...and that second line didn't work because I forgot your firmware is in a different folder, it shouldn't be:
@Nealh Could you have a look in that folder to see if that file actually exists? My Windows 7 Pro computer is an Intel i7 4790, and you must have an AMD CPU, so the installation differs. That file may not actually have been installed. If a file called:It readsC:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_333\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg
Wish my PC could fetch takeaways like that! That level of animation is very high indeed, must have cost a lot!if you had one of them new soc applecraps they can sort it for you for 5k just push a button and of it goes
...and he sleeps under a pyrmid frame covered in LED lights with crystals in the middle, and swears that this world isn't the only real world, and the world he dreams about - which always contains the same people - is also real... he actually now believes he lives in two worlds in different universes. Maybe all the gear he's been taking for the past 15 years will eventually wear off, now that he suddenly has a kid on the way, due at the end of June.if you had one of them new soc applecraps they can sort it for you for 5k just push a button and of it goes
This is very exciting news Nealh! I think that the Java installer on your new laptop has had it's script disrupted or corrupted, or has been confounded in it's installation by some program running, or some program or OS component blocking, or has been confused by your AMD CPU, and left the path and a file missing. The path we've fixed, but that file needs installing - therefore the 32 bit version of java is worth trying on that particular machine, because the 32-bit installation contains that file, and may install it plus make it available... Hope it all works on your old laptop!I dug out a very slow notebook which has a smashed screen, a dead battery and a dodgy dc adapter and is also an early version of w10 which hasn't seen an update for aout 6 years. Thought now't to lose and it has taken an hour to download the 83mb file and YES we have java downloaded and installed as confirmed by Cmd prompt.
All I have to do no is coax it to download th rest now and we may be in business.
Let us know how it goes!I dug out a very slow notebook which has a smashed screen, a dead battery and a dodgy dc adapter and is also an early version of w10 which hasn't seen an update for aout 6 years. Thought now't to lose and it has taken an hour to download the 83mb file and YES we have java downloaded and installed as confirmed by Cmd prompt.
All I have to do no is coax it to download th rest now and we may be in business.
It was the speed, DMTs, smack, Es, coke, magic muchrooms plus LSD and other, which caused his problems (I think)... the life of a techno DJ is a mad one. Lots of chicks though!must be **** stuff lol i have been stoned for 30 yearsmy volcano was born in 2002 and still going.
Actually, I'd need an instruction manual - hardware is too pricey! Folks on the Techno DJ scene these days use Ableton and a lot of soft synths and virtual samplers. I just use a very old version of Sony Acid, but might try Ableton or Bitwig - thing is, putting in the time to learn either of those packages (or hardware) is only worth it if one is obsessed with making music, has the time to do it and it's financially worth doing so. Making short melodies/jingles and strange sounds is just something I do to wind down, after a hard day at work...yet you give them a s5000 akai sampler and there fooked ppl these days are thick as shite
I've made hundreds of melodies and sounds over the past 10 years... ready to assemble for my eventual album, someday when I have the time!yet you give them a s5000 akai sampler and there fooked ppl these days are thick as shite
Do you still make music? Your studio has a lot of nice toys (as well as the non-audio ones!), it's relaxing stuff, making strange noises...yet you give them a s5000 akai sampler and there fooked ppl these days are thick as shite