Since when has good taste, coolness or being fashionable got anything to do with your age (or sex)?Then maybe not, if your mother rides this bike then it can't be cool.
Good taste and design sense has more to do with education than being over 60 and a member of the Conservative party. Despite what many forum members would have us believe I am sure that there are also members of the Conservative Part who have good taste in design... Well a few anyway...
My personal opinion on the design of e-bikes for sale in the UK is just that - my personal opinion, but I may have let slip that I think the Germans and the Swiss do better design when it comes to e-bikes. The British exceptions are, well... just exceptions. Shame because there are many brilliant UK industrial designers.
For me the Gtech is good industrial design. No gears? That isn't a problem in most cities. Too limited a market? Remind me of the population of London?