Thanks flecc & Leonardo for the very useful information

- its good to know the batteries last well, despite the 'strange' construction (7 series & 2 parallel of 3.72V 4Ah to make 26v 8Ah)
you described previously, especially if extra batteries are that pricey!

Will 50cycles supply spare/replacement batteries?
I'd also missed that the battery and bike have a 2 year warranty, which is reassuring in principle.
Its also good for sharing of information that we may soon have the same kalkhoff/flyer panasonic 'premium' type bikes available in the UK and Italy

I'm already liking the German 'perfectionist' and efficient approach, having gathered from the agattu pedelec page that it has a 41 tooth front chainwheel and 21 rear sprocket as standard, giving a 244% standard gear range of 34.5" - 84.5" (it is the shimano
nexus inter-7, isn't it? (2 hubs are listed on that page, but they have the same gearing). Also shimano says the hub can take 16-23 teeth sprocket, so it seems some scope for gearing down, but more for gearing up
