool:
Meanwhile, in the East...chuff, chuff, chuff, biznezz as usual, haha.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
The question is nonsensical gibberish
Renwick doesn't know what he is talking about. He is reading gibberish from a script and he doesn't understand what he is saying. Mickel Bickel likewise does not understand.

There are facts in science - measurable, empirical data, and there are estimates. They ARE NOT THE SAME.

Like some other gasses - in particular water vapour and methane, co2 DOES prevent infra red heat escaping from the atmosphere. Renwick does not believe this because he is an ignoramus.

The greenhouse effect is a certain, real, and measurable fact.

What is NOT CERTAIN, and can only be guessed at, is what impact on the planet the two hundred years of releasing huge amounts of previously fossilised carbon into the atmosphere, will have on our ability to live where we live now and feed ourselves as we do now. WE DO NOT KNOW the impact of this yet.

This human released co2 was previously locked up by biological and geological processes under ground, as oil, methane gas and coal.We have released two trillion metric tonnes of co2 since the beginning of the industrial age and are continuing to release 40 billion metric tonnes each year. The rate of carbon release is increasing exponentially - particularly by China and India which are rapidly industrialising on a huge scale.

The only thing Renwick - who is an obvious fool, should be debating is what impact this will have. We do not KNOW that. We can only make estimates about it.

Personally, I think many of the eye catching slogans we see on this part of the debate are over blown, but there will be effects and we already see effects which are FACTS and are measurable empirically observable changes.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
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  • :D
Reactions: POLLY


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
"Carbon Offset" scam is exposed for all to see.
And it was tv reporters doing it, not government!
Can we see the NASA "shatellite" pics from Amazon deforestation of all those "Carbon Capture" trees? :cool:
  • :D
Reactions: POLLY


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Can you spell satellite normally like all of us on here?
I like the video but what connection does that scam have with deforestation?