Grievances like asylum seekers are given priority for council houses.
Asylum seekers with children are given priority over other people.
A month ago, i spoke to a respectably dressed man of about 64, in a shop doorway with a sleeping bag. I asked him if he was alright and how had he come to be camping in a doorway. He told me he had stopped his work to look after his wife who had cancer, and that they had been able to pay their rent from some savings and the attendance allowance he got as her carer. She has since died, and he was then of course cut off from the attendance allowance. He was evicted from the house they had rented and was unable to obtain accomodation.
Now i do not know that he has or has not navigated properly the laberynthine council process, but i do know he was on the streets and said he was refused help, and i do know that plenty of new migrant families who have crossed the channel uninvited from France have been put into council houses. I know of one in particular that i have seen with my own eyes.
Do i think the situation is right and proper that a man after probably nearly fifty years of tax contribution is on the streets and an African woman lately arrived illegally in England has a council house in a village near me?
No. I do not.