For what it's worth, I can't agree with you over this. The law, however flawed, trivial and at times ineffective, is all that we have standing between what we have now and chaotic anarchy, and I don't believe that there can be any self justification for manipulating it to suit individual circumstances. If a person breaks the law, and is caught, they must take the medicine. By all means put forward mitigation but don't lie, it's an ugly character trait.
I'm not saying that I don't drive at excess speed and all the other, minor things, I do. But when caught, and I have been, I take it on the chin. A few years ago, I could have easily got away with a speeding fine, but I didn't. I'd committed the offence, been fairly caught by a camera and felt compelled to take the points and pay the fine. Due to the circumstances, I could have easily got out of this with a result of no one being fined or receiving points. I try to live my life by being open and honest over all matters both serious and minor. This has served me well because I am honoured by the fact that the people I associate with trust me, and I am surrounded by people who I have complete trust in too. It's a nice feeling.
I'm afraid to say that anyone who is a bit, dodgy with the truth, gets a wide berth.
Well, we are all different and what is seen as serious to one person is seen as more trivial to another....thats life, I may not agree with your opinions either but I respect your right to them.
I suppose I subscribe to the 'white lie' theory in life, I dont think it makes me a worse person, or indeed untrustworthy, I think there are a lot more important and serious things in life to worry about than asking my partner to possibly take 3 points on his licence.
After all, some may say that you admitting to driving at excess speed is an ugly character trait too......and your friends still apparently like and trust you.......perhaps, as you say that you like to live your life being "open and honest over all matters ", some could say that that should cover driving at all times within the speed limit, but of course, in reality, life isnt like that, we all break laws at some time, hopefully all minor ones, and I for one refuse to be sanctimonious about others frailties, Im a realist, we are none of us perfect.
I might add that I too have a nice feeling being surrounded by my many friends who like and trust me implicitly....... even if I did once think about the possibility of letting my husband take my points so that we could both continue driving, working and supporting our family.
And if you are still being 'dodgy with the truth' over your speeding I think I would be giving you a wide berth too