I'd uninstall SDCC. Then make this folder to install it into:
on C:
And install it into that.
If you can't find the uninstaller, just install it again into that folder named above.
Next, I would make sure that the folder containing JavaConfigurator.jar and all it's files and subfolders are moved (or decompressed as, using Winrar - this is my preferred method, because it's very clear when a zip file is a zip file and not a folder, and one simply drags and drops folders out of zip files onto drives easily, and it decompresses in the process) to a directory called:
This should be on C:
It must not be a zipped folder.
A good alternative is 7zip, because zip files will look like zip files and not folders. It'd need zip files associating with 7zip, because Windows 10 doesn't do that properly. Try Winrar first.
7zip is free:
Then edit the bat file with the correct path using Notepad++, and start the congurator using the command line.
So in the command console, type
cd.. and enter, as many times as you need to, and get to C:\
cd TSDZ2-Smart-EBike-1-master
Then type
cd src
Then type
cd controller
"cd" means change directory. When you type that with two dots at the end ie "cd.." you're instructing going up a branch of the directory structure each time. If you keep typing cd.. you will end up on root directory ie C: In this case it's c:\ If you have more than one drive, it could be d, e, f, z etc. I usually install my OS on E: because automatic malware tries to hack the OS on C and not as often on E, but I digress.
When you type cd followed by a directory name, you will move to that directory if you're next to it.
Alternatively, you can just type:
cd C:\TSDZ2-Smart-EBike-master
...but it's worth knowing just a bit about the command line, as it comes in handy.
When you're in the right directory ie C:\TSDZ2-Smart-EBike-master\
...type this to start the configurator:
java -jar "JavaConfigurator.jar"
Other than the path being wrong on the wiki, the steps on the wiki are correct. As you can see below, the stvp folder is directly next to STMicroelectronics, so that part of the path should include:
...within that line.