I agree the barge will not sort out the problems but between dp word and tilbury docks and the planned tilbury 2 port how many thousand lorry journeys per day [one in one out] . It was just ironic to see the old and the new in one place and how few staff work in dp world London everything is gps
The railway runs into both ports but is under utilised
I cannot see what the charge will achieve,[ when the fist c charge started vech numbers went down but within two years went way up] the vehicles still need to deliver the goods and service staff need to visit multiple sites [I tried the steps and tools on the tube once
I am now retired ] to travel in to the city by van and park for 8 hours costs
the only thing it will do is raise money [tax] wait and see it come to a every city near you soon .
Electric vans are still limited on range and if we all plugged in to the national grid it cannot cope, the cost of new power cables to each street yet alone the disruption for the infrastructure work. I have noticed the met police trail of electric bmw and 11 Toyota hydrogen cars under the mayors zero emission plan the rumour is they have to go mile's out of london to fill up
The railway runs into both ports but is under utilised
I cannot see what the charge will achieve,[ when the fist c charge started vech numbers went down but within two years went way up] the vehicles still need to deliver the goods and service staff need to visit multiple sites [I tried the steps and tools on the tube once
Electric vans are still limited on range and if we all plugged in to the national grid it cannot cope, the cost of new power cables to each street yet alone the disruption for the infrastructure work. I have noticed the met police trail of electric bmw and 11 Toyota hydrogen cars under the mayors zero emission plan the rumour is they have to go mile's out of london to fill up